
Make tutlebot from urdf file by urdf importer, but it's not running.

yuataka opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for this project.

I have some trouble about AVG controller.

I made from turtlebot from this turtlebot3 model by urd fimporter.
After that, I attached AGV controller and set up like this.

However, this turtlebot was not running by ros cmd_vel topic.
ROS can receive /scan topic and I checked cmd_vel was received in Unity by Debug.Log function, but turtlebot3 was not running.

Screenshot from 2022-10-21 16-43-28

Could someone give me some advice? Thanks.

After I increased cmd_vel's max speed, the turtlebot3 could turn left and move backward, but could not turn right and go straight.