
MATLAB zombie apocalypse simulation for group project (2016)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Newer version is now available!

A more optimised version of the MATLAB zombie apocalypse simulation can be found on (https://github.com/iamfranco/zombie).


This is the MATLAB zombie apocalypse simulation for our group project (group 4, the University of Manchester, presented on October 25th 2016). Since we've presented our MATLAB zombie apocalypse simulation in front of the whole class, there is no "academic motivation" to revisit these m files. But I personally enjoyed creating them, so I decided to post these on GitHub in the hope that someone will find them as entertaining and maybe they can help optimize the code. Now, without further ado, let's get straight into the simulation!

To run the simulation, do the following steps:

  1. save all the m files from this repository
  2. execute zombie.m using MATLAB
  3. enjoy watching the zombie apocalypse simulation
  4. execute population.m to plot the graphs of zombie population and human population versus time

To simplify things, we modelled our zombie apocalypse based on a few simple behaviours of both zombies and humans.

Basic behaviours of zombies and humans:

  • If human and zombie are far away from each other, they simply move randomly (Brownian motion).
  • If human and zombie are relatively close to each other, then the zombie would chase after the human, and the human would run away.
  • If a zombie is close to multiple humans, then the zombie would chase after the closest human.
  • If human and zombie are very close to each other, then they will fight. Sometimes the human wins the fight, which results in killing the zombie. And sometimes the zombie wins the fight, which results in turning the human into a zombie.

Feel free to modify the parameters on zombie.m:

Parameters Descriptions
Z the initial zombie population
H the initial human population
zSpeed zombie movement top speed
hSpeed human movement top speed
chaseRange maximum distance between zombie and human for chase to occur
fightRange maximum distance between zombie and human for fight to occur
lim the length and the width of the arena (square arena)
ph the probability of human winning the fight

By the way, we also assumed that the human's probability of winning the fight will increase over time.