
Unofficial mirror of http://hg.code.sf.net/p/openfoam-extend/swak4Foam - See official mirror at https://bitbucket.org/bgschaid/swak4foam-temporary-replacement-for-original-repo-on |

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

README for swak4Foam - Version for OpenFOAM 2.x


A collection of libraries and tools that let the user handle OpenFOAM-data based on expressions

About this document


This file gives an overview of swak4Foam and a history of the features. It is not a canonical documentation.


This file is written in the mighty org-mode (see http://orgmode.org/) a markup/outline-mode for (X)Emacs. Using this mode it can be easily (using 3 keystrokes … it’s Emacs) to PDF or HTML to make it more readable (and add a table of contents).

Please don’t try to “beautify” it with any other text editor as this will surly mess up the markup (and keeping the file org-compatible outside of the org-mode is a pain in the neck.

The Markdown-variant README.md is only there to be displayed in a human-readable form by the web-interface to mercurial at sourceforge.net. It is generated from REAME and only updated during releases. Don’t edit it.

Contributors etc

Original Author

Bernhard Gschaider (bgschaid@hfd-research.com)

Current Maintainer

Bernhard Gschaider (bgschaid@hfd-research.com)


In alphabetical order of the surname

Martin Beaudoin
trackDictionary in simpleFunctionObjects
Martin Becker
The potentialPitzDaily-case (demonstrating a problem with groovyBC)
Oliver Borm
patchMassFlowAverage in simpleFunctionObjects
Peter Keller
Martin Kroeger
mtv surface writer in simpleFunctionObjects
Andreas Otto
fixed the circulatingSplash-case
Alexey Petrov
Bruno Santos
  • Compilation with Intel compiler and Mingw
  • Rewrite of mybison and myflex to allow parallel compilation with WM_COMPPROCS
  • Generation of dependencies for files that need Bison generated tab.hh files. This allows not having race conditions during parallel compilation
Hrvoje Jasak
Fixes to compile on Intel and CLang
E.David Huckaby
Add the writing of particles to writeFieldsOften
Alexey Matveichev
  • release generation script.
  • Automatic swakConfiguration
Mark Olesen
  • port to OpenFOAM+ since v1612
  • improvements to scripts
Philippose Rajan
  • Bugfix for segmentation faults in parallel
Matti Rauter
  • Spell-checking the compilation scripts
Danial Khazaei
  • Fixed problem with 64 bit labels

If anyone is forgotten: let me know

According to the commits in the mercurial-repository (and the repositories of the projects from which swak emerged) contributors are (ordered by the year of their first contribution. EMail is the latest under which this author submitted):

  • 2006-2020 Bernhard F.W. Gschaider <bgschaid@hfd-research.com>
  • 2008 Hannes Kroeger (hannes@kroegeronline.net)
  • 2008-2009, 2012 Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Quebec (beaudoin.martin@ireq.ca)
  • 2010 Marianne Mataln <mmataln@ice-sf.at>
  • 2010 Oliver Borm (oli.borm@web.de)
  • 2011 Alexey Petrov <alexey.petrov.nnov@gmail.com>
  • 2011 Petr Vita <petr.vita@unileoben.ac.at>
  • 2012-2016 Bruno Santos <wyldckat@gmail.com>
  • 2013 Georg Reiss <georg.reiss@ice-sf.at>
  • 2014 Hrvoje Jasak <h.jasak@wikki.co.uk>
  • 2014 David Huckaby <e.david.huckaby@netl.doe.gov>
  • 2015 Domink Christ <d.christ@wikki.co.uk>
  • 2015 Alexey Matveichev <alexey.matveichev@gmail.com>
  • 2016-2019 Mark Olesen <Mark.Olesen@esi-group.com>
  • 2019 Danial Khazaei <shadowfax@shell.sf.net>


See: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/contrib/swak4Foam


If everything goes well then


should compile the essential requirements before compiling swak4Foam itself (remember: there is an if in that sentence)


  • Version 2.0 or higher of OpenFOAM and version 3.0 or higher of Foam.

    The oldest version that this is release has been tested with is OpenFOAM 2.3

    To see which versions this release has been tested with see Documentation/examplesCompatibilityMatrix.org

  • the compiler generators bison and flex
    swak4Foam is known to work with bison version 3.3 and higher.
    since the introduction of the plugin functions at least a flex version of 2.5.33 is required (2.5.35 is the lowest confirmed version)

Both of these are mainstream packages (they are for instance needed to compile gcc) and should exist on every Linux distribution. Use the package manager of your distribution to install them and only if the compilation process of swak4Foam complains about too low or too high versions compile special version. This can be easily done by calling


in the directory of the sources. This will download a fitting bison version, compile it and install it in such a way that it is only used during the compilation of swak4Foam.

swak4Foam tries to keep the requirements on these as low as possible and sometimes lower versions than the ones reported may work. If they do please report so.

The version of bison can be checked with

bison -V

The version of flex with

flex -V

Scripting languages

If some scripting language integration should be used then the appropriate development packages for that language must be installed (something like python-devel) for Python. This differs on the various platforms. The settings for your machine read from the file swakConfiguation if it is present. The file swakConfiguation.automatic tries to guess these settings so either copy it with

cp swakConfiguation.automatic swakConfiguation

and modify it or link it

ln -s swakConfiguation.automatic swakConfiguation

but be aware that if modifying it the original is modified.

Because of its small footprint and to avoid problems on distributions where it is outdated Lua is automatically compiled by the maintainanceScripts/compileRequirements script and swakConfiguration.automatic uses this version if found. It may be necessary to install the development package of readline for this

The script will also install luarocks (the Lua package manager) and using that luaprompt. The luaprompt-library will be used for interactive interactions with the Lua-integration (making it more comfortable)


wmake all

at the base directory should build all the libraries and tools.

Rerun the command to make sure that there was no problem with the compilation (this should be quite fast and only report libraries being created and some administrative stuff)

Additional configuration

Some features (currently only the Python-integration may need third party software. The paths to these packages can be configured in a file swakConfiguration (an example file swakConfiguration.example is provided. There is also a file swakConfiguration.automatic that tries to automatically determine the location of Python. It does not work on all systems and therefor is not enabled by default). If that file is not present these unconfigured features will not be compiled.

Environment variables that can be set in this file are:

Path to the Python.h file of the used python-installation
Options to link the python-library to the library for the python-integration
Path to the Python.h file of the used python3-installation
Options to link the python3-library to the library for the python3-integration
Path to the header files of the used Lua-installation
Options to link the Lua-library to the library for the Lua-integration
A list of paths separated by semicolons. These are the directories of libraries with function-plugins. They are compiled in the course of the normal swak-compilation. This makes sure that they are consistent with the swak-release in the case of an update
Additional compiler switches for the C-files generated by bison. Usually used if the default optimization switches are too aggressive and compilation takes to long (then a value like -O0 would for instance switch off all optimizations)
Additional compiler switches for files generated by flex. For some compilers (Intel) aggressive optimization when compiling these files may cause uninitialized memory and crashes. This variable can be used to switch off the optimization (usually this fixes the problems)
Meant to be used only by developers, for performing a verification on whether race conditions occur during parallel compilation, regarding the grammar parsers.

Possible compilation failure with old 2.0.x-versions

With older versions of 2.0.x (or 2.0 or 2.0.1) it is possible that the compilation of swakCodedFunctionObject will fail. In that case remove the last parameter to the codedFunctionObject-constructor in swakCodedFunctionObject.C (it is clearly marked by a comment)

Special versions of the python integration

Note: This section is very special and won’t be needed by most people

The library libswakPythonIntegration.so links against a specific version of the python library. In certain circumstances (for instance the OS of the cluster is different from the one that swak was compiled on) this python-version is not available on the target machine. While all other parts of swak will work the python-integration won’t load on the target machine. To fix this problem a workaround is provided:

The script maintainanceScripts/makeSpecialPythonLibrary.sh compiles a special version of the libswakPythonIntegration.so that is identified by an additional suffix (for instance the suffix Cluster makes a file libswakPythonIntegrationCluster.so). That script has to be run on the target system and needs 3 parameters:

  3. The suffix

For instance

./maintainanceScripts/makeSpecialPythonLibrary.sh -I/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 "-L/opt/local/lib -lpython2.5" Version2.5

compiles a version for an old python.

To enable the python-integration in libs in controlDict both python-integrations have to be specified. One of them will fail on each machine (because the required python-library is not there), the other one will provide the python-functionObjects.

Note: the special libraries won’t be updated automatically on the target system. Doing so is the responsibility of the user.

Global installation

If the libraries and utilities are considered stable and the should be available to everyone (without having to recompile them) the script copySwakFilesToSite.sh in the directory maintainanceScripts can be used to copy them to the global site-specific directories.

The script removeSwakFilesFromSite.sh in the directory maintainanceScripts removes all these files from the global directories. The removeSwakFilesFromLocal.sh does the same for the user directories (this makes sure that no self-compiled version shadows the global version (which would lead to strange results)

There is a Makefile attached. make globalinstall compiles swak4Foam and installs it into the global directories

Note: Due to the order in which library direcories are searched for with -L a global installation might break the compilation. If you don’t know what this means: don’t attempt a global installation



The command build dpkg builds a Debian/Ubuntu package for the currently enabled OpenFOAM-package. Note:

  • it is assumed that the currently used OF-version was also installed by the package manager
  • the dev package is built but poorly maintained

Changes in the packaging should be done in the branch debianPackaging of the Mercurial-repository and later be merged to the default-branch.

Packaging for OpenFOAM 2.x should be done in the branch debianPackaging_2.x

Note: Due to the problem described with the global installation it might be necessary to deinstall a previously installed package to successfully build a new package



Collection of Libraries


The basis of swak4Foam: the expression parsers with the logic to access the OpenFOAM data-structures.

None of the other software pieces compile without it.

Also defines a subclass to DataEntry that uses swak-expressions and a function object initSwakFunctionObject that might be used if this fails


A collection of function objects that was previously separately available at http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib_simpleFunctionObjects.

Provides consistent output of values (on patches and fields) and more.


Implements the infamous groovyBC. A boundary condition that allows arbitrary expressions in the field-file


Function objects that have no additional requirements. Mainly used for manipulating and creating fields with expressions

Adds a variable to a global swak-namespace. Mainly used for debugging and resolving issues where a variable is needed in a BC before it is defined.
Create a new field from an expression
Erase a field created with expressionField
Modify a field in memory
Create a sampled set that can be used by other swak-entities (mainly boundary conditions)
Create a sampled surface that can be used by other swak-entities (mainly boundary conditions)
Child of the coded-functionObject that can read and write global variables from and to swak-namespaces

Assumes that the SWAK4FOAM_SRC environment variable is set to the Libraries-directory of the swak4Foam-sources

Solve the Poisson equation

\begin{equation} \frac{∂ ρ T}{∂ t} - ∇ λ ∇ T = Sexpl + Simpl T \end{equation} for $T$ where $ρ$, $λ$ and $S$ can be specified

Solve the transport equation

\begin{equation} \frac{∂ ρ T}{∂ t} + ÷(φ,T) - ∇ λ ∇ T = Sexpl + Simpl T \end{equation} for $T$ where $ρ$, $λ$ and $S$ can be specified. Plus the name of the field $φ$

this allows specifying new foreign meshes. These can be used in subsequent function-objects or other swak-expressions on internalFields
this allows specifying a list of meshes whose time is set to the current time of the running case


Function objects based on the simpleFunctionObjects-library (which is a prerequisite for compiling it).

Evaluate expressions and output the results


These classes allow to manipulate the solution. To use these the solver has to be modified.

Field that is calculated from an expression. To be used as source-term or coefficient in some solver
force an equation to fixed values in selected locations. Has to be used after constructing the equation and before solving

These sources are based on basicSource and can be used without a modification of the solver (they are only available in the 2.x version):

sets values according to a mask or the mechanism provided by basicSource
Uses the calculated source term on the right hand side of the equation
Uses a calculated scalar-field to add an implicit source term (source is without the actual field)


Starting from OpenFOAM 2.2 this library has additional fvOptions


topoSources for cellSet and faceSet. Can be used with the cellSet and faceSet-utilities


Implements parsers for the finiteArea-stuff in 1.6-ext. Also implements groovyBC for areaField and expressionField and other function objects


Collection of boundary conditions that give standard boundary conditions the possibility to use expression for the coefficients

Contributions to this library are explicitly encouraged. Please use the Mercurial-branch groovyStandardBCs to groovyify standard boundary conditions.


Function objects that allow the easy addition of lagrangian clouds to a case. No other libraries from swak4Foam are needed for this


Additional searchableSurfaces (for use in snappyHexMesh) which include boolean operations for other surfaces and coordinate transformations


Driver for functionObjects that implemented entirely in Python using the pythonFlu-library


Parser for calculating expressions on clouds of lagrangian particles


Library with function objects and plugin functions to work with simple state machines


Library with classes that combine swak with dynamic meshes


Directory with a number of libraries with function-plugins:

functions with selectable discretization schemes for FAM (only used in 1.6-ext)
functions with selectable schemes for FVM
calculations that are local to a cell (Minimum of the face values or so)
calculate mesh quality criteria like orthogonality, skewness and ascpect ratio
different random number distributions. Currently only exponential
calculates distances from sampledSurfaces and sampledSets and projects calculated values from these onto a volume field
Access functions from the thermophysical model and the turbulence model in the current region. Loads the model only if necessary
Same as above but for incompressible models
Functions that get informations like source terms from clouds of particles (due to technical reasons this works only for the regular intermediate clouds)
Functions that work on the flow field (currently only the local Courant-number)
Functions that calculate chemistry properties (reaction rates etc)
Functions that calculate properties of the radiation model
Functions that use the MeshWave-algorithm to calculate grid-dependent properties like number of mesh layers


Because of the templating all plugin-functions have to be reinstaniated for new particle classes. The libraries in this directory

  • reimplement the functions from swakLagrangianCloudSourcesFunctionPlugin
  • the CloudProxy for the cloud parser

for special particle classes. These are

the library libswakCoalCloudAdaptor that handels the CoalParcel-class

These libraries have to be included in the libs-entry to be able to handle these libraries


Libraries that integrate various scripting languages with swak4Foam


This library implements a common interface for the actual language integrations.


Embeds a Python 2-interpreter.

Executes Python-code at the usual execution times of functionObjects. The interpreter keeps its state

This library is only compiled if the paths to the Python-Headers are configured in the swakConfiguration-file (see above)


Embeds a Python 3-interpreter.


Embeds a Lua-interpreter.



Utility that allows creation and manipulation of files with expressions


Utility like funkySetFields for areaFields (only works with 1.6-ext)


Sets any field on a boundary to a non-uniform value based on an expression.

Acts without deeper understanding of the underlying boundary condition


Utility to quickly test whether a groovyBC gives the expected results. Writes the specified fields with the applied boundary condition but doesn’t do anything else.

Can be used for other BCs as well


Evaluates expressions that are listed in a dictionary using data that is found on the disc and prints summarized data (min, max, average, sum) to the screen


Calculates the offsets-entry in the polyMesh/boundary-file according to the specification in a dictionary. Only needed if you have mapped patches and the regular uniform offset is not enough for your purposes


Utility that quickly does some quantitative analysis (minimum, maximum, average etc ) on a field on the disc (internal field but also patches, sets, zones, …)


This utility loads specified fields into memory, executes a list of user-specified function objects whose data is then passed to a python script which does the user-specified analysis.


Utility to calculate fields for a lagrangian cloud (or setting it up from scratch)


Utility to write fields with subfields from boundary conditions like refValue for post-processing


A utility that converts a planar (pseudo-2d) grid to an axial-symmetric mesh (used to be a separate project but was moved here for maintenance)

Contributors of previous versions were

  • David P. Schmidt
  • E David Huckaby
  • Dominik Christ (Porting to 1.5)

See: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib_MakeAxialMesh


If not otherwise noted cases are prepared by a simple blockMesh-call.

Note: All the cases here are strictly for demonstration purposes and resemble nothing from the ‘real world’

Note: Due to various changes in the case syntax between OpenFOAM 2.0 and 2.2 (for instance thermophysicalProperties, wall functions etc) not all of the examples work with all OpenFOAM-installations “out of the box”. Slight adaptions may be necessary

Some of the cases use the pyFoamPrepareCase.py-utility of PyFoam to set up the case for the current OpenFOAM-version

To run on multiple OpenFOAM-versions the cases sometimes have more entries in the dictionaries

Also have a look at Documentation/exampleCompatibilityMatrix.org to see with which versions which cases should work.

Usually the cases have been derived from regular tutorial cases. After their first implementation they were only adapted to run in new OpenFOAM versions but improvements in the tutorials are usually not ported. The reason is that these are just example cases for swak4Foam, not best practice examples for OpenFOAM


The old groovyBC-Demos and newer cases that use groovyBC


Also demonstrates
manipulateField, expressionField and clearField from the swakFunctionObjects. patchExpression from simpleSwakFunctionObjects. solveLaplacianPDE and solveTransportPDE for solving equations, pythonIntegration with calculations using numpy






Also demonstrates
swakExpression with surface. Due to a problem described below this currently doesn’t work


Mesh preparation


Mesh preparation
Delayed variables to simulate an inflow that depends on the value of the outflow


Mesh preparation
Execute the script prepare.sh in that directory
Also demonstrated
patchExpression and swakExpression from simpleSwakFunctionObjects.


Also demonstrates
Usage of a sampledSet defined in the controlDict do determine the average filling height. Also stored variables for not switching back once the criterion is reached. Global variables defined by a function object


Winner of the swak4Foam-competition at the 6th OpenFOAM-Workshop (2011). By Peter Keller


Demonstrates the use of groovyB with potentialFoam (also a problem connected with that). Provided by Martin Backer


run pyFoamPrepareCase.py
Demonstrates the use of 2-dimensional lookup tables. For the initialization as well as the boundary condition


run pyFoamPrepareCase.py
Demonstrates groovyBC on cyclic patches and the groovyBCJump-condition


run pyFoamPrepareCase.py
OpenFOAM macro-expansion inside of expression strings


Example dictionaries for funkyDoCalc


Example dictionary for funkySetFields


Example dictionary for funkySetBoundaryFields. Sets nonsense boundary conditions for the world famous damBreak-case


Cases that demonstrate the immersed boundary conditions of foam-extend


Demonstrates usage of expressionSource

Due to differences in the original interFoam-solver this doesn’t work on certain OpenFOAM-versions (most specifically 1.6-ext). The current solver works with 2.1. For older OF-versions use the sources labeled _pre2.1.

