
Last mirrored from https://github.com/hardbyte/Paillier.jl.git on 2019-11-19T02:49:10.54-05:00 by @UnofficialJuliaMirrorBot via Travis job 481.27 , triggered by Travis cron job on branch "master"

Primary LanguageJulia

Paillier.jl is a Julia package implementing the basics of the Paillier partially homomorphic cryptosystem.

Build Status

The homomorphic properties of the paillier crypto system are:

  • Encrypted numbers can be multiplied by a non encrypted scalar.
  • Encrypted numbers can be added together.

Warning - Here be dragons.

This is rough! Don't use for anything serious yet! Not reviewed by a cryptographer.

Constant time functions have not been used, so this could be susceptible to timing side channel attacks.

We don't obfuscate the results of encrypted math operations by default. This is an optimization copied from python-paillier, however after any homomorphic operation - before sharing an EncryptedNumber or EncryptedArray you must call obfuscate() to secure the ciphertext. Ideally this will occur behind the scenes at serialization time, but this library does not help with serialization (yet).

Based off the sketch written by Morten Dahl at Snips, and the python-paillier library written by N1 Analytics.


A number of examples can be found in the examples folder.

Run examples with Julia:

$ julia --project examples/raw_cryptosystem.jl

Quick Example

This is using the raw paillier cryptosystem (no encoding).

julia> using Paillier
julia> pub, priv = generate_paillier_keypair(1024)
julia> a = encrypt(pub, 10)
julia> b = encrypt(pub, 50)
julia> decrypt(priv, a)
julia> decrypt(priv, a + 5)
julia> # obfuscate before sharing an encrypted number:
julia> c = obfuscate(2a + b);
julia> typeof(c)
julia> decrypt(priv, c)

Floating point encoding

To work with floating point numbers we follow the encoding scheme of python-paillier. First create an Encoding that includes the native Julia type, the public key and (optionally) the base to use.

julia> keysize = 2048
julia> publickey, privatekey = generate_paillier_keypair(keysize)
julia> encoding = Encoding(Float32, publickey)
julia> a = Float32(π)
julia> b = 100
julia> enc1 = encode_and_encrypt(a, encoding)
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, enc1)
julia> enc1.exponent
julia> enc2 = encode_and_encrypt(b, encoding)
julia> enc3 = decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, enc1 + enc2)
julia> enc3
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, enc1 - 20.0)

There are still rough edges when working with higher precision datatypes such as BigFloat. For now I'd recommend encoding either Float32 or Float64.

Array Support

To avoid wasting space having multiple copies of the same PublicKey I've added an EncryptedArray type that looks like an array of EncryptedNumber objects, but only stores the underlying ciphertexts and one copy of shared metadata such as the public key, the encoding and the exponent.

julia> publickey, privatekey = generate_paillier_keypair(2048)
julia> a = [0.0, 1.2e3, 3.14, π]
julia> encoding = Encoding(Float32, publickey)
julia> enca = encode_and_encrypt(a, encoding);
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, enca)
4-element Array{Float32,1}:
julia> encb = 2 * enca;
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, encb)
4-element Array{Float32,1}:
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, reduce(+, encb))
julia> enca.is_obfuscated
julia> encb.is_obfuscated
julia> encb = obfuscate(encb);
julia> encb.is_obfuscated

See encryptedarray.jl for the implementation.

Broadcasting Support

I've made some effort towards supporting multidimensional arrays:

julia> x = [[0, 1] [345, 32410] [3, 784564]]
julia> publickey, privatekey = generate_paillier_keypair(4096)
julia> encrypted = encode_and_encrypt(x, encoding)
julia> encrypted.public_key == publickey
julia> typeof(encrypted), size(encrypted)
(EncryptedArray{BigInt,2}, (2, 3))
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, encrypted)
2×3 Array{Float32,2}:
 0.0    345.0       3.0
 1.0  32410.0  784564.0
julia> decrypt_and_decode(privatekey, [4, 2] .* encrypted .+ 100)
2×3 Array{Float32,2}:
 100.0   1480.0  112.0      
 102.0  64920.0    1.56923e6

However not everything works, e.g. the LinearAlgebra.dot function.