Running the backend

copy the contents of .env.template into a new file: .env.local

server running in port : 3000 start server with for development:

npm run dev

To Parse a local xml file with gesy standard configuration into data tables

npm run gesy-parse

-> the script will parse the xml and store all its contents in our database


step 1: authenticate and allow access by clicking the response url of  **http://localhost:3000/api/connect**
step 2: use token acquired (from the redirect url of step 1) 
        as Bearer token for all other requests 

step 3: Hit ur point of preference 
 # PUBLIC   
        body passing example (which represents the time interval)
              "from": 1615360049000,
              "to": 1614582449000

          ->  ACTIVITY
                  END POINTS PROVIDED:
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity 
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/bmr  
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/caloriesBurned
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/cyclingPedalingCadence
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/cyclingPedalingCumulative
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/heartPoints
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/moveMinutes
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/power
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/stepCountCadence 
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/stepCountDelta 
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/activity/workout
          ->  BODY
                  END POINTS PROVIDED:
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/body/bodyFatPercentage
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/body/heartRate
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/body/height
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/body/weight
          ->  SLEEP:
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/sleep

          ->  NUTRITION:
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/nutrition
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/nutrition/hydration

          ->  LOCATION:
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/location/rpm
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/location/wheelRevolutionCumulative
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/location/distance
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/location/speed
       body passing example (which represents the time interval)
              "from": 1615360049000,
              "to": 1614582449000
                  END POINTS PROVIDED
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/glucose
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/bloodPressure
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/bodyTemperature
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/cervicalmucus
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/cervicalPosition
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/menstruation
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/ovulationTest
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/oxygensaturation
                      POST:  - /api/connect/public/health/vaginalSpotting 


DATABASE default port is : 3306 DB MIGRATIONS:

MIGRATION GENERATE: to generate a new migration file run:

 npm run migration:gen *table_name*

migration files will be prefixed with the given {{current_timestamp}}-table_name (to be able to rollback the DB)

MIGRATION GENERATE NEW EMPTY FILE: to generate a new empty migration file run:

  npm run migration:create {{current_timestamp}}-*table_name*

this will create an empty migration files overriding the up() and down() methods of TypeORM

MIGRATION RUN : to run the migration run

  npm run migration:run

MIGRATION RESET: to reset the database (run all migration from start to bottom) run:

  npm run reset:db 

CREATE SEED: to create a seed file in /seeds and then run run:

  npm run seed

MIGRATE REVERT to revert to the last migration file:

  npm run migration:revert


npm run build


# unit tests
npm run test

Running the frontEnd

frontend is running in port : 3001 start server with for development:

npm run start