The only modifications to the original solver are found at the end of createFields.H and in UEqn.H (the added source terms).


Demonstrates usage of forceEquation

Due to differences in the original interFoam-solver this doesn’t work on certain OpenFOAM-versions (most specifically 1.6-ext). The current solver works with 2.1. For older OF-versions use the sources labeled _pre2.1.

The only modifications to the original solver are found at the end of createFields.H and in UEqn.H (the fixing of the velocities).


Slightly modified version of interFoam. Adds a source term to the momentum equation. The source term is an expression that is defined at run-time


Demonstration case for it.

Run the script prepare.sh to prepare the case


Demonstration of the finiteArea-stuff that works with 1.6-ext


Variation of surfactantFoam that adds an expressionSource


Demonstration case

Use pyFoamPrepareCase.py
surfactantFoam (without source term) or swakSurfactantFoam
FAM-specific swakExpressions and groovyBC (as well as the expressionSource)


Cases that demonstrate swakSourceFields


Mesh preparation
Execute pyFoamPrepareCase.py .
Simple expression sources (adds a heat source to the solid)


Mesh preparation
Execute pyFoamPrepareCase.py .
Getting the residuals of the matrix with the matrixChangeBefore and matrixChangeAfter fvOptions


Cases that don’t have a groovyBC


Mesh preparation
Execute pyFoamPrepareCase.py .
Usage of the swakTopoSources. Compares different approaches to evaluating with the swakExpression-functionObject. Also an example dictionary that demonstrates the use of funkyDoCalc. Demonstrates “live” comparing to another case using foreign meshes


Mesh preparation
Execute the makeMesh.sh-script in that directory. If you want to run in parallel call the decomposeMesh.sh-script with the number of processors as an argument
The same as angledDuctImplicit but also the output of temporal changes


Case preparation
run the pyFoam-utility pyFoamPrepareCase.py
Usage of a sampled surface to track the interface in a VOF-simulation


Case preparation
run the supplied script prepareCase.sh
Emulate a “moving gravitation” by using the manipulateField-functionObject to recalculate gh and ghf


Demonstrates initializing a case with initial conditions that approximate the real flow.

Case preparation
run pyFoamPrepareCase.py. Caution: this has to be done every time before running the case because the initialized fields are rewritten
Demonstrates setting calculated initial conditions with functionObjects


Demonstrates the use of funkyWarpMesh and post-processing on bended pip geometries

Case preparation
Run prepare.sh


Case to demonstrate various things about cell and faceSet

Case preparation
Run pyFoamPrepareCase.py .


Cases that were shown in some presentations


Case preparation
run the prepareCase.sh-script
The case described on the slides of the talk about swak4Foam at the OSCFD-conference 2012 in London
Boundary conditions, function objects, global variables and delayed variables


A 2D-variant of the above case


Case preparation
run the prepareCase.sh-script
Simulate a sand-monster from the StarWars-movie “Return of the Jedi”
Use of funkySetFields, groovyBC and functionObjects for lagrangian particles


Case preparation
run the prepareCase.sh-script
Simulates two landSpeeders (as seen in the StarWars-movie “A New Hope”)
Advanced searchableSurfaces (for snappyHexMesh), functionObject for passive scalar, functionObject to calculate distributions


Demonstrate the integration of Python. Mostly using PyFoam but also with pythonFlu


Usage of PyFoam to manipulate the fvSolution-file during the run (possible application: unphysical initial conditions cause the run to fail during startup with “normal” relaxation values)


Usage of the pythonFlu-integration to find the point where the recirculation behind the step ends. Also tries to plot the result using the matplotlib-library


Usage of PyFoam to read the direction of gravity and feeding it into a goovyBC via global variables
Case preparation
Just call funkySetFields -time 0


Building the specification of function objects at run-time via a Python-script


Using a python-script to dynamically generate multiple function objects (sampled surfaces). Using stack-variables to calculate the results and write them. Using a stored stack-variable to monitor the pressure at a point and stop the run if the pressure didn’t change there for the last 50 iterations


Demonstrates working together with the coded-stuff in OpenFOAM 2.0


Examples for the functionObjects that can solve Partial Differential equations


The usage of the functionObject that solves the laplacian (Poisson) equation and (hopefully) that it gets the same result as the native solver
Case preparation


Solving additional transport equations


These examples test the source terms based on basicSource. They only work with OpenFOAM 2.x and all use the simpleFoam-solver


Fixing the values of the velocity in a region with SwakSetValues


Implementing a simple porous plug by adding the Darcy-term as a source term with SwakExplicitSource


Same as pitzDailyWithExplicitPoroPlug but with an implicit source term with SwakImplicitSource


Stuff that has to do with lagrangian particles


Tests for the functionObjects that create and evolve a cloud of particles (library simpleLagrangianFunctionObjects)

Mesh preparation
pyFoamPrepareCase.py .
3 clouds (kinematic, reacting, solidParticle). Loading of a thermophysical model with a functionObject. Plugin functions for information about the clouds
Thermo-cloud. Functions for lagrangian particles
Simplest way to add particles to a case


Testing the cloud-parser for lagrangiant particles

Adding evaluations on the cloud to a regular case

Variation of the tutorial case

creating new clouds with funkySetLagrangianField and evaluations on clouds during the simulation
Mesh preparation
run the pyFoamPrepareCase.py . script to set up the mesh and the fields


Examples for the use of the simpleSearchableSurfaces-library.


simpleFoam (alternatively use the caseRun.sh-script)
Case preparation
Script caseSetup.sh is provided
Using the same STL-file more than once in a case by applying coordinate transformations. Note: the physics of this case are more than questionable as the frame of reference for both motorbikes is wrong


Case preparation
Use pyFoamPrepareCase.py
Boolean operations on STL-files


Case preparation
Script caseSetup.sh is provided
Boolean operations with regular surfaces

Physics of the case not as expected (charge-distribution)


Demonstrates the use of function objects that change the numerics during the run


The regular simpleFoam-tutorial. Modified so that it switches to higher relaxation factors during the run


simpleFoam-tutorial. Uses state machines to change the discretization periodically


Demonstrate the usage of state machines


The case is only an excuse for the state machines

replayTransientBC -allowFunctionObjects
Case setup


Examples that demonstrate dynamic mesh applications


Variation of a tutorial case where the oscillation has been replaced by an expression

Case setup
The swakMotion function for solidBodyMotion


Case setup
The swakMotion function for solidBodyMotion


Case setup
The groovyCyclicACMI patch type


Case setup
The groovyCyclicACMI patch type. State machines. funkyWarpMesh utility


Demonstrating the run-time trigger


Simple modification of the simpleCar-case

Case setup
the run-time trigger with expressions.


Cases hee demonstrate the makeAxialMesh-utility


The usual cavity case with the axis outside the geometry

Case setup


The usual pitzDaily case with the top is an axis of rotation

Case setup

Note: checkMesh complains after the collapseEdges-utility was used and the case converges badly


Simple test cases for specific features. The names of the directories should give you a hint what is tested there. Most of them don’t need a real solver but replayTransientBC or scalarTransportFoam.

Note: for some features these cases are the only example there is. Sorry


Testing of different seeds for the rand-function. Also tests the randFixed-function


Simple geometry for testing function objects with AMI. “Execute” with replayTransientBC, pimpleFoam or pimpleDyMFoam

Features can be “switched off” with pyFoamPrepareCase.py. What can be switched on is a location dependent pressure jump on one of the interfaces implemented with groovyBCJumpAMI


These are cases provided by users to demonstrate bugs. Not maintained nor documented and may be removed at any time


Undocumented scripts used for maintaining swak4Foam. If you don’t understand them, don’t use them


Additional documentation. Most written in org-mode

Current contents:

Reference manual of swak4Foam. Especially concepts like expression syntax and parameters


Scripts and configuration to test for a release in a virtual machine using vagrant. Also to be used for packaging


Patches that have to be applied to releases to get swak4Foam to work with them. These are only needed to fix problems of the distributions


Programs and libraries that are only used for testing/developing swak

Bug reporting and Development

Bug reports

The preferred place for bug reports is http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/search.php?project_id=10&sticky_issues=on&sortby=last_updated&dir=DESC&hide_status_id=90

A sourceforge-account is required for reporting

Please always report the FOAM-version you use. As OpenFOAM-dev is a moving target only bug-reports that add fixes are handled for this.

Things to do before reporting bug

If you’re reporting a bug about the compilation please run Allwmake twice and only report the messages from the second run. This makes analyzing the log easier as only the unsuccessful commands will be reported.

If the problem seems to be a missing library rerun the compilation to make sure that there wasn’t a problem with that.


Contributions to to swak4Foam are most welcome. If you want to contribute clone the Mercurial archive of the sources

hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/openfoam-extend/swak4Foam

or use the Fork link at https://sourceforge.net/p/openfoam-extend/swak4Foam/ci/develop/tree/ to create your own fork and clone that (there is also copy of the repository at https://bitbucket.org/bgschaid/swak4foam-temporary-replacement-for-original-repo-on if you prefer that. But it does not receive pushes as often as the Sourceforge repository. Please avoid any git-clones of the repository. They are unsupported and contributions through them will take longer to be incorporated - if at all. The maintainer is aware that git is the Windows of the DVCS-world: used because it is the first thing people are exposed to. Not because of the technical merit)

Change to the branch that you want to improve (usually develop) and create a new branch

hg branch <branchName>

where <branchname> is an easily identifiable name that makes the purpose of the branch clear (for instance hotfix/WrongRandomFunction or feature/HyperbolicFunctions. For details see Repository organization below). Don’t work on the default branch or any other branches that are not “yours”. Such contributions will not be merged

Once development on the branch is finished you can either issue a Pull request (if you forked on SourceForge or BitBucket) or export the relevant changesets with

hg export <nodeID>

(nodeID being the ids of “your” changesets) and send them to the maintainer (or attach them to a bug report on Manits). The changes will be reviewed and merged into the develop branch (do not attempt to do this yourself) and subsequently into the release. Patches generated with hg export make sure that all changes are attributed to the original developer (you).

An alternative would be the bundle command. Just do

hg bundle <bundlefile>

and then send the bundlefile. This will include all commits that are not in the upstream repository and will allow similar inclusion in the upstream as export.

Only if you got through Mercurial it can be ensured that your contribution is recognized (if you want to stay anonymous send patches).

Before submitting the branch please add a description to the README (have a look at the History-part below). This will be merged

Suggest reading

These topics may be “new” for the average OF-developer:

A short tutorial on this can be found at http://mercurial.selenic.com/guide/. If you already know git the http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/GitConcepts may be enough for you
This pair of compiler generator tools generate the parsers for the expressions. Google for a tutorial that looks promising to you.

For a short example that shows how a new function was added to two parsers have a look at this changeset that added the cpu()-function to the field and the the patch-parser (usually you’ll have to write a new method for the driver too):

hg diff -c 8604e865cce6

Repository organization

The organization of the repository is according to the Driessen branching model described here https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ . To enforce it this mercurial extension is recommended https://bitbucket.org/yujiewu/hgflow/wiki/Home For instance if a new feature foo should be added then a command

hg flow feature start foo

creates a new branch feature/foo from the develop branch which later can be merged back with

hg flow feature finish

Special branches

Currently the main branches are:

The main branch. This is the brancht that the general public will receive. It compiles under OpenFOAM 2.0 and higher
Branch for generating new Debian-packages of swak4Foam. If somebody wants to “inherit” this: contact the maintainer
Actual development branch

Maintaining feature and hotfix-branches

The repository comes with a .hgflow-file that is set for the hgflow-extension found at https://bitbucket.org/yujiewu/hgflow/wiki/Home (there are multiple branches of this extension. This seems to be the most up-to date and still under active development)

In the future this repository will try to stick to the model described in http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/


swak4Foam is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING in this directory, for a description of the GNU General Public License terms under which you can copy the files.

Known bugs

The following list is not complete. If the Artemis extension (see above) is installed then

hg ilist

gives a more up-to-date list

Moving meshes and sampledSurfaces

It seems that with moving meshes sampledSurfaces don’t get updated. This seems to be a problem with OpenFOAM itself (the regular surfaces-functionObject doesn’t get updated. This is currently investigated

Missing support for interpolation and point-Fields

Apart from patches and internal fields the support for interpolation from cells to faces (and vice versa) is incomplete as well as point fields (although they are supported in the grammar)

Caching of loaded fields not working

This is especially evident for the funkyDoCalc-example

Possible enhancements of the code

Not really bugs, but stuff that bugs me

Pointers in the driver code

This is necessary because of bison. Investigate possibilities to replace these by tmp and autoPtr

Possible memory loss

valgrind reports some lost memory for stuff that is not directly allocated by swak4Foam (in OpenFOAM-sources)

Will investigate. Relevant places are marked by comments in the code. Also the construction of sampledSet seems to loose memory

Currenly problematice parts seem to be:

  • update and magSf-calculation of SampledSurface (marked in SampledSurfaceExpressionDriver.C)
  • Python interpreter (but no calls in swak were found in the stack-trace that could be responsible)

Non-treatment of the inner product & of symmetric tensors

Before OpenFOAM 2.1 the inner product of two symmetric tensors was a symmetric tensor. Since 2.1 it is a general tensor. As the general treatment in the grammar would be confusing currently the this product was removed from the grammar and therefor will not be correctly parsed

No point-vector construction for Subsets

The same problem that was mentioned in https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=130 is also true for subsets. But as the interpolation is not implemented for most subsets this will be postponed

No tab-completion for regular Python-shell and old IPython-versions

The tab-completion does not work except for up-to-date versions of IPython. This seems to be a problem with the readline-library inside an embedded Python. Low priority

Failure of groovyBC for commsType blocking

If the commsType is set to blocking then the MPI-communications of groovyBC cause problems in MPI and a fatal error.

Currently the only workaround is to edit $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/controlDict so that a different commsType is used (nonBlocking or scheduled)

Failure with sampledSurfaces that change size on certain distros

Older Foam-versions had the problem that when the surface changes the size then certain values (especially the mag are not properly recalculated).

This causes this bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/openfoam-extend/ticketsswak4foam/231/

The bug can not be fixed in swak4Foam but has to be fixed in the Foam-Distro

solverPerformanceToGlobalVariables only works for scalar fields

Currently only the data from scalar fields can be correctly parsed. If vector-fields are specified the function object fails

Failing Python2 and Python3 integration if Floating Point Exception is enabled

On some platforms if floating point exceptions are enabled then importing numpy fails because it seems to use FPEs to detect properties of the floating point implementation. This makes the whole program fail.

Only known workaround is switching FPE-trapping off by

export FOAM_SIGFPE=false


2010-09-13 - version number : 0.1

First Release

2010-12-18 - version number : 0.1.1

New release Most important changes

Parser for sampledSurfaces

Now expressions for the field on a sampled surface can be evaluated. All sampledSurfaces offered by OpenFOAM now can be used

Multiline variables

The variables entry (most notably used in groovyBC and swakExpression) now can be a list of strings. This allows some kind of “formatting” (one expression per line) and should improve readability

Two maintainance-scripts were added

These can copy the libraries and utilities to the global installation (for those who think that the swak4Foam-stuff is stable enough and want to ‘bless’ all users at their site with it). Note that any local installation still takes precedence (because $FOAM_USER_APPBIN is before $FOAM_APPBIN in the $PATH

Parsers using ‘external variables’ are now run-time selectable

This allows the inclusion of other parsers with the regular swak4Foam parsers and include them seamlessly with the variables-mechanism for ‘externals’ (in other words: you can add your own parser in a separate library without having to change anything about the overall swak4Foam, but it behaves as if it was part of it)

2011-01-30 - version number : 0.1.2

Support for Finite Area-stuff

Now there is support for the finiteArea-library found in 1.6-dev. The support is found in a separate library swakFiniteArea. It has

  • a parser faField for areaFields
  • a parser faPatch for patches of areaFields
  • a variant of groovyBC for these patches
  • a computed source faExpressionSource
  • Function-object-variants for areaFields: clearExpression, expressionField and manipulateField. These work the same as their volField-counterparts

Bugfix for compiling in single precision

See https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=49

New function nearDist

See https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=44

2011-04-20 - version number : 0.1.3

New features and changes are (this list is not complete):

New utility funkySetAreaField

Like funkySetFields for finiteArea. Also writes out a volume field for easier post-processing

Refactoring of groovyBC and groovified boundary conditions

Makes it easier to use the groovyBC-machinery for other boundary conditions. Two standard boundary conditions were groovified. Others may follow

Easier deployment

If no simpleFunctionObjects are present they can be downloaded by a script. Also scripts to handle global installations of swak4Foam

Force equations

A class to force equations to certain values according to expressions

New utility funkyDoCalc

Utility does calculations on saved results and outputs single numbers (min, max, sum, average) to the terminal. Can be used for reporting or validity checks

Debian packaging

Crude packaging for Debian


A single-argument function can be specified as a piecewise linear function. Basically works like timelines but the argument can be something else (not only the time)

Stored variables

Variables that store their values between time-steps. Applications are statistics or switches

Sampled sets

Sampled sets can now also be used as en entity on which calculation is possible.

