
Is pysolotool doesn't support conversion of pose labels to COCO format?

write2nishantcse opened this issue · 0 comments

After assigning pose labels for keypoint labeler I can see the annotation and labels in SOLO format. But after converting to COCO format any information related to pose labels and Metadata Reporter Label is missing.


  • Assign bounding box 2D, keypointLabeler and MetadataReporterLabeler on perception camera
  • Assign pose config for any animation in keypointLabeler array
  • create data using that animation on any humanoid model
  • In SOLO format all of the above labels will be visible
  • Convert this SOLO data to COCO (Issue: There will be error if you don't add box2DLabeler)
  • In COCO format you can only see bbox labels and key point labels. All other labels will be missing.