RISC-Zero Trusted Setup Ceremony



System Requirements

System Minimum Requirements
✔️RAM 8 GB
✔️Bandwidth 25 Mbps

GitHub Account Requirements:

You must have at least 1 publicly accessible repository. You must be following at least 5 GitHub users. You must have at least 1 follower.


Setup Dependencies and Install Binaries:

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.0/install.sh | sh -
source ~/.profile
mkdir p0tion-tmp
cd p0tion-tmp
nvm install 16.20
nvm use 16.20
npm install @p0tion/phase2cli

Verify GitHub Account

Note: When you enter the code, it will give you a code on the page. you will go to this link and paste that code. https://github.com/login/device

npx phase2cli auth


Since this step is an interactive shell and cannot be run in the background, screen will be used during the process.

screen -S risczero
npx phase2cli contribute

Follow the instructions and continue until you see the message "You must wait for xxx participants (~xx:xx:xx:xx:00 (dd/dd/dd/ss))".

To close the screen, hold down the CTRL key and press the A key and then the D key. To check your progress

 screen -r risczero 

run the following code when the operations are completed successfully

npx phase2cli clean