
This is UI for matrix spiral order traversal in javascript and display on web page

Primary LanguageHTML

HTML Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Meta tags and title -->
  <h1>Spiral Matrix Animation</h1>

  <!-- Matrix container and control buttons -->

  <div id="matrix-container"></div>
  <div class="controls">
    <button class="btn" id="start-btn">Start</button>
    <button class="btn" id="reset-btn">Reset</button>

    // JavaScript functions for matrix animation


- Body style:
  - Flex container with column direction, aligning items and justifying content at the center.
  - Full viewport height.
  - No margins.
- .matrix class style:
  - Flex container with column direction, center alignment, rounded border, and shadow.
  - Initially hidden.
- .has-animation .cell class style:
  - Transition property for background-color over 1 second.
- .row class style:
  - Flex container.
- .cell class style:
  - Square-shaped cells with border, centered content, bold text, rounded corners, and spacing.
- .controls class style:
  - Margin-top of 20px.
  - Flex container with a gap of 20px.
- .btn class style:
  - Rounded button with shadow, color transition, padding, font size, background, and cursor pointer.
  - Hover effect for background color change.


const cells = [];
let animationInterval;
let cellIndex = 0;
const matrixContainer = document.getElementById('matrix-container');

function initializeMatrix() {
  // Function to initialize the matrix with user-defined rows and columns

function generateMatrix(rows, cols) {
  // Function to generate matrix cells based on rows and columns

function renderMatrix() {
  // Function to render the matrix

function startAnimation() {
  // Function to start the animation

function animateSpiral() {
  // Function to animate in spiral order

function resetAnimation() {
  // Function to reset the animation

function getMatrixSpiralOrder(matrix) {
  // Function to get the spiral order of the matrix

function getRandomColor() {
  // Function to generate a random color