2011-07-26 - version number : 0.1.4

Port to OpenFOAM 2.0

This is the first release that officially supports OpenFOAM 2.0

Also it is the first release that incorporates the simpleFunctionObjects-library

New features:

Rewrite of rand and randNormal

  • These two functions now can receive an integer seed that determines the pseudo-randooom sequence generated by these functions
  • Two functions randFixed and randNormalFixed were added. While the usual rand functions generate a different result at every time-steps for these functions the pseudo-random sequence is determined only by the seed (not by the timestep)

Binary min and max

Take the bigger/smaller of two fields. Helps avoid ?:-operations

Allow writing of only volume-fields in funkySetAreaFields

Application: If the results of the calculation are only needed in ParaView

Internal changes

  • Use autoPtr for sets
  • Update sets that change in memory or on disc


funkySetAreaFields did not check for the correct fields

Fixed by Petr Vita

surfaceProxy uses the wrong geometric data

Avoid floating point exceptions with division of fields

Calculated boundaries were $0$ and caused a division by zero


Update Debian packaging

  • Packaging information for the currently used OF-version is generated (allows a separate swak-package for every OF-version
  • Submission to launchpad added

Deployment scripts


2011-10-03 - version number : 0.1.5

New features

replayTransientBC now supports multiple regions

Uses the usual -region-option. Looks for a separate dictionary in the system-directory of that region

replayTransientBC allows execution of functionObjects

This can be switched on using the allowFunctionObjects-option


Allows the execution of Python-Code in a functionObject

This feature is still experimental and the organization of the libraries is subject to change

Global variables

It is now possible to define variables that are ‘global’: They can be read in any entity.

Currently these variables can only be uniform.

To access global variables the specification-dictionary has to have a wordList named globalScopes. The scopes are searched in that order for the names of global variables. Having scopes allows some kind of separation of the variables

Using OF 2.0 codeStreams

Adds a functionObject swakCoded that extends the coded-functionObject to read and write global variables

Simplified boundary condition groovyBCFixedValue

Added a boundary condition than allows to only fix the values. This should help to avoid problems with cases that don’t like mixed (on which the regular groovyBC is based)

Function objects to solve PDEs

Two function objects that solve Partial Differential Equations during a run have been added:

  • one that solves a laplacian (Poisson) equation
  • one that solves the transport equation for a scalar

The relevant coefficients (including explicit and implicit source terms) can be specified using expressions

Administrative and packaging

Inject swak4Foam into a distro

Added a script that takes the current sources, copies them into the appropriate places of a OpenFOAM-installation and slightly rewrites them to compile in this place. What happens then (committing them into the repository or just plain compilation) is up to the maintainer

Absorb simpleFunctionObjects

As many parts of swak4Foam depend on it the simpleFunctionObjects have now been absorbed into swak4Foam. They can still be compiled on their own


Variables not working for parallel computations

If a variable is defined and the patch which it is defined on doesn’t have any faces the variable is reported on that processor as not existing and the whole run fails

2012-01-04 - version number : 0.1.6

Cases changed


Fixed according to a suggestion by Andreas Otto. Now runs again (used to crash some time-steps into the beginning)


Check for correct bison-version

The Allwmake-script now checks for the correct bison-version (and the existence of bison) and fails if it doesn’t seem to be the right one

Supply a header with preprocessor-symbols about the used OF-version

To allow distinguishing different OF-versions as discussed in the bug report http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=114 the Allwmake-script now generates a header file foamVersion4swak.H that defines the symbols FOAM_VERSION4SWAK_MAJOR, FOAM_VERSION4SWAK_MINOR and FOAM_VERSION4SWAK_PATCH


Refactoring of the FieldDriver

  • now can also produce surfaceFields
  • full support of tensor, symmTensor and sphericalTensor

Refactoring of the FaFieldDriver

  • now can also produce edgeFields

No support for tensors yet

Writing of storedVariables

If necessary (for instance swakExpression-functionObject) the storedVariables are written to disc (into a subdirectory swak4Foam of the timestep) and are reread at the start. This allows consistent restarts (for instance if a flow was summed using the variable) if the expressions stay the same.

simpleFunctionObjects now write vectors and tensors without brackets

Data files can now be written without brackets but each component on its own. The number of entries in the header is not adjusted

A default mesh for the drivers exists

For drivers that don’t have access to a fvMesh a default mesh exists. This default mesh is defined by the first fvMesh that is used during the construction of any driver.

Definition of the default mesh can be forced using the initSwakFunctionObject (see the test case flowRateAngledDuct)

New features

General phi in solveTransportPDE

Due to the refactoring of the FieldDriver now phi can be specified by a general expression (instead of ‘only’ a field-name)

funkySetFields now also writes surfaceFields

Can write surfaceVector and surfaceScalar-Fields. Condition has to be consistent

Function objects now surfaceField-aware

expressionField and manipulateField now can create or modify surfaceFields

funkySetFields and function objects support tensors

funkySetFields and the function objects expressionField and manipulateField now also work with the three tensor-types

Extension of the expressionToFace topoSet

If the expression evaluates to a surfaceField then this is used as a flag whether or not the face is in the faceSet. If the expression evaluates to a volScalarField then the old semantic applies (faces are in the set if one cell is true and the other is false).

This only works for internal faces

addGlobalVariable allows setting more than one value

If there is an entry globalVariables then this dictionary is used to set the variables

Function object calculateGlobalVariables

Calculates variables and then pushes them to a global namespace

Generate a dummy phi in replayTransientBC

New option added that generates a phi field with value $0$ to keep boundary conditions like inletOutlet happy

Function object to dump expression results

The functionObject dumpSwakExpression dumps the complete results of a swakExpression to file at each timestep. This produces huge files and is therefor not endorsed

Additional options for funkySetFields

Add the options allowFunctionObjects and addDummyPhi to execute functionObjects and add a phi-field (for fields that require these)

Boundary condition groovcBCDirection

Based on the directionMixed boundary condition this allows to set a boundary condition as a Dirichlet-condition only in certain directions while in the other directions it is a gradient-condition

Boundary condition groovyBCJump

Boundary condition that imposes a jump in the value on a cyclic boundary condition pair (based on jumpCyclic). Only works for scalar values

simpleFunctionObjects write CSV-files

Setting the option outputFileMode to csv writes CSV-files. The option-value foam is the default (old style). The option-value raw writes the values delimited by spaces (no brackets for vectors and tensors)

Submeshes automatically read if searchOnDisc specified

If a submesh is not yet in memory and the option searchOnDisc is set, the mesh is automatically read into memory and kept there

Conditional functionObjects

The simpleFunctionObjects-library now has a number of functionObjects that allow the conditional execution of a list of function objects.

These are

if the name of the executable fits a regular expression the function objects are executed
if a named object exists (or alternatively: doesn’t exist) in the registry execute the function objects. Type checking also implemented
execute if an environment variable satisfies a certain condition (exists, doesn’t exist, fits a regular expression)
execute if a specific functionObject is present. This can help prevent failures if a functionObject is missing for technical reasons

In addition the simpleSwakFunctionObjects-library has

Evaluates a logical swak-expression. The results are either accumulated using logical or (if one value is true the result will be true) or logical and (all values have to be true)

The pythonIntegration-library has

Evaluates a Python-code-snipplet that returns a value. If this value is “true” in Pythons standards then the functionObjects are executed

functionObject that reads gravitation

simpleFunctionObjects has an additional function object that reads the direction of gravitation. The purpose is to assist boundary conditions like buoyantPressure that rely on it to work. Best used together with conditional function objects (“If g is missing ....”)

PDE-functionObjects for finiteArea

Solve transport and laplacian equation

Subclass to DataEntry that uses swak-expressions

This is defined in the swak4FoamParsers-library. The class needs a default mesh defined to construct the driver. Definition of the default mesh (if no other driver was constructed in some function-object or by a groovyBC) can be forced using the initSwakFunctionObject (see the test case flowRateAngledDuct)

funkySetAreaField now also writes edgeFields

Similar to the surfaceFields in funkySetFields

Bug fixes

Compilation with Intel-Compiler possible

The Utilities failed with the Intel-compiler. Compilation now falls back to good old g++

Access to tensor-components not working

Because the tokens were not defined in the flex-files getting tensor components with tensor.xx did not work. Fixed

Constants for surfaceFields not working

Because surfaceFields know no zeroGradient the template makeConstant did not work

snGrad does not work for patches if the file is on disc

Change so that the field gets temporarily loaded to calculate the gradient on the patch. Same for internalField and neighbourField

potentialFoam does not correctly use a groovyBC

The reason is that groovyBC usually doesn’t get evaluated during construction. The reason is that it is hard to tell whether all required fields are already in memory. The current fix is a workaround: setting evaluateDuringConstruction to true forces the BC to be evaluated during construction

Extra evaluation of boundary conditions causes failure

Extra evaluation of boundary condition that should fix the problem with calculated patches causes funkySetFields to fail with stock boundary conditions if not all fields are present in memory

Discontinued features


This boundary condition will be removed in future releases because the base class now supports the more general DataEntry-class for which a swak-subclass exists

2012-04-13 - version number : 0.2.0 Friday the 13th

New features

Region name in simpleFunctionObject.outputs

To distinguish the output of various instances of functionObjects from the simpleFunctionObjects-library in multi-region cases the screen-output is prefixed with the region name. For the default region nothing changes. Directory names stay the same as they are unambiguous anyway (they contain the name of the functionObject)

Temporal operators ddt and oldTime

For fields (not expressions!) the value at a previous timestep can be gotten via oldTime(field) if that information exists (also for funkySetFields if the corresponding file field_0 exists.

For fields that support it (basically volume-fields) there is also a ddt-operator that calculates the explicit time-derivative (if information about the last timestep exists)

Currently implemented for

oldTime and ddt
only oldTime
only oldTime
only oldTime
oldTime and ddt
only oldTime

If there is no old time value stored and in the parser dictionary the parameter prevIterIsOldTime is set, then the previous iteration value is used as the old time.

Boundary condition groovcBCDirection

Based on the directionMixed boundary condition this allows to set a boundary condition as a Dirichlet-condition only in certain directions while in the other directions it is a gradient-condition

Note: this should have been in the last release but was forgotten to merge into the default branch

Boundary condition groovyBCJump

Boundary condition that imposes a jump in the value on a cyclic boundary condition pair (based on jumpCyclic). Only works for scalar values

Note: this should have been in the last release but was forgotten to merge into the default branch

Function to return the position of minimum and maximum

The functions minPosition and maxPosition return the position of the minimum or the maximum of a scalar field

This is implemented for all field types

Support for pointFields in the field-parsers

Now can read and generate pointFields.

Detailed features (apart from the standard symbols) are:

  • Function point generates a constant pointScalarField
  • Function pts() returns a pointVectorField with the point positions
  • Functions pzone and pset generate logical fields according to existing pointZones or pointSets
  • Functions interpolateToCell and interpolateToPoint interpolate from pointFields to volFields and from volFields to pointFields

Utilities and functionObjects affected by this are

  • funkySetFields
  • new topoSource expressionToPoint
  • expressionField and manipulateField now can deal with pointFields

Support for tensors in the finiteArea-field parser

The faField-parser now supports tensors, symmetric tensors and spherical tensors.

Not all operators are supported because the are not instantiated in 1.6-ext

New convenience-variables for the Python-Integration

These variables are added in the namespace to ease the writing of Python-code whose output is consistent with OF

Name of the current time as a string. Allows the construction of directory names
Boolean that indicates whether this is a timestep where OpenFOAM will write output

Additional operators from the fvc-namespace

The missing operators from the fvc-namespace have been added to the Field-parser. These are

for all volumeFields
for all volumFields. Needs a surfaceField as a first argument
for volume-vector-fields. Optional with a scalar-field that acts as the density as the first argument. Only works in the context of a solver with a dynamic mesh and hasn’t been tested yet

The only missing operators from the fvc-namespace are volumeIntegrate=/=domainIntegrate. These have been omitted as they are trivial to implement using other functions


Full parallel compilation

Thanks to patches supplied by Bruno Santos (see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=105) compilation of the libraries is now possible in parallel

Version numbers and version number reporting

Releases up to now got a version number. Utilities now report the version number. This should make it easier to find out whether problems are due to an old version

Still looking for a way to do that for the libraries (so that they will report it if dynamically loaded)


Update of the Debian-Packaging

make dpkg now genrates also a valid package if the current OpenFOAM-installation is not installed using the dpkg.

Changes in the behavior

Directory variables in Python-integration

For parallel runs the content of the caseDir-variable changed and a few variables have been added

in parallel runs now points to the FOAM_CASE instead of the processor subdirectory
points to the global system-directory
points to the global constant-directory
in parallel runs points to the processor-subdirectory of the current CPU
The mesh data (of the current processor in parallel runs)
Directory where data would be written to at the current time (processor dependent)

User must acknowledge parallelization in Python-integration

In parallel runs the user must set the isParallelized to true if the parallelMasterOnly is set to false.

With that he indicates that in his opinion the Python-code has no bad side-effects in parallel runs and that he doesn’t blame swak4Foam if anyting bad happens

Bug fixes

interFoam-based example solvers do not compile on 2.1

As reported in https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=119 due to a change the way the PISO-loop is treated the interFoamWithSources and interFoamWithFixed don’t compile with 2.1 anymore.

To avoid #ifdef in the solver sources there is now a separate set of sources (labeled pre2.1) for older versions. The regular sources work with 2.1 (and hopefully the following)

-allowFunctionObjects-option not working for replayTransientBC

Function-objects only work with the while(runTime.loop())-construct in 2.1. The utility now uses this.

Field itself can not be used in funkySetBoundaryField

Bug reported: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=124

An expression like 2*U did not work for the field U. Reason was that the registry already held an object called U (the dictionary representation of the field) and therefor refused to load/register another U.

Has been fixed by de-registering the dictionary U immediately after loading.

No gradient for vectors in FieldParser

The gradient for a vector field (result: a tensor field) was not calculated. It is now part of the grammar

Some operators for tensors not working in 1.6-ext

tr, inv and det were not working for some tensort types in 1.6-ext. The parser now fails if such a combination is used. Works OK for other OF-versions

Also introduced a workaround for certain operators not being properly defined for pointFields (by using the internal fields)

x, y, z and xy etc not available as field names

These symbols could not be used as field names because they were used for the components of vectors and tensors

Now these names are only used if the .-operator asks for a component. This is implemented for these parsers

  • FieldValues
  • PatchValues
  • SubsetValues (all Zones, sets and samples)
  • finiteArea-Parsers: faPatch and faField

Missing tensor components for point-Fields in some parsers

All parsers except the field-parser were missing the access to tensor components in the grammar

No vector construction possible for point-vectors (and tensors) in PatchField

As mentioned in https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=130 it was not possible to construct a point-vector field using vector(toPoint(1),toPoint(1),toPoint(1)). Same for tensors

Incomprehensible error message in funkySetFields if the field is missing

The error message in funkySetFields that was issued when a field is supposed to be created was not very helpful (something about the field currently being an IOobject)

Missing magSqr in parsers

This function was reported missing on the message board

Wrong size when composing vectors and tensors for point-fields

The composed objects got their size from the current parser, not the components. This resulted in a segmentation-fault for pointFields

icc does not compile executeIfExecutableFitsFunctionObject on Linux

Preprocessor symbol linux unknown. Replaced with __linux__

Enhancement to the trackDictionary-functionObject

Now handles bad or non-existent filenames for dictionaries to track

Fix provided by Martin Beaudoin

2012-10-18 - version number : 0.2.1


flex 2.5.35

This version is needed for the reentrant parsers. 2.5.33 may work but is untested. Version 2.5.4 which is on some old systems definitely does not work

bison 2.4

Version 2.3 compiles but there is an offset-problem with the locations that breaks the Plugin-functionality

Mac-users will have to install bison from another source (for instance MacPorts)

Bug fixes

Make sure that Allwmake always uses the bash

On Ubuntu /bin/sh is something else and the scripts fail. Hardcode to /bin/bash

downloadSimpleFunctionObjects.sh still in Makefile

This script (which was removed long ago) was still referenced in the Makefile.

grad in fields added dimensions

grad and other operators from fvc added dimensions to values that were supposed to be dimensionless. This has been fixed

Default condition for surface fields wrong size in funkySetFields

Due to a typo the constructed condition field was too short for surface-fields (too long for volume-fields, but that didn’t matter)

mappedFvPatch not treated like regular patches

The field-driver created patch fields there as calcuated when zeroGradient would have been more appropriate

flip() for faceSet not correctly calculated

A SortableList was used which meant that the vector with the flip values was not in the correct order

fset() crashes when faceSet has boundary faces

This problem was due to a non-special treatment of faces on the boundary. Fixed (for faceZone as well).

Also boundary faces are now honored in expressionToFace if the expression is a surface-field (for the volume-field logic boundary faces will never work)

groovyBC produced incorrect results with wallHeatFlux etc

The reason was that during construction refGradient, refValue etc were not read correctly (if present).

This is now fixed in groovyBC and the other BCs (groovyBC for pointFields and groovyBCDirection)

Global variables not found in faField

The Lexer correctly identified the variable but the getField method did not know how to get it.


Wrong type of condition field in funkySetAreaFields

If no condition was evaluated the utility generated a pseudo-field of the wrong length

calculated-patches $0$ for some operations

For some operations in the Field-driver the calculated-patches had the value $0$ instead of the number of the next cell. This caused certain calculations to fail (give $0$)

The FaField-driver did no fixing of the calculated-patches at all.

This is fixed

sqr of a vector should produce a symmTensor

Reported in http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=150

Added the sqr at the right place to the grammars. Also some other missing tensor operations (dev and symm).

funkySetFields produced wrong values on processor patches

Patch fields were not copied any no correctBoundaryField was called for technical reasons.

Fix: values copied by hand

sortedToc does not exist for 1.6-ext

Introduced a preprocessor symbol that allows using sortedToc on newer versions

Wrong size() and pointSize() reported for FaField-driver

This was due to a strange () (still don’t know what happened there)

Memory leak in the field drivers

The strings of parsed IDs were not properly deleted. Funnily this was done correctly in the Patch and the Subset-driver. Also for timelines-

Also fixed a leak with the labels of plugin-functions that was present with all drivers

Maintenance scripts not working with non-=bash= /bin/sh

Reported by Oliver Krueger that on systems where /bin/sh is not a bash anymore (newer Ubuntu and SuSE) the sourcing of theFiles.sh doesn’t work anymore.

Fixed and moved all the files to the maintainanceScripts-folder

cof and diag undefined

Added. Diag had to be reprogrammed as it is not implemented for fields (probably for performance reasons).

