
Appdaemon App which connects to the Netcup SCP API and generates for every VServer an sensor with basic stats

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Appdaemon App which connects to the Netcup ServerControlPanel API and generates for every VServer an entity with basic stats.

The app creates a single sensor with all active servers in a single array.

For each entity in the array, the app creates an sensor with the "Online/Offline" as the state. If available additional data like free space or ip addresses are stored in the attributes of each entity.


you need to change the scp_user and scp_api_passw to your ServerControlPanel user and api password. If you dont have an api-password, you can request it in your ServerControlPanel.

The timer defines time beteween each update in minutes. Default value is every hour.

"suds-community" python-package in Appdaemon required!

only works with appdaemon 4.0.4 or later !!!