Flask extension to make using Unleash that much easier! 🚦🚦🚦 This plugin makes integrating the Python Unleash client into quick and easy.
To try out Flask-Unleash, you'll need an instance of the Unleash server. You can either use:
- Spin up a stack in Docker Compose using unleash-docker
- Check out the demo at Unleash-Hosted
Install Flask-Unleash using pip.
pip install Flask-Unleash
Next, add Flask-Unleash to your code.
from flask import Flask
from flask_unleash import Unleash
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["UNLEASH_URL"] = "http://localhost:4242/api"
app.config["UNLEASH_APP_NAME"] = "demoapp"
unleash = Unleash(app)
Now you can use the client to check feature flags
flag_value_1 = unleash.client.is_enabled("simple-feature")
# You can pass in a context object (https://unleash.github.io/docs/unleash_context) for more complex features.
context = {
'userId': 'hamster@hamster.com'
flag_value_2 = unleash.client.is_enabled("complex-feature", context)
Check out the demo app for a more real-life sample implementation.
See the Flask-Unleash documentation for information about configuring Unleash.