
Simple simulation with programmed cells

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cell Evolution

Programmed cells follow rules and evolve

Cell Evolution

How it works


The superclass of all elements on screen, named class Element


  • this.age is the age of the element, or the number of frames it has been onscreen.
  • this.x and this.y designate the position of an element on screen, where (0,0) is the top left of the canvas.
  • this.size is the diameter of the object, in pixels.
  • this.color is the color value of the object inhex, stored as a String.




A class containing a single command used by a Cell instance


  • this.condition specifies an array with 3 values, in the form distanceTo(subject) (comparison) (value).
  • this.action is the action to be taken when this.condition is true.


The main element of the simulation; this is what evolves.


  • class Cell is a subclass of Element, and inherits its attributes.
  • this.args is a list of the Command instances that this cell follows.
  • this.defComm is the default Command to follow if none of the conditions in this.args are fulfilled.
  • this.fraction is the percentage of mass baby takes when reproducing.


  • Method move() calls all the necessary methods each frame.
  • Methods beginning with closest are used to find the subjects for a Command instance.
  • Methods eatCells() and eatFood() are used to consume nearby smaller cells and food
  • Method reproduce() is used when the cell wants to reproduce, creating a new cell with a possibility of mutation in commands.
  • dist() and compDist() are used to find the distance between two cells. compDist also returns the target position.


Eaten by the cell. This spawns randomly, but is also created around instances of Spawner and underneath large Cell objects.


class Food is a subclass of Element, and inherits its attributes.




Spawners create food around them when a smaller cell is eaten by it.


  • class Spawner is a subclass of Element, and inherits its attributes.
  • this.id is the id of the spawner.
  • this.defaultSize is the initiation size of the spawner.


The only method, this.act(), does three main things:

  • Eat nearby Cells that are small
  • Eat Food
  • Expel Food outside if this.size is greater than this.defaultSize

Hiding spots

Force larger cells to split (reproduce()) while allowing smaller cells to hide.


class Petri is a subclass of Element, and inherits its attributes.


splitCells() splits larger cells within range.