Also some tensor operators were missing (probably lost during copy/paste)

No new file created if number of patches for patchAverage changes

Reported in https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=153

Fixed by removing all file pointers if the number of patches changes

variables intolerant on spaces

Spaces in the list of variables made the reading fail because words can’t contain spaces. For instance

"var =T*2;"

Now all the spaces are removed before assigning to variables. This will also remove spaces on the “inside” thus making

"v ar =T*2;"

the same as the above expression. But it is unlikely that the call will be used in this way

Missing div-operations

These valid div-operations were missing from the grammar:

  • Divergence of a volume-tensor (all three kinds) producing a vector
  • Divergence of a surface-tensor (all three kinds) producing a volume-tensor

Fields created by expressionField written too late

Fields created by that function object were written with the value from the timestep before because the regular write occurs before the execution of the function objects.


storedVariables did not require a initialValue

Now an initial value is required (instead of the default empty string which caused parser failure)

Dimension checking makes expressionField fail

Reason is that during the calculation of the variables dimensions are checked.

Now the functionObject switches the checking off. But a more general solution is desirable

expressionField at last timestep not written

The functionObject does not write (and calculate) the field at the last timestep.

Fixed with an one-liner

groovyBC makes interFoam-runs fail unpredictably

Reason was an uninitialized valueFraction which sometimes has values that cause a floating point exception. Fixed

Global variables of different sizes break parallel runs

Because size() was equal to the expected size on some processors. Not on all. Now the branch is taken if the size is equal on all processors

Fields treated with readAndUpdateFields were written one timestep too late

Fields were not written after the boundary condition was updated. Now they are


Topology-operators now support variables etc

The topology operators expressionToCell, expressionToFace and expressionToPoint now support variables and the other supporting keywords if being constructed with a dictionary (for instance from the topoSet-utility)

Fields touched by manipulateField being written

Usually the manipulated version of the fields is not written as the manipulation happens after writing. The option writeManipulated enforces writing.

Writing is not the default behavior to avoid side-effects

Indicator functions onPatch and internalFace added to field-expressions

The function onPatch(name) returns a surface-field that is $1$ on all faces that belong to patch name.

The function internalFace() is $1$ on all internal faces and $0$ on all patches

Non-uniform second argument for pow

Now the second argument to the pow-function can be a non-constant

Added transpose to the tensors

The expression A.T() transposes the tensor A (for symmetrical and spherical tensors it leaves them untouched)

Added unit tensor I to parsers

If no field I is defined then this is used as the unit-tensor

Added the Hodge dual operator

The unary operator * calculates for tensors and symmetrical tensors the hodge dual

replayTransientBC can now switch on function-objects via dictionary

The optional entry useFunctionObjects switches on the execution of function objects during the calculation

replayTransientBC can now create a phi-field via dictionary

The optional entry addDummyPhi creates a phi-field

expressionField now allows the specification of a dimension

The dimensions-entry is now read at the same time the variables are read (this should work for all programs/functionObjects where the parser is not constructed using a dictionary but the dictionary is later searched for the variables-entry)

New features

Allow dynamically loaded plugins that add new functions to parsers

This allows easy extension of the functionality of swak4Foam without modifying the grammar files.

The way it works is that new functions are added to a runtime-selection table. If the grammar can not resolve a symbol as a built-in function or a field (but only then) it looks up the name in this table and evaluates the function. Parameters are parsed separately and can be:

primitive data types
integer, float, string and word
an expression parsed by one of the swak-parsers. The type of this expression does not necessarily have to be the same as the one of the ‘main’ expression.

The first time a plugin function is searched swak4Foam prints a list of all the available functions of this type. Information included is the return type and the types of the parameters (these include the parser used, the expected type and a parameter name).

Libraries with plugin-functions are added via the libs-entry in the system/controlDict

A number of plugin-libraries are already included covering these topics:

  • Evaluation of functions of the turbulence, transport or thermo model
  • Different random number distributions
  • Functions to “project” sampledSets and sampledSurfaces onto a volume-field
  • Execute explicit discretization functions (like grad) but select the used scheme in the function instead of using the value from fvSchemes
  • Calculations of the mesh quality (same way checkMesh does) and return as fields
  • Do calculations locally on a cell (like the maximum on its faces)
  • Get the source fields and other properties from lagrangian clouds based on the basic intermediate cloud classes (Kinematic, Thermo, Reacting, ReactingMultiphase)

It has been tried to make the names unique instead of short. Usually function names from one library are prefixed with the same short string.

Dynamically generated lists of functionObjects

The new dynamicFunctionObjectListProxy in the simpleFunctionObjects can generate a functionObjectList from a string and execute them during the run like regular function-objects.

The string is provided by a special class (the so called dictionaryProvider). Current implementations for the provider are:

reads the text from a dictionary file
executes a program and takes the standard output as the dictionary text
executes a python-script and takes the stdout as the dictionary text

The string must be in the format o a regular OpenFOAM-dictionary with an entry functions from which the functionObjects are generated

Function object readAndUpdateFields

This FO in the simpleFunctionObjects reads a number of fields and updates their boundary conditions at every timestep.

Main purpose is to let groovyBC do calculations and use the results for post-processing purposes

Does not support surface-fields as these don’t have a correctBoundaryConditions-method.

Example of the usage in the angledDuctImplicit-case (the results are of limited value because of the temperature boundary condition)

Source terms based on basicSource

Three source terms were added. These source terms are in the swakSourceFields-library and can be used with solvers that use the sourcesProperties-dictionary. The sources are

sets values according to a mask or the mechanism provided by basicSource
Uses the calculated source term on the right hand side of the equation
Uses a calculated scalar-field to add an implicit source term (source is without the actual field)

These fields are only implemented in the 2.x-version of swak because the interface of basicSource is very different in 1.7 and a backport was unnecessary

Function objects that stop a run gracefully

simpleFunctionObjects now has a function object writeAndEndFieldRange that stops a run (and writes the last time) if a field is outside a specified range.

A similar function object writeAndEndSwakExpression is in the simpleSwakFunctionObjects that stops if a swak-expression evaluates to true. writeAndEndPython does the same in pythonIntegration.

Note: after the run is written one more timestep is calculated (this seems to be due to the fact that FOs are calculated at the start of a timestep). Also there are issues if the next timestep is a scheduled write-time (this only seem to be an issue with 1.7.x. It all works fine on 2.1.x)

Function-objects to load thermophysical and turbulence models

New function objects in the simpleFunctionObjects allow the loading of such models for solvers/utilities that don’t have such models but where some functionObject (for instance) needs such a model to be in memory

Function-objects that create and evolve clouds of lagrangian particles

Added as part of the simpleFunctionObjects some functionObjects that create a cloud of particles and evolve them at every timestep.

The appropriate fields needed by every cloud have to be present (either supplied by the solver or via a functionObject)

Function-object manipulatePatchField to manipulate the field on patches

This function objects allows the manipulation of patch fields like manipulateField allows the manipulation of the internal field. Only use if desperate

Delayed variables to simulate responses

If a variable is declared in the delayedVariables-list then its behavior changes: when a value is assigned to that variable then the value is not immediately used but after the time specified in delay. Values are stored at intervals storeInterval and interpolated linearly. If no stored data is available then the value of the expression startupValue is used.

This feature allows the modeling of boundary conditions that react with a delay to flow conditions

Allow preloading of fields in funkySetFields

To satisfy the requirements of certain boundary conditions funkySetFields now allows the preloading of fields. This is only available in dictionary mode with the preloadFields-entry (for each entry in the expressions-list separately)


Compilation script checks SWAK4FOAM_SRC

The environment variable SWAK4FOAM_SRC is needed for the swakCoded-functionObject. The Allwmake-script now checks whether this variable exists and prints a message with the correct value if it doesn’t. It also checks whether the value is correct and warns if it isn’t

Allwmake creates symbolic links in swakFiniteArea

The links to mybison and myflex are missing when the sources are downloaded as a tarball. The Allwmake-script now creates these links if they are missing

Reformatting of the parser sources

Sources of the parsers have been completely reformatted to make them more readable and maintainable

Move non-parser sources in swak4FoamParsers into sub-directories

Make the directory a little bit cleaner

2013-02-28 - version number : 0.2.2

Incompatibilities to previous versions

Python-integration library renamed

To avoid clashes with other similar efforts (not that I know of any) the library libpythonIntegration.so has been renamed to libswakPythonIntegration.so.

Usually only the libs-entry in the controlDict has to be changed (if the library is used at all). Names of the function objects stay the same

Change in write behaviour of expressionField and manipulateField

Now the outputControl-entry is honored. If set wrong the field is no longer calculated/manipulated at every time-step

Bug fixes

2.x-branch did not compile on 2.0

Branch only compiled on 2.1, but not on 2.0 due to changes in the OpenFOAM-API

Fix provided by Bruno Santos

groovyBC: value reset to $0$ during construction

If no refValue is given during construction then a value of $0$ is assumed for this and during a preliminary update the value is reset to this value.

Fixed by using the value as the refValue if no refValue is specified

Unspecified value in addGlobalVariables produces obscure error message

The error message occured much later when a tmp tried to copy a NULL-pointer and was not obvious at all for the general user. Fixed

Did not compile on 1.6-ext

1.6-ext does not consider the product of two symmetrical tensors to be symmetrical. Fixed

Python integration did not get global variables

Change in the interface of the ExpressionResult-class broke the access of global variables from a Python-functionObject. Fixed

maintainanceScripts/makeSwakVersionFile.py failed when no Mercurial is installed

This didn’t influence the compilation (as there is already a current version file there) but confused people.

Non-uniform variables for internalField only worked correctly for volume fields

Face and point fields did not propagate the information correctly and were treated as non-uniform volume fields of the wrong size. This should now be fixed

Division of faceFields causes division by zero

The reason was that the patches of the divisor had a value of zero. This has been fixed by only dividing the internalFields(). Same for pointFields.

valuePatches did not work for mapped patches

This kind of patch was not identified as something that could have the value fixed

Recent versions of 2.1.x break compilation of CommonValueExpressionDriver.C

The definition of the operator lessOp clashed with another definition. Renamed.

Fix provided by Bruno Santos

expressionField and manipulateField did not honor the outputControl-entry

expressionFields were calculated at every time-step, even if the computational cost was high. Now if outputControl is outputTime the field is only calculated if it is going to be written

Double namespace Foam makes compilation of groovyJump fail with icc

Seems like this one was overlooked because gcc is more tolerant towards stupidity.

Reported by Edo Frederix

New Examples

Cases from the OSCFD12 Conference in London

On the slides the case files were promised

New features

Access fields from different cases

It is now possible for expression on internalFields to access fields from different cases. These fields are always read from disk when being accessed for the first time and stay cached in memory until the time is changed. The data is interpolated to the current mesh with the meshToMesh-class (which is the workhorse of the mapFields-utility)

The meshes are stored in a repository and are accessed via a name. If for instance the mesh is known under the name otherMesh then in an expression the term otherMesh(T) is the field T from that other mesh at the specified time interpolated to the current mesh.

Certain function objects and parser instances allow specifying foreign meshes in a subdictionary foreignMeshes.

Patch-expressions now support mapped-patches

This is the long asked for feature to “get non-uniform values from other patches”. It only works if the patches are specified as mapped (or directMapped for 1.x). Therefor a patch can only access one other patch with this.

On a mapped patch mapped(T) gets field T from whatever this patch maps from (other patch, cells, faces). mappedInternal(T) gets the values from the internal cells on the other patch (this only works for patches).

On a mapped patch an external variable expression for patches now changes its meaning: if other is the patch that the current patch maps from (and only then) then var{patch'other}=expr evaluates expr on the other patch and then maps the values to the current patch (var may be non-uniform). In all other circumstances var will get a uniform value which is derived from whatever expr evaluates to.

To allow non-uniform offsets in the specification of mapped patches in polyMesh/boundary a utility calcNonUniformOffsetsForMapped was developed.

Function objects that manipulate time

The framework for function objects that manipulate the runTime were added. The concrete implementations are

set the timestep from a data file
set the timestep by evaluating a Python-snipplet that should return a floating point number
set the end time from the evaluation of a Python-snipplet

Plugin-functions for chemical model

The library libswakChemistryModelFunctionPlugin adds the possibility to calculate properties of the chemistry like reaction rates, chemical timescale and released energy.

Currently only implemented for psiChemistryModel

If there is no chemistry model in memory it will be loaded and the reaction rates are calculated.

There is a function psiChem_updateChemistry that forces the chemistry to be recalculated with a specified timestep. For technical reasons this returns a scalar field with the value $0$. So an expression like psiChem_updateChemistry(0.0001)+psiChem_RR(CH4) calculates the reaction rate assuming that the timestep is $0.0001$.

Two additional functions that sum up all the reaction rates (this should be $0$) and sum up only positive reaction rates (giving an impression on what is going on)

Plugin-functions for radiation model

The library libswakRadiationModelFunctionPlugin adds the possibility to calculate properties of the radiation like parts of the source terms Rp and Ru and the current radiation source

If there is no radiation model in memory it will be loaded and the reaction rates are calculated. Assumes the presence of a temperature field called T.


Python-Integration now supports numpy-arrays

If the numpy-library is found then global variables which are fields are being transformed to numpy-arrays. These arrays can be accessed with the usual numpy-array access like a[i,j] or a[i,:]. Global variables are made accessible by reference. This means that writing a value changes the global variable. Setting the whole variable has to be done by slicing a[:]=3 (a=3 removes it from the workspace). Vectors and tensors are two-dimensional arrays. They have convenience-attributes that return the whole vector of a component (like a.x for vectors or a.xx for tensors). To overwrite these they have to be sliced: a.x[:]=0 (a.x=0 only changes the attribute)

If a variable that is going to a global namespace is a numpy-array then it is translated by the following rules: vectors are transformed to scalarField. Arrays with 3 columns to vectorField, 9 columns to tensorField and 6 columns to symmTensorField. Different column-numbers produce errors

Optional parameter writeCode=/=writeFile for pythonIntegrationFunctionObject

If this is set then this Python-code is executed every time a time-step was written to disk

Python-integration has convenience-functions to create data files

Python-integration now has two convenience-functions that return a filename with the full path and create the directories if necessary. The file is not created (that is the responsibility of the Python-code).

The functions are (name is the name of the function object)

creates a directory <case>/<name>_data/<time>. To be used for data that is written at times that differ from write-time
creates a directory <case>/<time>/<name>_data. Should only be used for data that is written only at write-time

Switch off dimension checking in funkyDoCalc

A command lione switch -noDimensionChecking is added that allows switching off the checking of dimensions if this makes expressions fail

funkySetFields allows accessing fields from another mesh

If another case (with time and region) is specified via command line options (no dictionary) then in the expressions the other mesh can be accessed under the name other

Main application for this is comparing to other cases (but also comparing different timesteps of the same case with each other).

Used time is either fixed or set to the currently used (this can be selected via the command line)

funkyDoCalc allows specifying foreign meshes

Each expression can specify foreign meshes with a foreignMeshes-subdict

Function objects to load and update foreign meshes

There are two new function objects:

this allows specifying new foreign meshes. These can be used in subsequent function-objects or other swak-expressions on internalFields
this allows specifying a list of meshes whose time is set to the current time of the running case

replaxTransientBC outputs timestep

This helps debugging timestepping-strategies

New accumulation weightedAverage

A new possible entry for the accumulations calculates an average that is weighted by a facetor that depends on the entity:

  • cell volume if applicable
  • face area for surfaces etc
  • $1$ if there is no appropriate weight (usually values defined on points). The result is equivalent to average.

expressionField reports name and type of the created field

The title says it all. Should give the user additional feedback about what is happening

New boundary condition groovyPartialSlip in groovyStandardBCs

This boundary allows specifying the partial slip fraction of the regular partialSlip-BC with an expression.

funkySetFields allows switching off the correction of BCs

This is sometimes necessary to allow calculations with fields where the boundary conditions have a lot of dependencies (turbulence model, other mesh etc)

Allow selection of additional regions in funkySetFields

The option -additionalRegions allows selecting additional mesh regions for boundary conditions that require it (usually used together with -preloadFields).

For the other case there is an additional option -otherAdditionalRegions.

Adding a -preloadFields-option to funkySetFields

This option allows specifying additional field names to be preloaded in command line mode. If multiple mesh regions are specified (including another mesh)it will try to preload the field there too

replayTransientBC now supports all volume types

Support for tensor-types has been added

replayTransientBC preloads fields

For boundary conditions that require other fields these can be loaded into memory

replayTransientBC allows selection of time-steps

The utility now allows the selection of timesteps. In that case it acts fundamentally different: instead of doing a timeloop it jumps to those times, calculates the boundary conditions and writes. The purpose of this mode is generating boundary fields for postprocessing.


Allwmake stops if building of swak4FoamParsers fails

As the majority of installation problems were actually problems with the compilation of the library swak4FoamParsers and as this library is central for all other things in swak4Foam the compilation terminates if this library is not built

Header swak.H with version information and macros

This new header includes information about the swak4Foam-version, the OpenFOAM-version and macros for workarounds that depend on the OpenFOAM-version

accumulations-entries converted to NamedEnums

This forces the entries to be checked while being read. Allowing more consistent treatment

Additional maintenance script for special python-versions

This script allows compiling additional versions of swakPythonIntegration for cases where the version on the development machine is different from the version on the simulation machine (see installation chapter)


Changes without consequences for the user

Change type of name in parsers to word

The valid characters for an identifier were the same as in word (was string before)

Updated contributor lists in README and sources

The list of contributors to each file have been added (mostly by script with the information from the repository)

Rewritten methods that return pointers

This abomination from the early days of funkySetFields has been cleaned


Changes to the documentation

Start of the reference-manual

A first version of a reference manual is added. Only the first part about expressions and parameters is written.

2013-03-18 - version number : 0.2.3

Supports OpenFOAM 2.2

This is the first version to compile with OpenFOAM 2.2

Due to changes in OpenFOAM it requires several #ifdef (something that is usually avoided in the OpenFOAM-world) and other prepocessor definitions)

Incompatibilities to previous versions

simpleFunctionObjects and simpleLagrangianFunctionObjects no longer independent from rest

Due to incompatibilities between OpenFOAM 2.2 and previous versions there are compatibility headers included from the rest of swak4Foam.

