Prepping for TWU

Assignment: Biblioteca Release 1

Instructions to push your code to

  1. Sign into GitHub and create a new repository Repository name: twu-biblioteca-yourname Privacy level: Public Don't check "Initialize this repository with a README" Add .gitignore: None Add a license: Apache License 2.0

  2. Run 'git init' in the folder that was extracted from the downloaded .zip file, in order to initialize local repository.

  3. Make a local commit. $ git add -A $ git commit -m “Initial commit”

(Dont forget to add the hidden .idea folder, as it will make opening your project in Intellij easier.)

  1. After you are done with the local commit, you can share your code with "The World" by pushing it to your GitHub repository. $ git remote add origin $ git push origin master

Instructions to open your code in Intellij

  1. Go to File -> Open (or Open Project)
  2. Select the directory containing the code DONE !

Technical Requirements

All the code must be developed using TDD. Biblioteca needs to be a console application. Use your own imagination for any UI elements We do not need a database for this release.