This is the Terraform configuration for the Cambridge Digital Library Platform. Initially this will only cover the setting up the data loading process.
Install Terraform:
First select the environment you want to work in: dev, stage or prod. It's recommended you work and test and changes in dev first!
cd cudl-dev
To initialise the working directory run the following in the root directory of this project.
terraform init
You can confirm the configuration is valid with
terraform validate
You can see what changes have occurred from the terraform file state to the current state by running It saves the plan generated to a binary file.
terraform plan -out=myplan
You can inspect the plan file using the command
terraform show myplan
To apply those changes run warning this will update the system
terraform apply myplan
If you want to bring down all components warning this will detroy all managed components
terraform destroy
For more information see
State is stored in S3, and will be picked up automatically from the init command. It is backend "s3" section of the file.
The data loading process converts the data from the input format into the output format. This consists of for example lambda functions that convert the item TEI into JSON suitable for display in the viewer. For more detail on the loading process see:
This diagram shows the AWS infrastructure setup required for the data loading process.
- IAM policies
- S3 buckets (shown in green)
- SQS, SNS and Lambda functions (shown in yellow)
- EFS volume (shown in dark green)
- Cudl viewer and Services and RDS database (shown in blue)
In addition to the Terraform setup, Puppet is used to control the software installed on the architecture, and is used for example to sync the data between EFS and S3. See