Benchmark is a simple C++ program that performs a disk benchmark.
We don't know what hard drives to buy! - We have a series of hard drives that we are considering for installation into our file servers. Write a simple pogram in C++ that performs a simple disk benchmark.
This program was written and tested on MacOS 10.9.5, and further tested on various Scientific Linux 6 workstations.
- g++/gcc 4.4.7 or newer
Use g++ to build the file:
g++ -std=c++0x -lrt benchmark.cpp -o benchmark
Run the application:
Below is a screenshot of, Boston University's Computer Science's main Linux computer, running 100 files of 1MB in size.
- ![alt text] ( " 100x1MB")
Below is a screenshot of, Boston University's Computer Science's secondary Linux computer, running 100 files of 1MB in size, and then 1000 files of 1MB.
- ![alt text] ( " 100x1MB")
- ![alt text] ( " 1000x1MB")
Other screenshots below include running on Dell Precision T1600 workstations:
- ![alt text] ( "animal-linux 100x1MB")
- ![alt text] ( "beaker-linux 100x1MB")
The following improvements can be made on this program:
- Allow variable amount of files to input.
- Allow for timing of Wall time (the time the program takes to execute, as viewable from an outside source).
- Allow for variable amount of block size, default is 1024-byte blocks being written/read at a time.
A copy of the Benchmark's license can be found here.