
The bot for the Universal-Team Discord server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The bot for the Universal-Team Discord server

Running it yourself

  1. Install Node.js
  2. In the Universal-Bot directory, run npm install
  3. Create a file called .env with TOKEN="put your bot token here"
    • You can make a bot at the Discord Developer Portal
      1. Click New Application in the top right
      2. Click Bot in the sidebar
      3. Click Add Bot
      4. Click Copy to copy the token
  4. If desired, make changes to database.json, such as adding your ID to the developers array
  5. Run node univ-bot.js

Running in the background

  1. Install pm2 with npm install -g pm2
  2. Start Universal-Bot with pm2 start univ-bot.js


You must have a file called .env with the API tokens Universal-Bot uses:

Required programs

You will also need to install the following programs (and have them in your PATH) for the commands they're used in to work:

  • qrencode for ?qr and ?binaryQR
  • zbarimg for ?qrDecode
  • ffmpeg for ?twilightBGM
  • gcc/g++ for ?c and ?cpp
  • python/python3 for ?py and ?py3
  • bash/sh for ?bash and ?sh
  • tsc for ?typescript
  • pm2 for ?reboot (bot must be run from pm2)
  • cowsay/cowthink for ?cowsay and ?cowthink