Theoretically both libraries can be easily made independent again.

Bug fixes

Compiles on 1.6-ext again

The last release (0.2.2) did not compile on 1.6-ext. This is fixed

Missing field files for the OSCFD2012-cases

Due to a stupid .hgignore the 0.orig-directories were missing. Nobody complained though

Did not compile on 2.0.x

This has been fixed

New features

Writing of sampled surfaces and sampled sets

With the options autoWriteSurface and autoWriteSets sampled surfaces and sets are automatically written at each write time. With writeSurfaceOnConstruction and writeSetOnConstruction both are written when they are created. A format has to be specified. No values are written.


Parsers now support eigenValues and eigenVectors

These function and some other minor ones (sph, dev2, twoSymm) are now supported by the parsers

Extract rows from tensors with component operator

The component operators .x, .y and .z now extract the rows from a tensor

Variable names that are identical to fields trigger a Warning

As this situation (like a variable named p for the position that shadows the pressure field p) leads to weird errors a warning is given. The warning can be switched of with the option variableNameIdenticalToField.

2013-05-24 - version number : 0.2.4

Incompatibilities to previous versions

Data directories now generated in folder postProcessing instead of case folder

According to the convention introduced in OpenFOAM 2.2 now the data directories generated by functionObjects based on simpleFunctionObjects (that is almost all) and swakPythonIntegration (if the Python-code uses the dataFile-function) are generated as sub-directories of postProcessing in the case directory.

Scripts that rely on the location of these files will have to be adapted

ExpressionResult from old versions are not correctly read

This is due to a fix that now allows reading/writing these in binary mode. Only occurs if reading old data that either

  • uses a delayed variable
  • has global variables written in timesteps

Adaption of cases to 2.2

This may break them for previous versions of OpenFOAM


Additional flags for the compilation of the parsers

The C-files generated by bison become very big and some compilers need quite long when aggressive optimization is used. An additional environment variable SWAK_COMPILE_GRAMMAR_OPTION allows the specification of additional compiler switches (like -O1) that will appear after the regular switches and should alter the behavior of the compiler. Set in swakConfiguration if you want to set this permanently

Use bash instead of sh in maintainance scripts

Some distributions don’t use good old bash as the default shell. This breaks some scripts in subtle and not so subtle ways

Build-script prints swak-version in the beginning

To filter bug-reports with outdated versions


Changes without consequences for the user

Methods use word for names instead of string

Methods that look for fields now use the appropriate data type

Bug fixes

Compilation on Fujitsu (and probably Intel) compilers

There were template specializations for pTraits in ExpressionResult.C that had to be moved to ExpressionResult.H to allow compilation on these non-=gcc=-compilers

executeIf-function objects are executed if readDuringConstruction is set to true

Even if the condition evaluates to false the function objects in the list are executed. This makes the run fail if the purpose of the condition was to guard from such a situation. Fixed

Expression results are not correctly read from binary file

This was fixed by writing the fields properly with writeValue. This may introduce a little incompatibility when reading files written by old versions

Generated fields like vol() were registered

These fields were registered with the mesh which might have disturbed similar named real fields. Also did the fields generated for variables get registered

Missing files in potentialPitzDaily-case

Missing initial conditions made this case a bit pointless

log(vol()) gives floating point exception

This was due to the boundaries being set to 0. Fixed. Also for the dist() function

New features

Library with additional searchableSurfaces

The library simpleSearchableSurfaces adds more searchable surfaces to be used in snappyHexMesh. Types of surfaces in that library are

  • some objects that duplicate existing surfaces and are only there for historical reasons (except the cylinder which distinguishes between different sides). Others wrap existing surfaces and expose the different sides
  • wrappers for other surfaces that do coordinate transformations with it: rotation, translation, scaling
  • wrappers that take two surfaces and do boolean operations with them: union, intersection, difference, exclusive difference
  • Some wrappers that manipulate the regions of a surface: rename them, collect them into one region

New variable type StackedExpressionResult

This type is used to collect multiple values. If it is assigned a value then the uniform value of the right hand side is appended to the variable. Useful for collecting multiple values for output.

Variant StoredStackExpresionResult keeps the values between timesteps and allows the collection of timeline data

Function object dumpGlobalVariable

Dumps the value of a global variable into a line of a file

Function object removeGlobalVariable

Removes a global variable (mainly used to preserve memory)

Optional entry aliases for parser specifications

This dictionary allows the specification of alias names and their real names. If an alias name is found in an expression then it is replaced by the real name when looking for fields. The application for this is that OpenFOAM allows characters in field names that are not valid in swak-names and would break the grammar if they were (for instance - or :). By setting an alias such fields can still be accessed.

Function object to dump registered objects

The function object listRegisteredObjects in the simpleFunctionObjects lists all the objects currently registered with the mesh. Mainly used for debugging (“Which fields are currently available?”)

Function object that only executes its children if the run is serial/parallel

The new functionObject executeIfParallelSerial allows specifying if a list of function objects should only be run if the simulation is running in serial or parallel.

Function objects to calculate distributions

There are now four function objects that calculate distributions of fields. Distributions are calculated based on the Distribution-class that is part of OpenFOAM starting from version 2.0 and uses a weighting for added values. There are two kinds of output

  • a timeline with the key characteristics of the distribution
  • directories with the distributions at specific times. These are written “raw” and accumulated

For tensors and vectors these are output separately for every component. These outputs can be switched on and off separately. The user has to specify the bin-width for the classification. If the bin-width is too small and the distribution becomes too small it is scaled down.

The two function-objects in the simpleFunctionObjects are:

distribution of field values weighted by the cell volume
distribution of a field on a number of patches weighted by the face area

In swakSimpleFunctionObjects the two functionObjects are:

distribution of an expression on some entity. The user also has to specify and expression weight with the weight of each value and a logical expression mask. Values are only used if mask is true at the place
distribution of expression on a number of patches. As the weight the face-area is used


Global variables now can be subclasses of ExpressionResult

This allows other variable types like stored variables to be inserted there. They are also now saved for restarting

endTime now added to Python-wrapper

All classes using the python interpreter now have a variable endTime with the current end-time value

Force write if endTime set by time-manipulation is reached

If one of the functionObjects for time-manipulation set the end-time and it is reached and this is no time for output a complete output of the fields is forced

Function-objects based on patch from the simpleFunctionObjects now accept regular expression

This includes the patchExpression-functionObject. The supplied list is now interpreted as a list of regular expressions and all patches that match are included and processed

More flexible output control for functionObjects based on simpleFunctionObjects

An optional parameter outputControlMode now allows control on when the function object will be executed. Possible values are:

Every outputInterval timesteps the object will be executed. This is the default behaviour with an interval $1$
Approximately every outputDeltaT times it will be executed. The nearest possible timestep is used
Executed whenever a regular output is scheduled

swakDataEntry improved

Two enhancements

  • the name of the independent variable no can be specified. This variable holds the value that is passed to the data entry as a uniform value
  • data entry can now be integrated. This allows using it for instance for the injection rate in lagrangian models

2014-01-24 - version number : 0.3.0

The reason for the jump in the minor revision number is that with the introduction of the parser for lagrangian particles (cloud) the last white spot as far as major data structures in OpenFOAM is “explored”

Incompatibilities to previous versions

Support of old 1.6-ext lost

Due to certain differences this version only compiles with the nextRelease-branch of 1.6-ext (from the git).Usually the failing parts can be fixed b commenting out the appropriate #define in Libraries/swak4FoamParsers/include/swak.H.

New supported versions

Added support for Foam 3.0

As this version is quite similar to 1.7 a lot of #ifdefs were introduced by this port leading to a possible unification with the 1.x-branch


Make error messages in Allwmake more verbose

The error messages where already quite verbose. But people didn’t understand them and asked the same questions over and over …

simpleFunctionObjects no longer considered an independent project

As there are going to be more cross-dependencies the simpleFunctionObjects now have to be part of swak. Changes to the compile-scripts reflect this.

Allwmake makes sure that swak is compiled for the same installation

The script writes the version it is used with to disk and at later compiles that this is the same (this makes sure that not a wrong version is used inadvertently to compile)

Additional macros for Debugging output

There are two macros defined that inside an object write the name of the class and the address of the object (if debug is enabled). This makes the output easier distinguishable from the output from other classes/objects. The two macros are:

Writes the debug information only on the master processor
Writes the output on all processors and for parallel runs prefixes the processor number

Both macros are to be used like regular streams and don’t have to be enclosed in if(debug){} (this is part of the macro)

Separate option for compiling the output of flex

With some compilers (Intel) and aggressive optimization the lexers (whose code is generated by flex) have uninitialized memory and segmentation faults. In these cases now an environment variable SWAK_COMPILE_LEXER_OPTION to set lower optimization for these compilers. For example:


After that recompile

Fixing race condition with big WM_NCOMPPROCS

For some machines race conditions with compiling the main library has been reported. The reason seems to be that some source files need headers generated while compiling the grammar. If due to the large number of simultaneous compilation processes the headers have not been generated when these files are compiled the compilation fails.

This effect could not be reproduced on the development machine (but that doesn’t mean that this doesn’t happen on some machines). Nevertheless for the libraries where this might be the case the number of compilation jobs is limited to the number grammars in the library.

Better solution to let the Allwmake-script generate the headers before the regular wmake starts.

Updates to Debian-packaging

Several minor additions that should make packaging easier

  • Package version now gets the correct distro name (at least on Ubuntu)
  • Packaging picks up the correct python-version (2.7 or 2.6 … does anyone use older?)
  • Packaging process leaves the swakVersion.H alone


Important enhancements of the documentation in the Documentations-folder

Documentation of accumulations

The possible values of the common accumulations-lists are documented

General documentation of the Python-embedding

The general options and the behavior of the Python-embedding are described

Incompatibilities to previous versions

outputControlMode timestep renamed to timeStep

Because of report https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=177 to be consistent with the nomenclature in the ‘regular’ function-objects.

Bug fixes

Missing timeSet in function-objects

This method has been added in 2.2.x and breaks the compilation of several function-objects

Fix developed by Bruno Santos

sourceImplicit unstable

For some reason using SuSp gave unstable results for the PDE-functionObjects. Changed to Sp

Fixed bug were only one swakCoded worked at a time

Bug originally reported https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=179 in. Reason was that the variable describing the type was not correctly set.

Incorrectly read entries in swakCoded

The entries codeEnd and codeExecute were not correctly read but instead the entry codeRead was read. Fixed

No logical variables found by most parsers

Reported as https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=172

Only the field parser correctly found logical variables (although they were stored). Added a method to pick up the variables (the reason why this part was commented out is that there is no such thing as a volBoolField and that is what the regular mechanism expected)

sampledSurface not correctly updated at time of write

Reported as https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=176

In that case the driver was written before the surface was updated thus generating fields of size $0$. Now update is called at various places (to make sure it is called in any instance)

sumMag-accumulation now working

This accumulation was available but not implemented. Now implemented.

For non-scalar types it is calculated separately for each component

Calculation of weight fields failed if size on one processor was $0$

This was due to a logical error that was propagated through mindless copy/paste (only the Field-driver got it right). Fixed

groovyTotalPressure does not read value

Because it is not initialized from the superclass when the dictionary constructor is used. Fixed

For multiple times the option addDummyPhi makes funkySetFields crash

Because the pointer is already set. Fixed

aliases not constructed from dictionary

If the dictionary was read after the construction the aliases are not read. Fixed by moving this reading to the tables reading which is used in every time a dictionary is involved

Gravity not correctly passed in evolveXXCloud

Passed a value where a reference would have been needed. Fixed

writeOften writes all the time

Reason for this was a change of the interface of outputTime not being propagated to this function-object. Fixed

Python-integration does not return single scalars as uniform

The Python-integration returned single scalars (and vectors) not as a single value but as a field of length $1$. This caused warnings that messed up the output. Fixed

basicSource working again for OF 2.1

These were not compiled by accident. Fixed

faceZone and faceSet do not correctly work on parallel runs

As reported in http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=190 if a face-set or zone has faces on a processor boundary incorrect values were produced.

The reason was that boundary faces are treated like internal faces. Also do these faces exist on both processors. This is now fixed. If the face is on a regular boundary patch the value is used. If on a processor patch the value is only used if it is on the owner processor.

Allow user to override notImplemented in movePoints and moveMesh of function objects

This addresses http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openfoam-extend/view.php?id=190

Subclasses of simpleFunction-objects are not guaranteed to be parallel-aware (for instance swakExpression can have problems with stored variables if the number of cells/faces changes) so the notImplemented can’t be removed for good.

The workaround is a rather verbose error message and the possibility to override notImplemented with a dictionary-switch

New features

Function object that executes if the OpenFOAM-version is right

The functionObject executeIfOpenFOAMVersionBiggerEqual only executes if the OpenFOAM-version is bigger or equal to a specified version. The arguments majorVersion and minorVersion are required. If patchVersion is not specified it will match any version. A git version (.x) will match any patch-version

Function object that is only executed if the current time is the startTime

The function object executeIfStartTime executes its children if the current time is the startTime from the controlDict (which isn’t necessarily the first time step in a restarted case)

Function object that calculates the potential flow

To be used on an existing field to set reasonable initial conditions

Function object that forces a recalculation of phi

Named recalcPhi in the simpleFunctionObjects. Usually needed when some other functionObject manipulates velocity or density

Function object that corrects thermophysical model

Name correctThermo. Recalculates the thermophysical model. To be used after manipulating temperature etc

Function objects that recalculate the energy of a thermophysical model

Recalculate enthalpy, sensible enthalpy or internal energy according to the current temperature. This allows making this consistent if the temperature has been manipulated.

For OpenFOAM after 2.2 these are replaced by one that recalculates the energy or enthalpy

Function object that calculates the average of one variable as a function of another

The function object swakExpressionAverageDistribution calculates the average of one function (the expression) as a distribution over another (the abscissa). An example would be the average pressure in x-direction with abscissa being pos().x, expression being just p and the weight being vol(). The weight has to be a scalar. All other expressions can be any data-type

New utility fieldReport

This utility prints some quantitative statistics about a specified field. Optionally these statistics can also be printed for patches, sets and zones. The data can be written to a CSV-file. Also the distributions of the field can be written.

New utility funkyPythonPostproc

This utility needs a dictionary and a specification of times. For each time it

  • loads a list of fields specified in the dictionary
  • executes a list of function objects specified in the dictionary
  • executes python-scripts

The idea is that the function objects pass data to the python-scripts via global variables and the python-scripts do whatever they like

New utility funkySetLagrangianParticle

This utility allows setting new fields of a lagrangian cloud. Like funkySetFields it has two modes:

  • Setting one field over the command line. This is triggered by the -field-option
  • Using a dictionary to specify what is being set. In this mode more than one field and more than one cloud can be set. In this mode there is also the possibility to specify a new cloud. This mode expects variables in global namespaces. On of these variables is the position of the particles, for the other variables fields of the same name will be created. All the variables have to be of the same size. Data where corresponding particle position is outside the mesh is discarded


Additional parser for lagrangian particles

There is now an additional parser to calculate expressions on particles.

This parser is organized in a separate library libswakLagrangianParser that has to be loaded to use this parser.

Depending on whether the cloud in question is already in memory or on disk the data is handled differently:

  • if the data is on disc then the basic properties of the cloud (particle positions etc) are used to initialize the class. Then all files in the folder of the cloud are read and made available as field names that are the same as the file-names. Characters in the file names that are not compatible with the parser are replaced and created as aliases. In this mode swak has no idea about the data except the name and the type
  • if the cloud is in memory then a corresponding proxy object is sought. This proxy object knows which data the cloud has, what the type is and a short description. It makes the data available as fields.

    swak has by default proxy objects for most particle classes that come with OpenFOAM. For unsupported classes and adaptor library has to be written.

When a parser for a cloud is used for the first time a table of all the available fields is printed to the screen with type and description (if available)

Function objects that calculate PDEs can use fields from memory

If the field is found in memory this is used instead of a file read from disc.

Function objects that calculate PDEs can write fields before solving

An additional switch writeBeforeAfter allows writing the field before and after solving

simpleFunctionObjects have addition outputControlMode

Mode startup executes the FO only during construction

Conditional functionObjects now have optional else

It is now possible to add a sub-dictionary else that is used to initialize a functionObjectProxy that is executed if the condition is not fulfilled. The sub-dictionary inherits all settings that are not set from the parent-dictionary

swakCoded now allows addition of data to functionObject

The entry codeData is now read and inserted into the functionObject

Parsers in swakFiniteArea no also have complete tensor-operations

The two parsers in that library now also support the complete set of tensor operations (like eigenValues etc)

swakExpressionDistribution now allows non-scalar weights

For expressions whose results is not a scalar now the weight function can either be a scalar or of the same type as the expression (so every component can have a separate weight)

More options for accumulations

A number of possible accumulations have been added. Most of these are based on distributions. If the weighted variant is chosen then the meaning is the more physical one (for weighted the ‘natural’ weight of the quantity is used. For instance for cells the cell volume. Otherwise the weight $1$ is used). Some of these accumulations need a single floating point number as a parameter. This is simply added to the name. The added accumulations are:

sum of the quantity times the weight. There is an alias integrate for this
The value for which 50% of the distribution are smaller than this. More robust alternative to average
quantile0.25 for instance is the value for which 25% of the distribution are smaller than it
The difference of the quantile of $\frac{1+f}{2}$ and $\frac{1-f}{2}$. For instance range0.9 gives the range in which 90% of the values are (from the quantile 5% to 95%)
The fraction of the distribution that is smaller than a given value
The inverse of smaller
The size of the underlying entity (usually number of cells, faces, points). For types with more than one components all the components have the same value
Sum of the weights of the underlying entity. Usually the volume oder the area of it.

