Evolution generator

What is it about?

This application was created as a project for a course on OOP at the AGH UST. The goal is to create a parametrized simulation of a primitive ecosystem consisting of plants and animals placed on a two dimentional map.


  • ability to change simulation parameters, with csv parsing
  • possibility to launch multiple parallel simulations (multithreaded), all of which can be stopped and inspected at any time
  • optional exporting of daily statistics of simulation to csv file
  • a simple interactive GUI for observing state of the map and animals (on click)
  • multiple variants of movement progression and map behavior


We used the gradle build system for dependency management and running the application. GUI was created with JavaFX, for csv parsing we used the opencsv library and the prefered way of data processing was with the Java Stream API. Application is compatible with Java version 17 or newer.