
A querying app built with FastAPI that fetches all nutrient data of a selected food item from the 2015 Canadian Nutrient File. Queries can also be saved for faster look-ups using your Google account.

Primary LanguagePython


A querying app built with FastAPI that fetches all nutrient data of selected food items from the 2015 Canadian Nutrient File. You can also save query results for faster lookups using your Google login.
FoodQuery app

How to use

Step 1:

Proceed through the querying process by selecting the desired food item and serving size.

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Step 2:

Analyze the query output and feel free to toggle the nutrient checkboxes to only display the tables of interest.

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Step 4:

Save your query result using your Google login.

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Step 5:

Go back to your saved queries for faster lookups!

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