Python code files are now searched more flexible

If a file specified with an option like startFile in a Python-functionObject (or similar) is not found in the current directory the path of the dictionary it is specified in is prepended and the file is searched there

Python integration now uses IPython if possible

The interactive shell of the python integration now uses IPython if it is installed. This improves tab-completion etc

Preload libraries in the Python integration

As problematic libraries could hand during importing these libraries can be imported in a safe way using the optional importLibs-entry which is a dictionary. The keys are the names under which the imports will appear in the Python-namespace. The value is optional and the name of the actual library

Added standard function weight()

All parsers now implement a function weight() that returns the “natural” weight that is used for instance in the weighted average (for internal fields that would be for instance the cell volume)

funkyDoCalc now writes files

Two kinds of files are optionally written

  • CSV-files with the values of an evaluation (each evaluation gets its own file)
  • Distributions of the evaluations (in a separate directory for each time)

All the files go into a directory whose name is derived from the name of the evaluation. The outputs can be switched on with the options writeDistributions and writeCsv. Either

  • from the command line: this switches it on for all evaluations
  • one “per dictionary”-basis for each evaluation separately

PDE-functionObjects now relax their equations

The PDE-functionObjects now honor the relaxationFactors. If =steady is false then relaxation has to be switched on using relaxUnsteady. For the last corrector iteration the equation is not relaxed unless the parameter relaxLastIteration is set.

Full set of laplacian-operations in internalField-parser

The support of laplacian operations (especially with a coefficient that is different from a scalar) was incomplete. Now all possible coefficient types are supported.

Also in the fvcSchemes-plugin functions the set of laplacian-operators was completed

Function object swakExpression now has optional mask

If the logical expression mask is set then only the results from expression for which mask is true are used for accumulations


Moved the OSCFD-examples to a different directory

Started one new directory for all cases from presentations

Added examples from the swak-training at the 8th Workshop

Two new examples

Reenacting a scene from “Return of the Jedi” with twoPhaseEulerFoam
Simulating two landspeeders from “A new hope” with simpleFoam

2014-07-11 - version number : 0.3.1

Incompatibilities to previous versions

Additional required code snipplet for some Python-functionObjects

There is now a new code-snipplet required for a number of these function objects. It can be left empty but has to be specified

Dimension required for stuff in swakSourceFields

The expressions used with swakExplicitSource, swakImplicitSource and swakSetValue now also need a dimension. This dimension is used to make sure that the user “knows” the actual dimensions of his source terms

New supported versions

Added support for OpenFOAM 2.3

This version adds support for OpenFOAM 2.3. The major changes were due to changes in the API to

  • searchableSurface
  • meshToMesh

And several minor adaptions

Added support for Foam-Extend 3.1

No major changes required. Runtime-selection tables are now sorted too


Improved macros for Foam versions

This should make swak.H more readable

Support for private installation of bison

If a directory privateRequirements/bin is private in the sources directory then the bison found there is used. A script maintainanceScripts/compileRequirements.sh is provided that fetches the bison sources, compiles them and installs them there


Information about macro-expansion added

A section about thus new feature is added

Bug fixes

Invalid entries in distributions from swakExpressionAverageDistribution

The distribution data was not clipped to the range where actually data was collected. This is now fixed by adding the notion of an invalid value to SimpleDistribution

swakExpressionAverageDistribution not correctly working in parallel

This should now be fixed

fvOptions in swakSourceFields now actually working

Because of the missing dimensions until now swakExplicitSource and swakImplicitSource were not actually working

fvOptions did not honor the selectionMode-entry

Always set source etc for whole region. Now the selectionMode is honored (for instance only in cellZone the source term will be applied.)

patchFunctionObject fails for some parallel runs

Problem is that when the processor boundaries are used too that the indexing might be inconsistent on the different processors. Fix: coupled boundaries are ignored by default (have to be switched on)

funkyPythonPostproc not executing function objects

In newer version the execute()-method of function objects needs a parameter force. Fixed

Temporary fields shadow ‘real’ fields in foam-extend-3.1

Due to a small semantic difference in the copy constructor of GeometricField a temporary object of the same name shadows the real field and prohibits that it is written. Fixed by giving the copy a unique name

New features

Boundary condition groovyFixedNormalSlip in groovyStandardBCs

These boundary conditions allow specifying a value in normal direction to the patch while in tangential direction the regular slip condition is applied. This is implemented for fvPatch and pointPatch. For the pointPatch the normal direction has to be specified by the user

New utility funkyWarpMesh

Utility that calculates new point values for the mesh. In the simplest form the expression is specified on the command line. If the option -expression is missing the program looks for a dictionary which allows more control. If -relative is specified points are moved by the result of the expression. The result of the expression must be a pointVectorField

Function objects that write additional writes depending on the flow conditions

A hierarchy of function objects that trigger additional writes. Once a condition is fulfilled data is either written for a specified interval or as long as the condition is fulfilled. After that a cooldown period is possible. During this period nothing is written.

The concrete function objects are

writing is triggered if the minimum or the maximum of a field is outside a specified range. Part of the simpleFunctionObjects
writing is triggered if a logical expression evaluates to true. Stopping and retriggering is also possible with logical expressions. Part of the simpleSwakFunctionObjects
writing is triggered by a Python-snipplet that either returns True or False. Stopping and retriggering are also possible. Part of swakPythonIntegration

Allows saving and writing a specifiable number of timesteps before the condition is met (this allows finding out what lead to this)

Function object writeOldTimesOnSignal with new signal handlers

This function object installs a new signal handler for specified signals.

The function object itself saves the last $N$-timesteps, the signal handler (when called) writes these steps to disk and then calls the regular OpenFOAM signal handler

New library with fvOptions

Starting with OpenFOAM 2.2 (where the concept of fvOptions was introduced) there is an additional library swakFvOptions with special fvOptions (in addition to those in swakSourceFields):

this one does not manipulate the fields (as expected) but “only” runs a list of function objects. Application is for instance to get information during the time-step for algorithms that have multiple iterations in a time-step
Does no manipulation of the solution/equations. Simply reports that a callback has been called. Application: find out which fvOption-calls are used by a solver in which order without going through the sources
Does not manipulate the matrix but prints a number of metrics

Macro expansion

For expressions and variable lists there is now the possibility to expand values from the dictionary during reading. The two characters that trigger this are

like the regular variable lookup in OpenFOAM.In its most complex form it looks like this $[(type)spec] where spec specifies where to look for the value (including scoping if the OpenFOAM-version supports it). The optional type specifies how the entry should be interpreted
in variable lists: #otherList; includes the variable list otherList instead of this entry

These expansions allow the construction of reusable snipplets that include information from other parts of the case. For instance (this is only part of the specification)

#include "$FOAM_CASE/constant/g"
vecName U;
downComponent (
    "down=($vecName & grav)/mag(grav);"
variables (

would calculate the component of a vector field that points in the direction of the gravity (as specified in the g-file).

This expansion is done during the expression.


expressionField now allows setting of dimensions

An optional entry dimension for the function object now allows setting the dimension of the resulting field

New function distToPatch in Field-parser

This function gives the distance in the mesh to a specified face.

Not yet working correctly

panicDump now allows storing old values

With the switch storeAndWritePreviousState this functionObject now can cache a number of timesteps and write these results in addition to the current timestep

swakExpressionAverageDistribution records extremes and number of samples

In addition to the average now this Function object also records the minimum and maximum value for each bin. Also the number of samples used in the bin

Python-function objects that return a boolean now have a initialization-snipplet

The function objects executeIfPython, setDeltaTWithPython, setEntTimeWithPython and writeAndEndWithPython now expect code snipplet named init. This is executed in the beginning and can be used to set up global variables if these snipplets need some kind of state. The variables have to be declared global in the snipplets that do the actual decision (for technical reason)

fvOptions-support in PDE-function objects

The function objects solveTransportPDE and solveLaplacianPDE now call the regular fvOptions-callbacks (this allows modifying the solution in the same way it can be modified for solvers)



Example to demonstrate funkyWarpMesh and post-processing on bended geometries

2015-05-31 - version number : 0.3.2

This is the last release to support OpenFOAM 1.7.x and older

Future changes

These are things that will happen in the next release and will break backwards-compatibility

Discontinuation of the 1.x-branch

As version 1.7 is several years old this release will be the last release that supports it.

Starting with this release the port_2.x-branch will become the default branch and the 1.x will become legacy

Fixing examples

Due to the umber of different supported Foam-versions not all the examples run on all versions and it is not possible to fix them in such a way that they work on all versions. In the next version they will by adapted to use the pyFoamPrepareCase.py utility as this supports having different Foam versions in one case. As a consequence most cases won’t run without an installed PyFoam


Changed behavior of groovyBC during initialization

If value is unset then during initialization the value of the internal field next to the patch is used. Previous behavior was to set the patch to $0$.

In most cases the new behavior should be better.

Changed semantics for boolean values in internalField

As OpenFOAM does not support geometric fields of type boolean swak uses scalar fields for storing truth values (only in the internalField-parser). The semantics was that a value of 0 means false. Everything else true. Logical operators set true to $1$ and false to $0$. As the test for equality to $0$ may sometimes fail this semantics is changed slightly: values $&gt;\frac{1}{2}$ are interpreted as true. All others as false.

If operators were used properly this should not matter, but expressions that assume for instance that 0.1 is true will now fail. Overall this change improves the stability of logival expressions

Better detection of single values

The improved detection of single values might break some expressions. Especially for the Python-integration as values that were previously passed as arrays are now being passed as single values

Parser for kinematic parcels replaces minParticleMass with minParcelMass

This reflects a change in the API of the kinematic lagrangian parcels. The old function has been discontinued to avoid confusions with changed semantics

SIGTERM automatically switched on for parallel runs in writeOldTimesOnSignal

For parallel runs this signal is now automatically switched in so that other signals are propagated to other processors

Changed bin-with in swakExpressionAverageDistribution

Due to a different calculation automatically calculated bin-widths in this function object might slightly differ from previous calculations

funkyPythonPostproc writes function object data to a different directory

For the swak-function objects the data is now written to a directory whose name is based on the input dictionary instead of postProcessing.

This might break scripts and other post-processing procedures that rely on the data being in postProcessing.

Data generated during the run-time of the solver is unaffected

New supported versions

Added support for Foam-Extend 3.2

Only minor adaptions. Mainly to accommodate the new debug switches

Added support for OpenFOAM 2.4.0

Compiles with OpenFOAM 2.4.0 (and 2.4.x)

Internals (for developers)

Type of booleans changed for internalField

Results that were booleans used to report bool as their type for the internalField-parser. Now they report volLogicalField, surfaceLogicalField or pointLogicalField. This makes them consistent with the possibility of requesting these start symbols and specifying logical fields in the parameters of a plugin function

Bug fixes

swakExpressionAverageDistribution fails for small spans

If the span of the abscissa is too small (almost $0$) there were numeric problems. In this case the bin-width is now extended to $1$

Quantile calculations (including median) not correctly working in parallel

Reason was that SimpleDistribution.calcScalarWeight did not reduce. This is now fixed (and a special switch is introduced for one situation where this isn’t desirable)

PDE-function objects broken because of fvOptions

On OpenFOAM-versions with fvOptions these were broken because of inconsistent dimensions.

This is fixed: now if a fvOption is defined the function-objects also needs rho and this is passed to the call of fvOption when generating the source term

Restart in binary not working (with global variables)

As reported in https://sourceforge.net/p/openfoam-extend/ticketsswak4foam/225/

Problem seems to be that the HashPtrTable is not correctly read in binary-mode. Workaround is to switch to ascii before writing and reading that table and then switch back to the original mode

Single values were passed as arrays

Single values like min(expr) were passed as arrays instead of a single value. This is now fixed. The problem is that now expressions that rely on the old behavior might break

Distributions not written if there is only a single bin

If all data falls into one bin of the distribution then the distribution was not written. This is now fixed

weightedAverage for AccumulationCalculation fails for zero-size fields


writeOldTimesOnSignal fails with writeCurrent

If the current time was already written (because it is part of the stored times) a segmentation fault occurred. This has been fixed by checking whether the current time is already stored

Turbulence plugin-functions did not correct the boundary field

This has been fixed

Some maintainanceScripts do not work under Python 3

The scripts

  • makeSwakVersionFile.py
  • makeCopyrightEntries.py

have been adapted so that they now work with Python 2.x as well as Python 3

Function distToPatch now working

This function for the field parser gives the distance in the mesh to a specified patch. Distance is defined as minimial sum of cell-to-face distances needed to reach this cell from the named patch

Not all processorX written in writeTimesOnSignal

If a SIGSEGV or SIGFPE were encountered only on some processors then on the others no data was written because these signals do not propagate to other processors

Now the signal handler raises a SIGTERM which is propagated to the other processors. For parallel runs a signal handler for SIGTERM is automatically set up to make sure that on all remaining processors data is written


Script for generating releases

Provided by Alexey Matveichev

The script maintainanceScripts/make-releases.sh rolls a release and puts it into the directory releases

Automatic swakConfiguration

Provided by Alexey Matveichev

Automatically finds the linking options for Python with python-config

New features

Additional distance-functions in field-parser

Similar to distToPatch there are now two additional built-in functions:

A logical field is provided. The distance to the cells for which this field is true is calculated
Same as distToCells but with a logical function for the faces

Both functions return cell-values

New function-plugin swakMeshWaveFunctionPlugin for mesh related distances etc

This library collects functions that are similar to distFromPath: they use the MeshWave-algorithm to calculate distances and connectivity of the mesh.

Functions in this plugin are:

Calculates for each cell how many mesh layers it is away from a patch
Calculates the number of layers from a set of cells selected by a logical expression
Calculates the number of layers from a set of faces selected by a logical expression
Number connected regions. Cells selected by a logical expression separate these regions
Number connected regions. Faces selected by a logical expression separate these regions
“Colors” the cells in such a way that no two neighboring cells have the same number. Mainly for visualizing the mesh structure. “Neighboring” means “cells sharing a face” not an edge. Therefor it may look at the surface like there are cells with the same color

Additional function in swakMeshQualityFunctionPlugin

Additional functions:

Number of faces for each cell
Field with numbers describing the cell shape. Values are:
Tetraeder wedge
no classification. Polygon

Function object for developers that raises a signal at the defined time

The function object provokeSignal can be used to debug signal handling. No other possible use is known.

The function object allows defining the signal, the time and - in case of parallel runs - the processors on which the signal should be raised

New function-object executeIfSetOrZone that only executes if sets or zones are present

This function object executes a lost of function objects if face/cell/point sets or zones are present. The required zones and sets are specified in a dictionary setsAndZones: keys are the names of the entities the values are the types (like faceZone). Only if all objects specified there are present the function objects are executed.

As a side effect if loadAndCacheMissingSets is true than sets that are not yet found in memory are loaded from disk. Attention: if no set of that name is found on disk then it is searched at every time-step. This is a potential performance problem (it is not a problem if the set is there)

New function object executeIfPatch that only executes if patches are present

This function object executes a lost of function objects if a list of patches is present.

Function object listMeshData displays data stored in mesh

This function object shows data that is stored in the mesh. Mostly solverPerformance with the residuals of the linear solvers

Function object solverPerformanceToGlobalVariables

This function object gets a list of fieldNames and gets the information about their solver performances. The three quantities that it gets are

the number of iterations
residual before iterating
residual after iterating

For each value three variables are created (assuming the field is named foo):

array with all the values. This is usually only usable in the Python-integration
value of the first solver performance
value of the first solver performance

Function objects for manipulating fvSchemes and fvSolution

simpleFunctionObjects now has a base class that allows manipulating fvSolution and fvSchemes in-memory but the solver behaves as if the file changed on disk. Application for this is changing parameters like relaxation or discretization schemes during the simulation. This can be used for instance to start the simulation with ‘safe’ settings and switch to faster convergence later.

There is currently only one function object timeDependentFvSolutionFvSchemes that implements this (more are planned). It allows switching to different subdictionaries at specified time. An example can be found at Examples/manipulateFvSolutionFvSchemes/pitzDailyTimeSwitched. This function object gets a list of times and sub-dictionaries. At the specified time the values from the sub-dictionary overrides the values in the original dictionary (Values not present in the sub-dictionary are left untouched). If reset is specified as the name for the sub-dictionary then the dictionary is set back to the original state.


groovyBC now has a better initialization if value is unset

Until no if value was not set groovyBC automatically initialized the boundary to $0$ until the actual expressions were evaluated for the first time. This raised problems when people for instance didn’t initialize T to $0$ and the density calculation produced a division by zero.

Now if value is unset then the value of the patch is initialized from the value of the internal field next to the patch. This doesn’t protect from the internal field being

Function objects writeFieldsOften and writeAditionalFields now write Lagrangian clouds

With an additional optional argument cloudNames a list of clouds to be written can be specified like the fields.

This feature was implemented by E. David Huckaby

Added option -functionPlugins to funkySetFields and other utilities

For utilities for which this is appropriate this allows loading function plugins from the command line (without adding them to the libs-entry in the controlDict). It is assumed that the name of the library starts with libswak and ends with FunctionPlugin.so.

Optional parameter functionPlugins for parsers created with a dictionary

If a list of words named functionPlugins is found then the string libswak is added in front and FunctionPlugin.so is added at the end and a library of that name is loaded to add the functions provided there

Additional signals added to writeTimesOnSignal

Now it is possible to handle SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2 and SIGTERM. Only needed for testing

pythonIntegration does nothing if no code is present

If a code is a string of the length $0$ nothing is done. This is especially important as no global namespaces are read (which may not be created at the time. Especially during initialization)

funkyDoCalc uses weight and mask

If a dictionary specifies the entries mask and weight then these are evaluated and used to mask and weight the data specified in expression

funkyDoCalc allows setting bin width and number

If specified in the sub-dictionary the entries distributionMaxBinNr and distributionBinWidth allow setting the number of bins. These values are not used exactly but give the distribution class a hint. distributionMaxBinNr takes precedence

Timeout in writeOldTimesOnSignal to allow other processes to finish writing

For parallel runs the process that initiates the writing of data waits for the other processes to write their data. This time can be specified with a parameter sleepSecondsBeforeReraising that has a default value 60

writeAndEnd-function objects now allow storing and writing previous time-steps

The function objects based on writeAndEnd now have an optional switch storeAndWritePreviousState. If this is set then a number of old time-steps can be stored and will be written when the run is terminated.

fvOption-subclasses now support additional forms of addSup

In 2.3.1 two new forms of addSup where added to fvOption (one for compressible equations. The other one for multi-phase solvers). Both new forms are supported by all fvOption-subclasses in swakSourceFields and swakFvOptions

swakExpressionAverageDistribution allows specifying the limits

When the switch dynamicExtremesAbscissa is false then the limits of the distribution can be set with minAbscissa and maxAbscissa. This mainly influences the bin-width. If values fall outside this range then the distribution is extended to accommodate these values

Function objects derived from simpleDataFunctionObject now can write to a different directory than postProcessing

This involves almost all function objects in swak that write data to postProcessing. The library now allows setting a different default. This value can also be set with an optional entry postProcDir on a per-function-object basis.

