
A simple C++ program that performs a disk benchmark.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Introduction to Benchmark

Benchmark is a simple C++ program that performs a disk benchmark.


We don't know what hard drives to buy! - We have a series of hard drives that we are considering for installation into our file servers. Write a simple pogram in C++ that performs a simple disk benchmark.


This program was written and tested on MacOS 10.9.5, and further tested on various Scientific Linux 6 workstations.

  • g++/gcc 4.4.7 or newer


Use g++ to build the file:

g++ -std=c++0x -lrt benchmark.cpp -o benchmark

Run the application:



Below is a screenshot of csa2.bu.edu, Boston University's Computer Science's main Linux computer, running 100 files of 1MB in size.

Below is a screenshot of csa3.bu.edu, Boston University's Computer Science's secondary Linux computer, running 100 files of 1MB in size, and then 1000 files of 1MB.

Other screenshots below include running on Dell Precision T1600 workstations:


The following improvements can be made on this program:

  • Allow variable amount of files to input.
  • Allow for timing of Wall time (the time the program takes to execute, as viewable from an outside source).
  • Allow for variable amount of block size, default is 1024-byte blocks being written/read at a time.


A copy of the Benchmark's license can be found here.