
Is PySoloTools suitable for transforming the Multiview SOLO Dataset into COCO Dataset format?

Rawdreen opened this issue · 0 comments

In the solo2coco.py script, there is a specific method def _process_instances(...) that solely utilizes the first item within the list, and evidently, this is the limiting factor impeding the conversion process of the multi-camera SOLO Dataset.

    def _process_instances(
        frame: Frame, idx, output, data_root, solo_kp_map
    ) -> Tuple[Dict, List, List, List]:
        logger.info(f"Processing Frame number: {idx}")
        image_id = idx
        sequence_num = frame.sequence
        rgb_capture = list(
            filter(lambda cap: isinstance(cap, RGBCameraCapture), frame.captures)

        img_record = SOLO2COCOConverter._process_rgb_image(
            image_id, rgb_capture, output, data_root, sequence_num
        ) = SOLO2COCOConverter._process_annotations(
            image_id, rgb_capture, sequence_num, data_root, solo_kp_map

        return img_record, ann_record, ins_ann_record, sem_ann_record

Are there existing methods within PySoloTools to convert a SOLO Dataset with multiple cameras into the COCO format collectively?