This readme file would be updated later
0x01 Introduction
Team project to build a clone of AirBnB.
The console is a command interpreter to manage objects abstraction between objects and how they are stored.
To see the fundamental background of the project visit the Wiki.
The console willl perform the following tasks:
create a new object
retrive an object from a file
do operations on objects
destroy an object
All the classes are handled by the Storage engine in the FileStorage Class. 0x02 Environment
Suite CRM terminal python Suite CRM Suite CRM git distributed version control system Github
Style guidelines:
pycodestyle (version 2.7.*)
All the development and testing was runned over an operating system Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using programming language Python 3.8.3. The editors used were VIM 8.1.2269, VSCode 1.6.1 and Atom 1.58.0 . Control version using Git 2.25.1.