
Python library to talk the direct-lan-api to control a Heatmiser Neohub / Neostats - and home-assistant component

Primary LanguagePython

Heatmiser NeoHub, NeoStat, NeoPlug Library

This library controls the wireless mesh NeoStat thermostats, via the NeoHub.

It talks the JSON-over-TCP protocol, on the LAN, to the Neo Hub - so no internet access is required.

I do not have any wifi neostats, just the "mesh networked" (aka zigbee) ones.

This library uses asyncio, and strives to be a well-behaved async home-assistant component.

Python 3.5 required!

Although as of Nov 2017, home-assistant only requires python 3.4 or newer, this component needs python 3.5+ (async/await).

Home-assistant is planning to require python 3.5 sometime early 2018 anyway, and many distributions are already using it anyway.

Example CLI Usage

$ ./neocli.py list

<NeoStat id=1  temp=20.8 name='Bedroom'>
<NeoStat id=2 temp=21.7 name='Office'>
<NeoStat id=3  temp=23.4 name='Kitchen'>

<NeoPlug id=4  status=OFF name='Desktop fan plug'>

$ ./neocli.py rename_zone "Bedroom" "Master Bedroom"
$ ./neocli.py frost_on "Master Bedroom"
$ ./neocli.py switch_on "Desktop fan plug"

Bit of a half-assed CLI, because I mainly built this libary for the...

Home Assistant Integration

Although functional, this is not production ready. For now, installation via custom_components dir in your ~/.homeassistant config dir:

    neohub --> link to this repo neohub dir
    heatmiser_neohub.py --> link to this repo heatmiser_neohub.py

and in configuration.yaml:

  platform: heatmiser_neohub
  port: 4242
  debug: True