
Parameters to be set in the config.json file

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I am having Ubuntu 18.04 running as VM on windows host. In the same VM I have installed all the Chirpstack components namely Gateway-Bridge, network Server and Application server. I have installed the LWN-Simulator too in the same VM but while executing the 'make run' command I am getting the error as :

2sudip@sudip_ubuntu:~/LWN-Simulator$ make run
2021/11/09 14:37:10 LWN Simulator is online...
2021/11/09 14:37:10 [WS]: Listen [ ]
2021/11/09 14:37:10 [WS] [ERROR]: listen tcp bind: address already in use is my VM ip address.

The same 8000 port I have used while adding network server in the application server web interface.

What shall I do to get the websocket of the simulator to get connected?

Please help!!

This error means that the port is used by another process, but you can change the port for the LWN Simulator in the config file.