
Last mirrored from https://github.com/seung-lab/BOSSArrays.jl.git on 2019-10-07T19:19:33.994-04:00 by @UnofficialJuliaMirrorBot via Travis job 475.6 , triggered by Travis cron job on branch "master"

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Julia interface to BOSS for large scale image cutout and chunk saving.

  • Blosc compression to speed up data transer
  • error handling for writting



set BOSS token

setup the enviroment variable

  • add these line to ~/.bashrc file
export INTERN_PROTOCOL=https
export INTERN_HOST=api.theboss.io
export INTERN_TOKEN=98d060b8ecd983842bb0f105ea3ee91f75796306
  • source ~/.bashrc


use it as a normal Julia Array

using BOSSArrays
ba = BOSSArray( collectionName  = "YourCollectionName",
                experimentName  = "YourExperimentName",
                channelName     = "YourChannelName")
a = rand(UInt8, 200,200,3)
ba[10001:10200, 10001:10200, 1:3] = a
b = ba[10001:10200, 10001:10200, 1:3]
@assert all(a.==b)