
A sample problem I can use to try out and compare programming languages

Primary LanguagePython


This is meant as an environment for me to play with and benchmark different programming languages, as well as practice the use of some general tools.

Problem Definition

The environment shall provide a somewhat realistic problem to solve, as well as loadtests to benchmark and compare solutions.

  • There exists an SQL Database containing Company Information
  • There exist two systems returning non-overlapping userdata via REST APIs
  • Users have internal Identifiers as well as UUID that is unique accross systems
  • Users in both systems have a relation to a Company UUID

A new system shall offer a REST API allowing to:

  • Access a User enriched with Company data by User UUID
  • Acces a list of Users by Company UUID


I want an actual problem to solve, while trying out programming languages I find interesting.

I also want to gain a deeper understanding of a solutions performance, not just in terms of writing, but also running the code. Thus a loadtest that can be run against solutions shall serve as a benchmarking tool.


  • Setup two User API mocks - using Wiremock
  • Setup a Company Database - using sqlite
  • Setup a benchmarking loadtest - using locust
  • Write a baseline 'enterprise default' solution in Java
  • Write a solution in Go
  • Write a solution in Elixir
  • Use this as a go-to sample problem to try out any interesting language


  • Get too deep into "framework" tools (API mocking, testing, ..)