
Code snippets for SSP components in TypeScript


This extension contains code snippets for React with Typescript. It is a fork of https://github.com/sw-yx/swyx-react-typescript-snippets made by swyx. Improved by automatically adding the folder name as CamelCase, and moving the interface below the component.

It contains just two snippets: rfc for a stateless functional component, and imr to import React because that tends to happen a lot.


Go to the extensions panel and search for 'ssp-typescript-snippets'.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • TypeScript React (.tsx)


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.

Trigger Content
rfc→ create a react function component (no hooks)
imr→ import react
	"import react": {
		"prefix": "imr",
		"body": ["import React from 'react'"],
		"description": "import react"
	"React Function Component": {
		"prefix": "rfc",
		"body": [
			"import React from 'react';",
			"export const ${TM_DIRECTORY/^.+\\/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/g}$1: React.FC<${TM_DIRECTORY/^.+\\/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/g}$1Props> = function ({ $2 }) {",
			"  return (",
			"    $0",
			"  );",
			"type ${TM_DIRECTORY/^.+\\/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/g}$1Props = { $2: $3 }",
		"description": "Create a React Function Component"


vsce package
