
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

  1. A migration allows us to move databases from one design to another, this is also reversible

  2. $ django-admin startproject stratos

  3. $ python manage.py runserver

  4. $ python manage.py startapp first_app

  5. init.py
    Blank python script, python know that this directory can be treated as a package

  6. admin.py
    We can register our models here which Django will then use them with Django's admin interface

  7. apps.py
    Application specific configurations

  8. models.py
    store the application's data models

  9. tests.py
    store test functions to test our code

  10. views.py
    functions that handle requests and return responses

  11. Migrations folder
    stores database specific information as it relates to the models

  12. {{}} used for simple text injection
    {%%} used for more complex injections and logic

  13. Django comes equipped with SQLite

  14. $ python manage.py migrate

  15. Register the changes to our application
    $ python manage.py makemigrations first_app
    $ python manage.py migrate

  16. $ python manage.py shell

    	>>> from first_app.models import Topic
    	>>> t = Topic(top_name="Social Network")
    	>>> t.save()
    	>>> print(Topic.objects.all())
    	>>> quit()
  17. $ python manage.py createsuperuser

  18. Faker library to create script that will populate our model with some dummy data

  19. Django - MTV (Models-Templates-Views)

  20. Cross-Site-Request Forgery (CSRF) token, which secures the HTTP Post action that is initiated on the subsequent submission of a form. {% csrf_token %}

  21. {{ form.as_p }} – Render Django Forms as paragraph

  22. Relative URLs with templates Method-1: <a href="{% url 'thanku' %}">Thanks</a> name='thanku' is in the urls.py file

    Method-2: <a href="{% url 'first_app.views.thanku' %}">Thanks</a>

    Method-3: <a href="{% url 'first_app:thanku' %}">Thanks</a> this method requires that app_name variable to be created inside the urls.py file

  23. URL Template Inheritance or Template extending is extending the base.html to other .html files

    • base.html

       		{% block body_block %}
       		    Anything outside of this will be inherited if you extend!
       		{% endblock %}
    • other.html

       	<!DOCTYPE html>
       	{% extends "first_app/base.html" %}
       	{% block body_block %}
       	<HTML specific for other.html>
       	<HTML specific for other.html>
       	{% endblock %}
  24. General form for a template filter
    {{ value|filter:'parameter' }}

  25. Django Password PBKDF2 algorithms with a SHA256 hash, built-in to Django

    $ pip install bcrypt
    $ pip install django[argon2]
  26. Topics to learn

    • ORMs
    • Advanced User Authorization
    • Socail Login
    • Payment
    • REST APIs
    • Encryption
    • Testing
    • Sessions
    • Cookies
    • Class-Based Views
  27. WSGI Servers
    A Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) server implements the web server side of the WSGI interface for running Python web applications.

  28. What is an ORM? Object-Relational-Mapper Depending on the ORM you get a lot of advanced features out of the box, such as support for transactions, connection pooling, migrations, seeds, streams