Asana command line interface
asana --help
--create Create a task
-h, --help Prints help information
--projects Display all Projects
--tasks Display all tasks
--update Update a task
--users Display all users
-V, --version Prints version information
--workspaces Display all workspace
-a <assignee> Assignee to a user. Can be a gid or a name (see --users)
-c, --comment <comment> Add comment on a task
--due_date <due_date> Set a due date to a task. Must be YYY-MM-DD
-f, --finish <finish> Complete/Uncomplete a Task. Accepts true or false
--name <name> Add/Change the task's name
-n, --note <note> Add note on a task
-p <project_id> Specify a project
-t <task_id> Specify a task
-w <workspace_id> Specify a workspace
- In the same directory as your executable.
- Must be named "config.conf"
=your personnal access token
=your GID user
=> use to get all your tasksWORKSPACE
=> Define the default workspace. Can be override by --workspace "Id workspace" or -w "id workspace"
- Testing
- [OK] Post comment
- [OK] Assignee to someone by id
- [OK] Assignee to someone by name
- [OK] Create a Task
- [OK] Link to a project
- [OK] List all workspaces
- [OK] List All Projects in workspace
- [OK] View all tasks in a project
- [OK] Refacto Global
- [OK] Set a deadline
- [OK] Custom Error Message