
Create instructions for labeling datasets using the Universal Data Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Universal Data Tool Courseware

Dataset annotators often need extensive instructions to understand how to label or annotate a dataset. Universal Data Tool Courseware allows you to quickly create training for annotators with dataset-specific instructions and exercises. You can use it online at universaldatatool.com/courses.

The Universal Data Tool (UDT) is an open-source web or downloadable tool for labeling data for usage in machine learning or data processing systems.

Getting Started with Development

Before you get started with development, you might want to take a quick glance at the *.udt.json format and the training proposal, the latter is the main data structure used for representing courses.

This is a Create React App-based project that runs on Vercel. To run it locally, run the following commands:

# Make sure you have vercel installed
# npm install -g vercel

# If you don't have postgres running
# docker run -d --net host -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust postgres:12

yarn install
vc dev


Page URL Description
/ Landing Page
/create Create Course / Upload UDT File
/course/[course_id] Take a course
/course/[course_id]/edit?editKey=XXX Edit a course
/course/[course_id]/students?editKey=XXX View students that have completed the course
/course/[course_id]/email-test?email=XXX See if a student has successfully completed a course


The following endpoints are used for accessing data.

Endpoint Description Parameters
GET /api/course/[course_id] Get JSON for a course
PUT /api/course/[course_id] Update course { dataset } Authorization: editKey
POST /api/course Create new course { dataset }
POST /api/course/[course_id]/submit Finish the course (submit results) { contact_info }
GET /api/course/[course_id]/students Get the students that have completed the course Authorization: editKey

Environment Variables

No environment variables are required for running the app in development mode if you're using the default postgres configuration.

Var Name Description
POSTGRES_PASS Postgres Password