- 3
Container using about 4% of CPU constnatly when idle
#510 opened by p4xel - 2
Data Panels dont have any data
#474 opened by heylucifurr - 0
Feature Request: Skip files under a certain age
#520 opened by tdp4 - 2
There has to be a better way....
#517 opened by geoffgbsn - 0
Possible to have conditional flows?
#519 opened by zodac - 0
Unmanic Windows 11 Docker issue s6-rc-compile: fatal: invalid /etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/ci-service-check/type: must be oneshot, longrun, or bundle
#518 opened by megagigawatt - 1
- 5
Configure workers to skip x265 files instead of trying to re-encode them to x265?
#515 opened by grannymaster - 1
- 4
Overnight all plugings become incompatible
#511 opened by ServerGuyHK - 5
Missing all plugins on latest docker image
#509 opened by stepanovdg - 1
Cannot add more than 1 Link (for remote installation) to one unmanic installation
#505 opened by maveice - 0
Reorder Audio Steam so Stereo AAC 2.0 is first
#514 opened by sbcrumb - 0
[Feature request] - Keep audio track and subtitles for only one language
#513 opened by patrykwegrzyn - 12
Unmanic wont connect after todays upgrade
#498 opened by AngusMcKinnon - 0
distutil Package Dependancy outdated
#512 opened by MrBogger - 0
- 1
How to scale a video?
#508 opened by alexander-paterson - 1
Error starting transcoding since the last maj I guess
#507 opened by yhngr - 1
No VAAPI device found
#506 opened by gabrielwhite - 0
Can't drag/move order of plugin flow
#503 opened by DerSpatz - 3
Login does not function correctly
#481 opened by char-ptr - 0
[Feature Request] Email Notifications
#502 opened by ServerGuyHK - 0
- 0
Transcoding always fails
#496 opened by Hime0698 - 4
Using verison 0.2.8 (from 0.2.7) results in permission errors and fails to deploy
#500 opened by Retract1822 - 1
#499 opened by mmol67 - 0
[Feature request] Only select files with X
#497 opened by pete2583 - 1
[Feature Request] Ability to clear Completed Tasks list or more `Records per page` options
#495 opened by mardab - 2
Failure during file file copy is ignored
#479 opened by DanCardin - 1
Error received: SonarrAPI.get_episode_file() got an unexpected keyword argument 'series'
#493 opened by tasaktomi - 0
- 0
Link queue fill
#490 opened by austinsr1 - 0
Chmod changed on processed files
#489 opened by tetebueno - 2
Boolean controls?
#488 opened by gianfelicevincenzo - 0
- 0
Add instead overwrite
#486 opened by gianfelicevincenzo - 0
- 1
Feature request: API endpoint for checking whether there is any active (on going) library scan.
#470 opened by akhenat0n - 1
- 0
Feature/Enhancement request: Allow file deletion directly from the task list
#482 opened by XY55bqg6iAw8ttP - 0
- 3
can I specify a config location?
#480 opened by OneCDOnly - 0
Issue with ignoring Symlinks
#476 opened by nick-harper - 2
- 0
LOG - Simplified Error Interpretation
#473 opened by heylucifurr - 1
Add support for enabling or disabling a library
#472 opened by Josh5 - 0
Feature request: Add CPU AV1 Encoding to the "Transcode Video Files" plugin
#471 opened by soultaco83 - 1
In "unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'datetime.datetime' and 'int'" logged on startup and on library scan
#469 opened by rjclark - 0
'Failed to update pending tasks status' should include the ip address of which remote worker
#468 opened by winbatch