
IceFlow SIA routines for packaging example

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status


IceFlow.jl is a Julia package for simulating and visualising ice flow dynamics. It offers tools for setting up grid-based simulations, running numerical solvers, and visualising the results.


  • Grid Setup: Define spatial grids for simulations.
  • Data Handling: Manage ice flow parameters and synthetic data.
  • Simulation: Numerically simulate ice dynamics over a grid.
  • Visualization: Visualise simulation results.


To install IceFlow.jl, use the Julia package manager:

using Pkg


The run_example.jl script provides an example on how to run IceFlow.jl:

using IceFlow
using CairoMakie

# physics
β      = 0.01                  # mass-balance slope
c      = 2.0                   # mass-balance limiter
a1     = 1.9e-24 * ρg^3 * s2yr # ice flow parameter
a2     = 5.7e-20 * ρg^3 * s2yr # ice flow parameter

# numerics
resol  = 256
nt     = 1e4                 # number of time steps
dt     = 0.1                 # time step [yr]
nout   = 1e3                 # visu and error checking interval
ϵ      = 1e-4                # steady state tolerance
grid   = Grid(resol, resol)
data   = Data(β, c, a1, a2, grid)

# run and visualise the results
visualise(solver(data, grid, nt, dt, nout, ϵ)...)


For more detailed documentation, query the help from within the REPL:

julia> ?

help?> IceFlow

help?> IceFlow
search: IceFlow

  module IceFlow

  # [...]


Contributions to IceFlow.jl are welcome!


IceFlow.jl is licensed under MIT License.
