
Bot for ChatSoc

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Kirkbot is a bot created for the Southhampton University Chat Society

Using your own instance of KirkBot

After cloning/pulling the repository use the command

npm install (not necessary after the first time, but highly encouraged)

npm run build

npm start

or if using Linux simply run ./kirkbot.sh

Setting up the kirkbot service

Ensure that kirkbot-install.sh and service_template.sh are executable (chmod +x *.sh)

Afterwards run sudo ./kirkbot-install.sh

Feature list


  • help - displays all messages to the DMs of the sender
  • listall - displays a list of all servers with KirkBot
  • kirk - make the bot say something (@everyone is blocked for non-admins)
  • ping - show API information and responce time
  • purge - remove multiple messages at one time
  • kick - kicks user (only admins can use this)
  • ban - bans user (only admins can use this)