This change is used in the funkyPythonPostProc-utility to set a directory name that is based on the name of the input dictionary (or set with an option). Now if there are function objects used they will write their data to this directory instead of postProcessing (leaving data generated during the running of the solver alone)

Note: This only works for function objects from swak. “Regular” function objects will still write to postProcessing

funkySetFields allows correcting the boundary conditions afterwards

An additional option -correctResultBoundaryFields corrects the boundary conditions before writing to disk. In dictionary mode there is also an option correctResultBoundaryFields.

This is only needed in rare cases.


icoFoamCavityWithParcel as a minimal example for adding lagrangian particles

This case demonstrates how to add lagrangian particles to the simplest tutorial-case

2016-07-17 - version number : 0.4.0

This is the first release that does not support OpenFOAM 1.7.x, OpenFOAM 1.6-ext and older versions anymore

New supported versions

Rolling support for OpenFOAM-dev

This version adds support for OpenFOAM-dev published at git://github.com/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-dev.git

As this version is constantly changing it might or might not work with the most up-to-date version of the repository.

The port is maintained in a branch feature/port_of-dev that is never closed and is periodically merged to the develop-branch.

Internally the dev-version is maintained as version 9.9.99

Support for OpenFOAM 3.0

Support for this version has been added (basically all the fixes from the dev-branch were guarded with the correct version

Support for foam-extend 4.0

This version is supported by swak4Foam (compiles and runs)

Support for the OpenFOAM v3.0+ version

This version is supported. For the time being it can be assumed that this version is similar to the regular OpenFOAM 3.0

Bug fixes

fieldReport doesn’t work with all field names

Fields that have names that are not considered proper variable names by swak (because for instance the have a dot in the name like alpha.water) were not handled by fieldReport. This has been fixed

Construction of SimpleDistribution may fail for zero-size fields

The reason is the initialization with pTraits::max and that during the calculation of mag this causes an overlflow. Fixed by scaling down to the square root of the maximum

Wrong type for cloud in writeFieldsGeneral

Because of this compilation in 2.2 failed. Fix provided by Bruno Santos

solverPerformanceToGlobalVariables.C did not compile with OF 2.2

The reason was that the solverPerformance-class is hidden in lduMatrix. Fix provided by Bruno Santos

Solid thermophysics not available in the ThermoTurb function plugin

For OF-versions where fluidThermo and solidThermo have the same base functions like thermo_Cp can be used for solids too

lookup-tables no working in faField-parser

Because of a bug in the lexer lookup tables did not work. Fixed

swakDataEntry not correctly written for some versions of OpenFOAM

The macro that guarded the code needed for some OpenFOAM-versions did not include OpenFOAM 3.0. Fixed

executeFunctionObjectsFvOption always executed for makeRelative and makeAbsolute

The wrong flags were checked and the function objects were always executed when even if doMakeAbsolute and doMakeRelative were set to false. Fixed

Does not compile with WM_LABEL_SIZE=64

A reference to a label that was passed to a flex-function broke compilation because that expects a 32-bit integer. Fixed

Tensor-fields not correctly handled by replayTransientBC

Due to a copy/past-problem all tensor-fields (including symmtrical and spherical) would have caused the utility to fail. Fixed

Surfaces created by createSampledSurface not updated during mesh movement

The function object ignored the callbacks for moving meshes. It now implements them and forces a regeneration of the surface if the mesh moves

funkySetFields does not set dimensions

The dimension-entries were read but not set. This is now fixed

funkySetBoundaryField does not compress files

The utility now reads the compression state of the original and sets the resulting file accordingly

swakExpression not working for point fields

Point fields were not correctly returned. This is fixed



Adaption of the reference guide for new org-mode

New version of org-mode makes changes in the UML-code necessary

New features

2D-lookup tables supported in grammars

Like the optional list lookuptables it is now possible to have a list lookuptables2D with 2-dimensional lookup tables. A table with the name tbl can be used like this in expressions: tbl(expr1,expr2). expr1 and expr2 must evaluate to scalar values of the same entity (cells, faces, points …) and the expression will evaluate to a scalar.

This feature is based on the interpolation2DTable that is part of OpenFOAM since 2.2 but there is a modified version of this class included in swak4Foam as there is a problem with the output in the original version. Currently foam-extend is not supported as this is missing some base classes as well (tableReader)

Added a function plugin for dynamic meshes

The Plugin DynamicMesh adds functions to visualize the mesh movement. The functions are

the mesh phi as stored with the mesh. Some distributions write this field anyway
Mesh courant number. Replicates the number some solvers print automatically
Velocity with which the cells are moved. Reconstructed from the mesh phi

These functions might failed if the mesh has not been moved yet so their calls might have to be encapsulated in a executeIfStartTime function Object

Function object to load cell, face and pointSet

The function object loadTopoSets loads all the available sets in the mesh into memory for expressions that need them. Also allows automatic writing of these sets (switched by writeSets)

Function object to create and manipulate cell, face and pointSets

The function objects manipulateCellSet, manipulateFaceSet and manipulatePointSet allow the manipulation of these topoSet. They do so by evaluating an expression mask and all cells (faces, points) for which the expression is true will be part of the topoSet. If the topoSet is not present in memory the function object fails unless the parameter createMissing is set to true. The entry writeManipulated (default: true) says whether the topoSet should be written at write times.

An example of this functionality is found in Examples/other/topoSetDamBreak

Function object that executes other function objects only at write time

The function object executeIfWriteTime in the simpleFunctionObjects executes a list of other function objects only if the current time is a scheduled write time. The purpose of this function object is to only execute function objects at write times that don’t honor the outputControlMode-setting. Also does the else-branch allow executing only when nothing is written

Added a function plugin for MRF cases

This function plugin makes a number of function from the MRF-model available:

  • functions to make fields absolute or relative in the MRF region
  • a function to calculate the Coriolis force

All these functions call the MRF-model

Added library simpleCloudFunctionObjects with function objects for particle clouds

These function objects can be added to particle clouds. In this first version these objects can be added:

Records simple statistics about the solution of the cloud:
  • How often were faces hit by particles (total, per particle: minimum, mean and average)
  • How often were particles moved (same data as face hits)
  • How often was each patch hit

Only minimum effort has been spent to consolidate this data across processors (particles may be counted on multiple processors).

The main purpose of this function object is to spot problematic behavior (particles that hit patches repeatedly and don’t move)

The optional parameter reportHitNr and reportMoveNr print out the ids of particles that exceed these thresholds

Sometimes particles get caught in “endless loops” (hitting the same patch over and over again without significant movement). This may slow down simulations significantly as basically the same impact is calculated over and over again without any progress. Two parameters allow eliminating such parcels:
if the same boundary face is hit more often than this by the particle (without hitting any other faces) then the particle is eliminated. Recommended value: 1000
Minimum distance a particle has to move when hitting a boundary face. If it moved less the particle is removed. Recommended: $10-9$

If one of the parameters is set to a negative value the criterion is “switched off”

Removes particles that are outside the mesh (are not inside any cell). The purpose of this is to eliminate particles that are for some reason not correctly tracked
Correct the cell of the particle before the evolution begins.

This should fix problems with moving meshes but is currently not working correctly.

An optional parameter logCorrected logs the data of the corrected particles to a file. Only use for debugging or if you don’t expect many incidents

This function object gets a list of particle ids. For these particles all data is written whenever a function object is called.

This function object should only be used for debugging if the behavior of a special particle should be tracked

Add library swakCloudFunctionObjects with function objects that use expressions for clouds

These function objects can be added to particle clouds and use expressions. The function objects are

Evaluates an expression for each particle. If the expression is true then the particle is eliminated. Expression can be evaluated before or after the moving of the particles

streamFunction added to VelocityField function-plugin

A function that calculates the stream function in a 2D simulation has been added


Added function for smooth, sweep, spread to FvcSchemes-function plugin

These functions from fvc were implemented as plugin-functions. Mainly to be able to test their behavior. To check what they do see fvcSmooth.H in finiteVolume

Additional functions in plugin ThermoTurb

Functions from the public interface of basicThermo and turbulenceModel have been added (like kappa, kappaEff etc)

Conditional function objects now allow construction of their functions at start

With the parameter

constructUnconditionally yes;

in function objects that start with executeIf it is possible to construct the lists unconditionally at start instead of waiting for the condition to be true. If unset then the function objects default to the old behaviour

manipulateField-function object can switch off manipulating at start

The regular behavior for this function object is that it does the first manipulation during construction. This can be switched off with the setting manipulateAtStartup in cases where not all the requirements for correctly evaluating the expressions are fulfilled during construction

replayTransientBC now handles surface and point fields

The utility can now read surface and point fields. Surface-fields are not corrected because this is not supported by Foam

replayTransientBC reads fvOptions

The utility now reads fvOptions for FOAM-versions that support it. They have to be switched on with ‘useFvOptions’ as most of the tine they are not needed (only with function objects that solve equations)

PDE-function objects now have additional solveAt-option never

When this option is set then the function-objects are read (including the field) but never solved

replayTransientBC reports execution time

The utility now reports the time. This is useful when using the utility to test function objects

Added parameter sourceImplicitUseSuSp to PDE-function objects

The function objects solveLaplacianPDE and solveTransportPDE now have a new parameter sourceImplicitUseSuSp that allows switching from using Sp() (the default) to SuSp() for the addition of sourceImplicitExpression

replayTransientBC can read and update dynamic meshes

The command line option -useDynamicMesh tells the utility to read the mesh as a dynamic mesh and update it at every time-step

solveTransportPDE function object now aware of mesh movement

If the function object detects that it is created with a moving mesh then it asks for a parameter makePhiRelative to specify whether phi should be made relative to the mesh movement (this is usually necessary). Then either a velocityExpression or a velocityName has to be specified as well and phi is corrected according to the mesh movement

If steady is true then phi is not made relative

funkySetLagrangianFields allows creating fields of arbitrary types

If a cloud is created and in en entry in expressions the entry class is found then it is assumed that a field of that type should be created. The expression is not evaluated but added to the cloud for each particle.

Note: this does not do any semantic checking and is only to be used to set constant values for required fields for which swak can not evaluate the type

Unconverged steady solution of PDE-function objects are reset

For some reason the linear solver does not converge on the solveTransportPDE and solveLaplacianPDE function objects. This messes up the solution field. In these cases the solution field is reset to the last known good solution. If this behavior is undesired it can be switched off with restoreNonConvergedSteady

Additional output options for function obkjects based on simpleFunctionObjects

There are now three more options for outputControlMode: outputTimeAndStartup, timeStepAndStartup and deltaTAndStartup. These work like the other options but write data at the startup-time as well

dumpSwakExpression now works in parallel as well

This function object used to only dump values from the master processor if used in parallel. Now the values from all processors are dumped in the order of the processors

Missing properties age and dTarget added to KinematicCloud parser

Two properties that were missing for that cloud type are now available in the parser


solverPDE/pitzDailyWithPDE extended

This case has been modified to a version that was presented at the PFAU (Austrian User Group Meeting) in 2015. Now it compares with the scalarTransport function object that was added to OpenFOAM.

The case now also calculates the time the fluid needs from the inlet to the outlet (residenceTime). Steady as well as transient

2017-05-31 - version number : 0.4.1

New supported versions

Support for OpenFOAM v1606+

This version is supported in the this version of swak4Foam. There is only one problem: there were changes to the tmp-template. These changes have been taken care of in the swak4Foam-sources. But there are two source files in the distro that need to be modified (basically adding .ref() instead of () in three places:


Therefor the officially released version will never compile with swak4Foam but this is nothing that can be fixed in swak4Foam (the patch is found in the directory distroPatches/OpenFOAM-v1606+)

Support for OpenFOAM 4.0

This version is supported in this version of swak4Foam. There is one problem: the released version has two problems that mean that swak4foam will never compile on the released version.

Patches fixing these issues are found in the directory distroPatches/OpenFOAM-4.0

Support for OpenFOAM 4.1

This version is supported in this version of swak4Foam. No modifications are required

Support for OpenFOAM v1612+

This version supports OpenFOAM v1612+. The modifications were done by Mark Olesen


Changed location of files by simpleFunctionObject and subclasses for multi-region-cases

The location of files written by these function objects (which are almost all function objects writing data in the postProcessing-directory) has changed: now if the function object belongs to a region that is not the default mesh the output is written to a sub-directory with the name of that mesh.

This might break scripts or other tools that people use to process that data

Bug fixes

Destruction of dummyPhi causes error message

On some distros the destruction of a field stored in an autoPtr after the destruction of the mesh causes an error message. This has no effect but is annoying. Fixed

functionObjectListProxy does not honor outputTime

The function object was executed every time not matter what outputControlMode was set. Fixed

Plugin functions with bool results not supported by all drivers

Until now only the internalField and the faInternalField supported boolean results. Now all drivers support them

No plugin function for cloud possible

Because the static variable/method driverName was not specified no plugin functions for clouds could get specified

Wrong syntax in primitive types of plugin-function causes C++-error

If a primitive function for instance expects a label and finds an unscanable string like x23 then this used to generate a failure by the C++-library. This gave no indication on the real problem. Now there is a OpenFOAM-error message with a somewhat better explanation

Initialization function objects in simpleFunctionObjects fail in parallel

Because of the wrong order of initialization of these function objects they failed in parallel. Fixed

Writing storedVariables fails for single values in parallel

This war reported by Philippose Rajan (who also provided a patch) at https://sourceforge.net/p/openfoam-extend/ticketsswak4foam/237/

In parallel if the values was marked as a single value but no part of the underlying entity was on the processor it was tried to access the first element of an empty field. The fix was to write the value $0$ instead. This fix has been adapted so that the actual uniform value is written to the file (and read as well)

executeIfOpenFOAMVersionBiggerEqual not correctly working with alphabetic patch versions

If the patch version of the current OpenFOAM-version is not a number and not x then this function object failed

mqFaceMaximum and mqFaceMinimum in the LocalCalculations-plugin fail for patch types without values

As patch types like empty have no values stored this plugin failed. Now it checks if there is data

simpleFunctionObject did not pass parent directory correctly

When storing the data for the function object no reference to the parent directory was stored and therefor scoped macro-expansion did not work anymore

ThermoTurb functionPlugin not working with new thermoType-format

The thermophysical functions in this plugin did not work if thermoType was a dictionary. Fixed

Also: construction of turbulence now gets the rho-field directly from the thermophysics

solidThermo instances could not use basicThermo-methods in ThermoTurb-plugin

Reason was that only two specific thermo-subtypes of fluidThermo were searched if the method was not part of solidThermo. Now also the basic type is searched

Global variables recognized but not correctly used by some drivers

The drivers for sampled entities, sets and zones found global variables but were not able to use them correctly. Fixed

Cloud function-objects that need a parser not working

The reason is that when constructing the CloudProxy a cast is made to the assumed cloud type which in the case of cloud function-objects is not the actual type. To avoid this separate instantiations of the CloudProxy were added

Internals (for developers)

ExpressionResult now stores single values separately

To fix a problem with writing of single values in parallel (see above) a union was added to store the single values. The reason for this is to avoid a second parallel communication when writing the value. This adds memory to ExpressionResult (in the order of a tenor object). The memory is not the problem but that the single value is saved twice (the other time is in the regular value field)

For compilers that do not support the C++0x-standard instead of a union a struct will be used because non-primitive members for unions are only supported for that standard. This will lead to a slightly higher memory usage (but still small compared to full fields)

Rewrite of functionObject removes the start()-method

OpenFOAM-versions based on the foundation release 4.0 and later don’t have a start()-method in the function objects anymore. Lot of functionality of swak relied on this method. To make swak compatible across versions start() is now called in the constructors of the function-objects (if the OpenFOAM-version requires it)


Add the development branch to the version string in utilities

If the compiled version is not a released one then the info of hg branch is added to the version output that utilities like funkySetFields print


Added Compatibility matrix for examples

Different OpenFOAM-versions have different formats for the input files. This means that examples that work for one version will break with another version (but is still useful to see how things are done). The file Documentation/examplesCompatibilityMatrix.org gives an (incomplete) overview on which versions run which examples (some examples will never run because a certain feature might be missing in that Foam-version)

Currently 4 Foam-versions are tested

  • OpenFOAM 5.0 (the Foundation release)
  • Foam-extend 4.0
  • OpenFOAM+ 1706
  • OpenFOAM 2.3 (to check compatibility with old versions)

Other versions might or might not work. The first three will be replaced with the latest version of that fork once it becomes available

New features

Function plugin ShiftField that allows shifting volume fields

When adding the library libswakShiftFieldFunctionPlugin.so to libs in the controlDict functions are added that allow shifting volume fields by a specified distance. One example would be an expression

"shiftConstantScalarField(T,(1 1 0))"

which generates a new volScalarField where the value at (0 0 0) is the value of T at the location (1 0 0).

The scheme for naming the functions is scalar<ShiftType><ValueType>Field with

one of the base types Scalar, Vector, Tensor, SymmTensor, SphericalTensor
how the shift is specified. Possible values are either
A constant vector (like the example here)
An expression that gives a pointVectorField (for instance interpolateToPoint(time()*vector(0,0,-1)))

These functions work by generating a new mesh that is shifted as specified (in the inverse direction) and interpolating between this and the original mesh. This is computationally very expensive and therefor not recommended in evaluations that occur very often.

Cells that have no shifted equivalent value are set to zero. Boundary patches are not interpolated. Both of these behaviors can cause weird results.

