Join Quipper test

If you have any questions about this test, this position and Quipper, please email to .


Create a simple tasks management (TODO style) web application.

Expected time

3-4 hours.

Requirements / Notes

  • Use the latest stable Ruby
  • Use the latest stable Ruby on Rails
  • Most of codes should be test-covered
  • Using any database is allowed (Quipper is using MongoDB)
  • Using any testing-framework is allowed (Quipper is using rspec / capybara)
  • Using any open source libraries in any layers are allowed
  • Using any web service are allowed (e.g. Amazon S3 for storing uploaded files)
  • You don't have to finish all the user stories.
  • You don't have to finish the user stroies in that order

User stories to be implemented

  • As a user, I want to create a task so that I will not forget something to do.
  • As a user, I want to create a task with a deadline so that I will not miss deadline.
  • As a user, I want to edit a task so that I can change a task after I created
  • As a user, I want to mark a task as done so that I can distinguish incomplete tasks from complete ones.
  • As a user, I want to see all tasks which didn't meet deadline as of today.
  • As a user, I want to delete a task so that I can remove task which is not a task any more.

How to take this test

  1. Create a repository in your github account
  2. Implement the user stories above on the repository

How to submit

  1. Send a url to the repositiry to or your agency when you comes from an agency

What we want to see in this test

  • Your skills of writing code (logical / simple / DRY)
  • Your working knowledge of testing.
  • Your working knowledge of Ruby / RoR
  • Your working knowledge of libraries related to Ruby/RoR
  • Your working knowledge of Git (Github) operation
  • Your total ability of building a simple but rich user interface web system

What we don't see in this test

  • User / session management
  • Number of user stories are completed

"Nice to have" user stories

  • As a user, I want to see tasks list ordered by created date
  • As a user, I want to see tasks list ordered by deadline
  • As a user, I want to tweet a completed task
  • As a user, I want to attach files to a task
  • As a user, I want to get notified by email after a deadline exceeded.

And any cool features are welcome.