
Media and Stuff for Forge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Forge Token Whitepaper

Forge Token is the first 100% decentralized, 100% community owned, 100% trustless, 100% fair, 100% ownerless token that uses Proof-of-Work to distribute Tokens, Rewards, and run our Auctions

25% of the Forge Token Supply is distributed by the Auctions contract.
The speed which blocks are mined by Proof-of-Work miners will determine the auction length, fast miners = short auctions. Averages to 72 hour auctions. Each auction will sell 8,192 Forge Tokens split to all bidders evenly depending on how much 0xBitcoin they bid for the auction. Your 0xBTC Deposited into Auction / Total 0xBTC for Auction * 8,192 = Your Forge Tokens you will Recieve.
100% Fair based on amount of 0xBitcoin spent at that auction. All tracked and stored decentrally and trustlessly!

25% of the Forge Token Supply is distributed by the Liquidity Provider Staking Contract The speed at which Stakers are rewarded will be deteremined by Proof-of-Work miners. Fast miners = more rewards, slow miners = less rewards. The rewards are split fairly and disitributed over a period of time to all Stakers.
We are staking Forge/0xBitcoin Liquidiy Pool tokens. This will 100% fairly and 100% decentrally distribute tokens to our Liquidity Providers, helping defeat Impermant Loss often associated with it.

50% of the Forge Token Supply is distributed to Proof-of-Work Miners. They solve a complicated hash that rewards them with 150 Forge tokens. Which generatres a new complicated hash for the next miner to solve. All 100% done on chain and 100% trustlessly and 100% without an owner of the contract Along with the Forge Tokens, miners will also recieve 0.10$ in 0xBitcoin for every solve(0.033 0xBitcoin) if available.
Miners make 3-5$ a day in 0xBTC profit along with their Forge Tokens daily, helping elivate transaction costs, electral costs, and even hardware costs!
Ensuring the token is always mined!

Along with the Forge Tokens and the 0xBitcoin Tokens, miners will have the ability to mine up to 5 other Cryptocurrencies! Any ERC20 sent to the Forge Contract will become instantly mineable! With most of the supply being distributed over 1 year. This allows any token to become mineable, without having to run their own proof-of-work system.
Our system allows for basically any token to be mined, since miners pay nothing! We expect to see Fractionalized NFTs avaialble for mining

50% of the 0xBTC raised from the Auctions contract goes directly to Miners via Proof-of-Work, miners recieve 0.033 0xBitcoin per Solve. 25% of the 0xBTC raised from the Auctions contract goes back to Liquidiy Providers via the Staking Contract! 25% of the 0xBTC raised goes to fund Cross Chain Challenges so we can dual mine 0xBitcoin Contract and our contract

No dev fee or any sort of fee is taken. All Cryptocurrencies are distributed 100% to the Forge community.

Viva La Mineables

Forge-Main GPU mining INFORMATION below

Please add your private key to SOLO mine!

All-in-one mixed multi-GPU (nVidia, AMD, Intel) & CPU miner solves proof of work to mine supported EIP918 tokens in a single instance (with API).

Current latest public release version: 1.1.0

Runs on Windows x64 Download LINK: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?export=download&confirm=clAC&id=1XOcfFu6SsjWvfbcp3rPsuq9ovb7VONfb

Built with .NET 5.0, VC++ 19.28.29914, nVidia CUDA SDK 10.2 64-bit, and AMD APP SDK v3.0.130.135 (OpenCL)

.NET Core 5.0 can be downloaded from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-5.0.5-windows-x64-installer

VC++ 2019 can be downloaded from https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads)

CUDA 9.2 requires a minimum nVidia driver version of 396 [https://www.nvidia.com/drivers/beta]

If you are looking for a GUI version, refer to this link [https://github.com/lwYeo/SoliditySHA3MinerUI/releases]

Releases can be found here