
Open-source, extremely verbose interpreted language written in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Open-source, extremely verbose interpreted language written in C#. Its main objective is to make an easily readable programming language that is grammatically correct in English.


  • Binary operators (+, -, /, *, %, &&, || >, >=, <, <=)
  • Binary bitwise operators (&, |, ^)
  • Unary operators (-, +)
  • Unary bitwise operators (~)
  • Variable assignment (bool and int)
  • More variable types (float, double, strings)
  • If and switch statements, while and for loops
  • Functions
  • Classes


  • Better 'for' loop syntax to include increment control
  • Currently to concatenate string we use the same operator as addition which is the 'plus' word. However I would prefer it to be the '+' symbol so I'll have to work on that
  • Add a 'do-while' loop