
Create Slack & Gitter Chat Channel

hasanbayatme opened this issue · 10 comments


This would be an awesome work to make Gitter and Slack chat channel for who have questions and need help.



We can invite them to slack.


there is already popular unity slack: https://unitydevs.slack.com/
& unity discord https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/discord-unity-developer-hub.417893/
and many smaller ones for unity devs, so might not be worth the trouble?

Right, but i mean a chat channel specially for Unity Library.

yeah, could try it then. (actually that might be good place for planning requests and new repositories, instead of posting all as issues right away)

Good, you got me! so make one and invite us.

there is now https://unitylibrary.slack.com/

but need to setup automatic joining page.. something like https://github.com/outsideris/slack-invite-automation unless there are some other options to do that?

@unitycoder You can make heroku.com slack in but the link you shared is better than it.

@unitycoder What about Gitter channel?

*never used gitter before, if there is something else to setup can you check?

All done. nothing more, thanks.