- 2
undefined method `project' for #<Pod::Sandbox:0x00007f9f0c52ac30> Did you mean? project_path
#47 opened by sreeharsha999 - 2
compilable with Cocoapods 1.6~1.7
#46 opened by aelam - 5
- 0
Using without cocoapods
#44 opened by GusevAndrey - 2
Amimono + Test targets
#41 opened by beefon - 1
- 2
Support for Cocoapods 1.3?
#38 opened by adad184 - 1
- 5
Amimono could induce name collision
#31 opened by UnsafePointer - 0
Duplicate symbol _main
#39 opened by dqhieu - 0
What will change for Amimono and dyld 3 ?
#37 opened by mackoj - 0
- 0
Bundle resources
#35 opened by lucabartoletti - 5
when podfile contains any pod with "+" or "-" sign in title amimono patcher not working
#28 opened by ichina - 0
- 2
Issue when adding binary frameworks when the pod name differs from the framework name
#25 opened by Curtis-Halbrook - 3
Does this projet still works ?
#22 opened by mackoj - 1
[Enhancements] Currently Amimono rejects Test Targets would like to reject other projects for more complex workspaces.
#21 opened by bainfu - 2
- 3
binary framework pod support
#17 opened by time4Wiley - 1
Still trying to dyld a dependency?
#20 opened by Curtis-Halbrook - 2
Support for cocoapods 1.2.0?
#19 opened by vevo-heyward-dai - 12
Header only Pods producing "file not found" errors
#10 opened by HeEAaD - 1
Add command line support
#1 opened by UnsafePointer - 3
- 1
undefined local variable or method `installer' for #<Pod::Podfile:0x007fae13be7418>
#13 opened by foobra - 2
- 0
- 2
Why do we need this ?
#2 opened by jcampbell05