Written by Tomato6966 Made for Deezcord
✔ Slash Commands
✔ Sub-Slash Commands
✔ Group-Sub-Slash Commands
✔ Context-Menus
✔ Extends discord.js for better types
✔ Default sharding via discord-hybrid-sharding
✔ jsdoc Types
✔ color based log-level logger without a console coloring module
✔ slash command mentions cache builder
✔ fast, and memory friendly File Loading (no synchronus, memory rss blocking)
✔ Modern ESM Style
And more!
In the /src/commands
you can create up to 100 Commands / Folders.
- Slash Commands
Inside of a Folder of /src/commands
, e.g: /src/commands/Info
you can create up to 25 Commands / Folders
- Sub-Slash Commands
Inside of a Folder of a Folder of /src/commands
, e.g: /src/commands/Info/User
you can create up to 25 Commands
- Group-Sub-Slash Commands
NOTE: For Every folder you create inside of /src/commands
, you need to write the DirSetup object in: /src/data/SlashCommandDirSetup.mjs
- This Project is a
aka written inesm
, so your JS Files should be named:*.jsm