There are also variants with Default in the end. These allow setting different default values than $0$

The functions with the names map<ShiftType><ValueType>Field map the value of the nearest cell. This is more stable but might coarsen the field

The additional findShifted<ValueType>Field-functions do the mapping by avoiding the meshToMesh-functions of OpenFOAM: the shifted value is found by “looking” into the original cell that contains the point that is the cell center plus the displacement value. If that point is not in the mesh a default value is used

Library swakStateMachine to easily implement switching in cases

This library implements State machines. This is a convenient way to store a state in a simulation and switch between them by predefined rules. An example for states in a State machine would be: closed, valveOpening, open, valveClosing

The library has the function objects and plugin functions to use State machines.

The chapter State machines in the Incomplete swak4Foam reference describes it in more detail

Function object stateMachineFvSolutionFvSchemes to switch numerics accorrding to a state machine

This function object allows modifying fvSchemes and fvSolution according to the states of two state machines.

Function plugin Quantile for calculations with the distribution of a function

All the functions in this plugin first calculate a distribution. This distribution is calculated from the first parameters:

  1. the field for which the distribution is calculated
  2. the weight with which the cell values enter the distribution. Usually vol() (volume weighted) or 1 (equal weight for all cells)
  3. a logical expression that specifies which cells are used (true for all cells)
  4. the number of bins to use for the distribution. This specifies how fine the distribution is calculated. Should be small compared to the number of cells. Usually the values 100 or 1000 should be sufficient

The implemented functions are

Writes a fraction in the range from $0$ to $1$ with for instance $0.5$ meaning “50 % of the distribution is smaller than the value in this cell”. The cells which are masked out get the value $-1$.
Like fracSmallerThan but there is an additional parameter: the field that is used for calculating the fraction. Here the mask is not used for calculating the fraction (but still used for calculating the distribution)
Basically the inverse of fracSmallerThanFromOther. The last parameter is a fraction (from $0$ to $1$) and the result is the corresponding quantile: if a fraction $0.5$ is specified then the value from the distribution for which 50% are smaller is written to the cell

Note: values may slightly vary according to the number of bins. But the bin number also increases the calculation time.

Function outputTime() to indicate output time

A function outputTime() has been added to the parsers. This function is true if Foam is writing at the current time and false else

Utility writeBoundarySubfields to write subfields of boundary conditions

Sometimes to debug problems with boundary conditions it is good to look at fields like refValue in Paraview (for instance because groovyBC might not have set that value the way we expected it). For a field foo the utility would write a field foo_bar if the user specified bar to be written. The interior of the field will be $0$, patches where bar is defined will be fixedValue with the value of bar. All others are zeroGradient

A string with the specificion of the subfields to create fields for is set with the option -subfields. The specifications are separated by ,. Each specification is of the form <name>:<type> (with type being scalar, vector, symmTensor or sphericalTensor. A type native assumes that the same type as the field should be used). If unset the default value is used: the specification to write all subfields usually associated with the mixed boundary condition

It is assumed that the length of the sub-field is equal to the number of faces in the patch

Library swakDynamicMesh with “swakified” dynamic mesh subclasses

This libraries collects specializations of dynamic mesh classes that work together with OpenFOAM. Currently these classes are in the library:

this is a solid body motion solver for the solidBodyMotionFvMesh where the translation and the rotation of the solid body can be specified by swak-expressions
this patch type is a subclass of cyclicACMI where the faces that cyclic can be switched on and off with an additional field that is specified with the parameter openField in the specification in the boundary-file. This field has to be present in memory at the first time-step (usually a readAndUpdateFields-functionObject is a good way to achieve this). The values on the corresponding nonOverlapPatch of the first boundary in the coupled pair is used to switch faces on and off: if the value of the face is $1$ then it is ‘open’ if it is $0$ it is ‘closed’
A non-moving mesh that pretends to move. This triggers the recalculation of AMI-interfaces
allows implementing a jump condition on an AMI-interface that depends on an expression evaluated on the master patch of the interface

The folder Examples/DynamicMesh has examples for this library

Record current residual of the equations with fvOptions

The two fvOptions matrixChangeBefore and matrixChangeAfter can be used to record the residual or the change of it.

The residual $r$ for a field $φ$ which is supposed to be the solution of a linear equation $A φ = b$ is $r=A φ-b$

matrixChangeBefore calculates this for a $φ$ specified in fieldName and uses for $A$ and $b$ the current fvMatrix of that field. The result is stored in a field whose name is composed of the value of namePrefix and fieldName. This field can be useful to see where the current solution does not fit the linearized system

matrixChangeAfter does the same calculation but assumes that the field already exists and subtracts the result from the previous value. So if another fvOption was applied to the fvMatrix between these calls then the field has the change of this matrix. If “only” a source term was added then this field corresponds to the source term.

In principle fvOptions are executed in the order in which they are specified. If the setting doAtAddSup is set to true then it is executed in an early phase (when source terms are set). If set to false then the fvOption is executed during the setValues=/=constrain phase.

Setting time-step with an expression: setDeltaTBySwakExpression

This new function object in simpleSwakFunctionObjects evaluates a scalar expression and sets deltaT accordingly. Only works on OpenFOAM-versions that support DataEntry or its successor Function1Types.


Primitive parser for Plugin-functions now supports tensor types

The parser for primitve types now supports tensor, symmTensor and sphericalTensor as well.

Plugin-functions now can use variables (under certain circumstances)

For an expression fooFunmction(var+2) where fooFunction is a Plugin-function the symbol var can now be a variable: if in the parent dictionary there is a sub-dictionary fooFunctionData then this dictionary is searched for a variables-entry and these variables are then evaluated (it is also possible to have lookuptables and similar in fooFunctionData)

Timeline function objects now optionally write value at start time

Function objects that inherit from timelineFunctionObject (like swakExpression) now have an optional parameter writeStartTime. If set to yes then the value at start-time will be written. The default setting is no. This is similar to the old behavior and avoids crashes at startup. Some classes change this default to make it yes

Additional functions in the radiation function plugin

Additional functions for the absorptionEmissionModel and the sootModel are added to to library with the radiation-functions

Improvement of readAndUpdateFields: surface fields, output, switching

The function object readAndUpdateFields got three improvements:

  • an optional switch correctBoundary allows switching the correction of boundary conditions off
  • surface-fields are now read as well. But no boundary correction is performed as the these fields do not support this
  • better output. Instead of silently reading fields or using those in memory the name of the field and the type are written out

executeIfStartTime now also allows execution if it is “only” a restart

Normally the function object only executes only if this is the real start time (not a restart). If the option executeOnRestart is set then the function object also executes if this is a restart

reportAvailableFvOptions now reports constrain-methods

On OpenFOAM-versions that support it this now reports if constrain is called for an equation

constrain method added to fvOptions

In earlier OpenFOAM-versions the name of this method was setValue. To keep source compatibility this method is kept and the method constrain patches through to it. If the fvOption has SetValue in the name then this name is kept

simpleFunctionObjects in multi-region cases now write to sub-directories of postProcessing

To conform with the way that regular OpenFOAM function objects do it now function objects that belong to the non-default mesh in multi-region cases write their data to a sub-directory of postProcessing named after the mesh

funkyWarpMesh allows reading function objects

Function objects can now be loaded with an option -allowFunctionObjects

executeIfStartTime now also allows execution if it is “only” a restart

Normally the function object only executes only if this is the real start time (not a restart). If the option executeOnRestart is set then the function object also executes if this is a restart

Scoped macro expansion now works for storedVariables and swakDataEntry

When reading these data structures the parent directory is correctly passed and therefor scoped macro expansions ($[:deltaT] for instance) works



Demonstrates getting changes to the solution (residuals) with matrixChangeBefore and matrixChangeAfter

State machine examples

demonstrates the basic functionality of state machines
demonstrates using state machines to manipulate the discretization during a simulation

Dynamic mesh examples

The folder Examples/DynamicMesh has examples that demonstrate capabilities of the swakDynamicMesh-library.

is a demonstration of a solidBody mesh movement where translation and rotation are described by swak-expressions
demonstrate a ACMI boundary condition where switching of faces is done by a swak-expression. Won’t work with Foam-extend as this has no ACMI

2018-12-29 - version number : 0.4.2

The Foam-versions that this release has been tested with are

  • OpenFOAM 2.3
  • OpenFOAM 6.0
  • OpenFOAM+ v1806
  • Foam-Extend 4.0

New supported versions

OpenFOAM+ v1706

Minor adaptions were required to make this compile

OpenFOAM 5.0

Some adaptions were required to make this compile

OpenFOAM+ v1712

Minor adaptions were required to make this compile by Mark Olesen

OpenFOAM+ v1806

Adaptions supplied by Mark Olesen. Adaptions needed after the release

This is one of the versions that this release is tested with

foam-extend 4.1

This is a work in progress based on the nextRelease-branch as there is no release yet

This is one of the versions that this release is tested with

OpenFOAM 6


This is one of the versions that this release is tested with

OpenFOAM+ v1812

Adaptions supplied by Mark Olesen.

This will be the officially tested version after this release


Solved field in initPotentialFlow now named differently

The field name is now the name of the original field plus Potential. This means that in fvSchemes discretizations for that field have to be provided

Environment variables for Python 2 integration renamed

These environment variables are now renamed from _PYTHON_ to _PYTHON2_. Scripts are adapted

funkyDoCalc-files with an entry expressions assumed to be new format

If one of the dictionaries in the specification file for funkyDoCalc is named expressions it is assumed that the file is in the new format and calculations will probably fail

Bug fixes

initPotentialFlow not working in foam-extend

Here the function object failed with a “copy to myself”-error. This has been fixed by changing the name of the temporary field.

Floating point exception in unitCylinder in simpleSearchableSurfaces

When finding a cutting point in “infinity” then magSqr failed. Fixed

ReaderParticleCloud could not read data if particle number changed

These particles could not be read data from different time-steps if the number of particles differed between them. This has been fixed

funkyDoCalc does not write data files correctly for parallel cases

In parallel cases the same data was written to each processor-directory when writing CSV-files or distributions. This has been fixed so that the data is written similarly to single-CPU-cases

Horrible spelling mistake in the Allwmake

Reported by Matti Rauter at https://twitter.com/igt_matti/status/989870314241880067 Fixed

groovyBCJumpAMI not working correctly

Because the reference was returned instead of the tmp some values were overwritten

patchFunctionObject hangs with processorCyclic boundaries and regular expressions

To enable cyclic boundary conditions on decomposed cases processorCyclic boundaries are created on some processors. Sometimes these boundaries are picked up by regular expressions in function objects derived from patchFunctionObject (for instance patchExpression). This makes the run hang

This has been fixed by checking whether all processors have the same boundaries in the list and stopping if they haven’t requesting the user to be more specific in the regular expressions

Problem compiling on OF 5.0

Fixed a compilation problem on 5.0 that was due to a wrong assumption about the change of an API in the Random-class (it happens one version later). Thanks for reporting it at https://sourceforge.net/p/openfoam-extend/ticketsswak4foam/244/ to Daniel Pielmeier

Failing Python2 and Python3 integration if Floating Point Exception is enabled

On some platforms if floating point exceptions are enabled then importing numpy fails because it seems to use FPEs to detect properties of the floating point implementation. This makes the whole program fail.

Only known workaround is switching FPE-trapping off by

export FOAM_SIGFPE=false

Currently there is a warning issued the first time numpy is imported to guide the user to the fix

Internals (for developers)

Refactoring of the python integration

The Python integration has now been split into the actual Python 2 integration and a general part to allow the integration of other interpreter languages


Automatic detection of Python in swakConfiguation.automatic

If swakConfiguation.automatic is used as swakConfiguation then the highest available version of Python 2 and Python 3 is used for the integration of these two languages

Change banner in Sources

The regular OpenFOAM and the obsolete ICE-banner are removed and a new swak4Foam-banner are added to the source files. This modifies almost every file without changing any functionality

Renaming of the Forks

The three main supported forks are now renamed in the #ifdef

stays the same
formerly known as OPENFOAM. The CFDDirect/Foundation fork
formerly PLUS. The Version maintained by ESI/OpenCFD

Additional output of Allwmake

The current OpenFOAM-version and the version of the sources is printed in the beginning. This should help diagnosing problems

Script AllwmakeAll that compiles requirements automatically

The script compiles bison and lua before compiling swak4Foam itself. It also automatically sets swakConfiguration to a version that tries to find the scripting languages automatically


New features

Python 3 integration

In addition to the “regular” Python-integration a separate library swakPython3Integration has been added which integrates with Python 3. The “old” Python integration will always be Python 2. The two integrations have the same features and the same function objects (in the names the python has to be replaced with python3)

Lua integration

The library swakLuaIntegration integrates with the Lua Scripting language the same way that the Python 2 and Python 3 integrations do. The same function objects exist except that in the names python has to be replaced with lua. If fields are transferred to Lua then they are converted into Lua-tables. Therefor the performance should be much slower than the Python-integration where the native data is mapped to numpy-arrays

The script ./maintainanceScripts/compileRequirements.sh compiles a private version of Lua that is automatically used when the swakConfiguation.automatic is used

Function object to read and write dictionaries

The function object readAndWriteDictionary in the simpleFunctionObjects reads a dictionary from disk and writes it with the other data. The main purpose of this function object is to allow scripting languages to write their data

atan2 added to parsers

The atan2(x,y) function has been added to all the parsers. This takes 2 values of which one must be non-zero (they represent a point in the $(x,y)$-plane) and calculates the angle in radiants between this vector and the x-axis

Additional logical accumulators

Three new logical accumulators have been added. They are all aliases or trivial extensions of the existing or and and but sometimes should make the intention clearer

alias for and
alias for or
only true if everything is false (basically not or)

neighbourPatch-function for expressions on cyclic patches

The expression neighbourPatch(foo) on a cyclic patch gets the value of foo on the “other” side of the cyclic. For this the field has to be a cyclic or a subclass


solverPerformanceToGlobalVariables now supports vector fields

With an additional (optional) parameter vectorFieldNames this function object now collects information about the performance of the linear solver for vector fields as well

New file format for funkyDoCalc

funkyDoCalc now has a new file format. If a dictionary expressions is found in the specification file then it is assumed that the file is in the new format. expressions are the contents of the previous format. Additional keys in the file now allow specifying things that previously only specified on the command line:

  • noDimensionChecking
  • foreignMeshesThatFollowTime

A list libs also allows specifying a list of libraries to load. This allows adding boundary conditions that would otherwise make the execution fail

funkyDoCalc allows writing data as a dictionary

The option -writeDict writes all the results as a dictionary. It also includes a sub-dictionary with a copy of the specification file

funkyDoCalc executes function objects

With the -allowFunctionObjects the regular function objects from the constrolDict are now executed.

If the new file format is used and there is an entry functions then the function objects specified there are executed (this allows setting up additional fields etc)

A list preloadFields allows preloading fields that might be needed by the function objects

BUG: using separate function objects causes a segmentation fault after the run finished. Probably because the function objects are inconsitently destroyed

groovyBCJump now works for non-scalar boundary conditions

Now the boundary condition works for non-scalar fields as well

groovyBC now supports neighbourField(foo)

If used on a cyclic patch then this will get the value of foo on the other side. Before this raise a Not Implemented-Error

Attention: foo on the patch has to be a groovyBC for this work (or any other BC that implements patchNeighbourField()

groovyBC supports immersed boundary conditions in Foam-extend 4.1

Immersed boundaries need special treatment because it is not a “real” boundary that should have a written value


groovyBC/jumpChannel to demonstrate groovyBC on cyclic boundaries

This old test-example has been upgraded to a full example to demonstrate the use of groovyBC with the cyclicSlave-option and the groovyBCJump-condition

ImmersedBC/pitzDaily to demonstrate immersed boundary conditions in foam-extend

This demonstrates that swak-evaluations can be used for the immersed boundary conditions in foam-extend

2020-06-04 - version number : 2020.06

Moved from semantic version numbers (that didn’t make sense anymore) to a date based version number.

New supported versions

OpenFOAM+ v1906

Adaptions supplied by Mark Olesen.

This is currently the tested version in the ESI/OpenFOAM+ family

OpenFOAM 7

Compiles. Not fully tested

OpenFOAM+ v1912

Adaptions supplied by Mark Olesen.


Bison older than version 3.3 no longer supported

The removal of warnings in biosn 3.4 meant that bison 3.2 and older are no longr able to generate C++ sources from the grammar files

Bug fixes

Compilation with WM_LABEL_SIZE=64 for foam-extend-4.1

Fix supplied by Danial Khazaei because compilation of fe 4.1 broke when the label size was set to 64 bit. Now works with other distributions as well


Support for bison 3.4

The grammars have been adapted to generate C++-sources without warnings with bison 3.4. The script to compile requirements has been modified to download and compile this version.

This breaks compatibility with bison 3.2 and older This is the latest stable release and only a bug-fix release. luarocks was upgraded as well Now if before compiling a command like


is executed then Python 3.6 is used even if a “better” Python like 3.7 is found. THe same is true for


(or similar).

If these variables are not set the highest possible Python is used (like it was before)

Generate files for clangd if bear is installed

If Bear is installed then it is used to generate the files that the clang tools use to find out how files are compiled. This allows using LSP-based tools during editing (the necessary settings for Emacs have been added)


Adapted contributors section in the README

Removed outdated information, updated links

New features

Expression run-time trigger for runtime-control in ESI-fork

There now is a run-time trigger swakExpression that allows switching the runtime-control (for instance stopping the run) depending on a swak-expression.

This works only for the ESI-fork. It should work with versions starting at 3.0+ but is currently only available starting with v1906 (modify swak.H if you want to enable/test it for older versions)

The trigger is found in the swakFunctionObjects-library

makeAxialMesh added

This (rather old) utility has been added to swak4Foam. Main reason is that this is the easiest way to maintain this utility for new OpenFOAM versions


groovyBC/nonBreakingDam to demonstrate macro expansion

This example demonstrates OpenFOAM macro-expansion inside of expression strings

runTimeCondition/simpleSwakCar to demonstrate runtime-control in the ESI fork

This example demonstrates the runtime-control for function objects that exists in the ESI-fork