
UTN-P ERC20 smart contract and tools

Primary LanguageJava

UTN-P (“Universa TokeN, Placeholder”)

This repository contains the UTN-P smart contract source code itself (utn-p.sol); the related smart contracts (such as BulkSender.sol or TokenTimelock.sol); and also the Java accessor module and CLI tool to control these smart contracts from Java code.

Source code map

  • /utn-p.sol – the primary source code of Universa UTN-P ERC20 token.
  • /BulkSender.sol – the smart contract capable of owning and mass sending of the same ERC20-compatible token (no matter what one, it is not fixed in the code of BulkSender) to multiple addresses at once. It significantly saves the transaction fees.
  • /utnp (directory) – the Java accessor to the smart contracts; also, the CLI tool(s) to simplify it. See /utnp/README.md for details. Use them at your own risk!

Smart contract dependencies

To compile this, you need solidity and web3j command line tools installed.

Installing solidity

The details are available at https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/installing-solidity.html.

For macOS, do the following:

brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
brew linkapps solidity

Installing web3j

The details are available at https://docs.web3j.io/command_line.html.

For macOS, do the following:

brew tap web3j/web3j
brew install web3j



This compiles the smart contracts and puts the abi/bin files in the /build directory. Also it puts there the *-combined.sol version of the contracts, ready for publishing at Etherscan.io.

Building the smart contracts is also an essential prerequirement to use the Java source code. For details on building the Java source code, see /utnp/README.md.


What else does the code base of Universa smart contracts uses?

The Universa Ethereum smart contracts are based on OpenZeppelin framework. To simplify the deployment, the version used for the launch is copied to this repository.

How to setup the TimeLock?

For Token Timelock, find date:

python3 -c "from datetime import datetime; print(int(datetime(2018, 4, 28).timestamp()))"
python3 -c "from datetime import datetime; print(datetime.fromtimestamp(1524862800))"

Result: 1524862800

This will be used when deploying the TokenTimelock smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain.