
Installing software automatically on Linux VMs

Primary LanguageHTML

Ansible playbook to install software packages

This project contains ansible playbook to download and install:

  • Anaconda (Python 3.6 and 2.7)
  • R
  • RStudio
  • Docker
  • X2GoServer (with MATE bindings)

How to use

  • Install ansible on your computer pip install ansible, by default it installs in /home/$USER/.local.

  • Clone this project.

  • Edit the envs/hosts file and enter the FQDN or IP address of the server you are deploying to.

  • Edit the roles/anaconda/defaults/main.yml file and change the version of anaconda.

  • Edit the roles/r/defaults/main.yml file and change the site-library and packages. Check README.md for details.

  • Edit the roles/rstudio/defaults/main.yml file and change the version of rstudio.

  • Run the playbook :

    cd ansible
    ansible-playbook -i envs/ playbook.yml --user=$USER --ask-become-pass

Note: all the servers in envs/hosts should allow ssh auth using keypair