
Code source du bot Discord Bidibip dédié au serveur Unreal Engine FR

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Blip bloup !

Welcome to Bidibip's developers repository !


Create and run

  • Install docker on your server
  • Clone this repository (It should be cloned in a directory named /home/$USER/docker/)
  • Configure .env file (rename ./Bidibip/.env.template to ./Bidibip/.env and fill it with your credentials)
  • Create docker image : > source ./Bidibip/scripts/build-docker-image.sh
  • Create a docker volume named bidibip-saved https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/
  • Run docker container : > source ./Bidibip/scripts/create-docker-container.sh

Stop the server

  • Find the container id with > sudo docker ps -a
  • stop the container with > sudo docker stop <container_id>


Setup local repository

  • clone this repository
  • install node dependencies > npm install
  • Configure .env file (rename ./Bidibip/.env.template to ./Bidibip/.env and fill it with your credentials)
  • switch to dev branch
  • setup git flow > git flow init (main branch:main / development branch:dev / Default configuration)
  • create a new feature > git flow feature start 'your-feature-name'

Run local instance

  • > npm start

Adding modules

Features are implemented in modules. See some examples

To create a new module, add a new folder with your module's name under src/modules directory, then add a module.js file that will contains all your module events.

Minimal module code example : src/modules/my_feature/module.js

class Module {
    constructor(create_infos) {

module.exports = {Module}

Then, to receive events, implement corresponding method in your class. Here are some examples

class Module {
   constructor(create_infos) {
       this.client = create_infos.client

       // Add a dummy command
       this.commands = [
           new CommandInfo('my_dummy_command', 'what my command do').set_member_only()

   async start() {}                                              // When module is started
   async stop() {}                                               // When module is stopped
   async server_interaction(command) {}                              // When server command is executed
   async server_message(message) {}                              // On received server messages=
   async receive_interaction(value, id, message) {}              // When interaction button is clicked (interaction should have been bound before)
   async server_message_updated(old_message, new_message) {}     // On update message on server
   async server_message_delete(message) {}                       // On delete message on server

a more complete list of available events is available in src/modules/utilities/module.js

That's all