
My dotemacs files

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

Shared emacs config


  • clone this repo
  • git submodule update --init
  • make ~/.emacs.d a link to this directory
  • run emacs --batch -f package-list-packages to fetch gnu/marmalade/melpa packages
  • open emacs to auto-install many gnu/marmalade/melpa packages

for lisp dev

Most of the functionality in our shared-slime-init.el is replaced in smart-parens, there are different keybindings that need some more help.

for js dev

  • sudo aptititde install npm
  • npm install jshint -g Now you get syntax hightlighting and warnings from jshint when editing javascript files.

Some refactoring helpers (like "rename variable") are available via the js2-refactor library.

for python dev

  • sudo pip install -U elpy

Notable libraries

  • Projectile - deal with "projects", search within, jump between, etc. C-c p
  • yasnippet - lightweight templates
  • magit - git client, M-x magit-status
  • smartparens - paren matching and sexp manipulation


  • files in the settings folder get loaded automatically, so add a new file to configure a new package
  • use the ensure-packages-installed helper to get libraries
  • use customize for machine-specific settings, keep global settings in the settings files