
A tutorial for teaching myself to program in Pascal using the FPC

Primary LanguagePascal

Pascal Tutorial

A tutorial for learning to program in Pascal using FPC, with the purpose of understand and implement the Kamin interpreters.


  • Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman - Estructuras de datos y algoritmos. [AL01]
  • Azmoodeh - Abstract data types and algorithms. [AL02]
  • Brainerd, Goldberg, Gross - Pascal programming, an spiral approach. [PS01]
  • Coleman - A structured programming approach to data. [AL03]
  • Dale, Lilly - Pascal plus data structures. [AL04]
  • Dromey - How to solve it by computer. [AL05]
  • Forsyth - Pascal at work and play, an introduction to computer programming in Pascal. [PS02]
  • Ganeshan - Pascal programming. [PS03]
  • Gonnet - Handbook of algorithms and data structures. [AL06]
  • Grogono - Programming in Pascal. [PS04]
  • Grover - Pascal programming fundamentals. [PS05]
  • Keller - A first course in computer programming using Pascal. [PS06]
  • Kernighan - Software tools in Pascal. [AL07]
  • Koffman - Problem solving and structured programmign in Pascal. [PS07]
  • Horowitz, Sahni - Fundamentals of data structures in Pascal. [AL08]
  • Roberts - Thinking recursively. [AL09]
  • Rohl - Recursion via Pascal. [AL10]
  • Seroul - Programming for mathematicians. [AL011]
  • Shen - Algorithms and programming. [AL012]
  • Tenenbaum, Augenstein - Data structures using Pascal. [AL013]
  • Welsh, Elder, Burstard - Sequential program structures. [AL014]
  • Wirth - Algorithms + data structures = programs. [AL015]
  • Wirth - Systematic programming, an introduction. [AL016]
  • Weiss - Data structures and algorithm analysis. [AL017]
  • Alagic, Arbib - The design of well-constructed and correct programs [AL018]
  • Nievergelt, Hinrichs - Algorithms and data structures [AL019]