This repository contains the files required to run a discrete event simulation based economic evaluation of a number of different screening strategies to detect breast cancer in women in the UK

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental

MancRiskScreenUI is a shiny interface for the Manchester Breast Cancer Model, developed by Ewan Gray, Anna Donten, and Katherine Payne and validated by Stuart Wright, Gabriel Rogers, Katherine Payne, and Rob Hainsworth at the Manchester Centre for Health Economics.

The full model is hosted in Stuart Wright’s parent repo. This fork is dedicated to a Shiny app that actually runs a couple of meta-models: data/cost_model_obj.rda, and data/qualy_model_obj.rda. These are Generalized Additive Model (GAM) objects, trained on a set (data/PSA_config.rda) of Monte Carlo runs on the actual model.

The live app can be accessed at: https://shiny.its.manchester.ac.uk/MancRiskScreen/


Changes committed to this repository are not published automatically. You'll have to ask the current mantainer to upload your changes; or better: take ownership of the app (see publishing, below).

Installation (for development)

After cloning the repo, open the MancRiskScreenUI.Rproj project in Rstudio, then:

# Install package dependencies

# Test
source("dev/run_dev.R", echo = TRUE)

App structure

The static content in the About, Help, and References sections can be found in the corresponding markdown files under inst.

The bulk of the UI is written programatically by parse_ui_table, based on the UI configuration table input_config.tsv. The results are the code at the core of the UI auto_generated_ui.R, and the parsed run-time configuration table data/input_config_table.rda.

UI configuration table

The UI configuration table holds the complete list of model inputs, along with their details, and how they are divided into input-groups (parsed as tabs):

  • group: rows with a non-empty group and description will act as group headers and include all input elements below until the next header1.

  • id: unique input element ID, passed e.g. to numericInput("id",...)

  • type: one of {numeric, text, checkbox, slider, matrix, …}2.

  • basic: a boolean option (ticked x for TRUE). The table contains a list of all inputs required to run the complete model, but the GAMs are trained only on a subset of basic inputs. 3

  • fixed: similar to the basic, aimed to filter out input elements from the advanced model (currently has no effect).

  • default: default element value. Note that in some cases (e.g. matrix inputs) the value is written as R code, that will be evaluated during parsing.

  • rel_min, rel_max: used to specify rank ordering among inputs, e.g. if input A has B as rel_min, a warning will be raised if at any point A < B. During parsing, these relations are encoded in the boolean matrix relative_matrix.rda and the fields in input_config_table cleared. These are later repopulated by get_PSA_input_limits to work as soft limits beyond which an “extrapolating-beyond-data” warning is issued.

  • abs_min, abs_max: hard limits for slider inputs.

  • step: increment size for slider inputs.

  • unit: character keys used to have UI variable representations which are different from those of the underlying model. See parse_units in utils.R. Recognized keys include 5yr (5 year survival rate), rel (relative increments to default value), and pm (promille).

  • description: displayed element label.

  • notes: printed as comments in the auto_generated_ui.R.

Updating the app


The app has no hard dependencies on the parent repo (the code is too poorly structured to be reusable, and to make change-tracking meaningful). So relevant changes in the Model Core Files directory have to be tracked down (by hand) and replicated into the app code. These include:

  • Monte Carlo parameter variations found in files:

    • Model Core Files/MANC-RISK-SCREEN GAM Version [..].R
    • Model Core Files/MANC-RISK-SCREEN PSA Standard Version [..].R
    • Model Core Files/MANC-RISK-SCREEN PSA Wide Version [..].R

    Must be mirrored in PSA_config.R and in the call to draw_psa_runs in update.R. This call generates the PSA_config.rda table, that should (ideally) be identical to the one used to train the GAMs. The table is used by get_PSA_input_limits.R to set soft bounds on the input variables, which are written back to input_config_table.rda

  • update.R should take care of copying GAM model objects Model Core Files/*.RDS as corresponding data/*.rda files. However, this will not account for changes in the model input parameters. Run the tests in test-data.R (or a general devtools::check()) to verify that all required inputs are listed as basic and will be available in the UI (see above).

    Changes made to the UI configuration table input_config.tsv will not be reflected in the app, until update.R is used to parse the table and update the UI code.

  • costs_laudicella.R contains code that is repeated in all (?) model variations. It is not used for the basic model.

The process to merge changes from the parent repo is thus the following:

  1. Fetch and merge the latest changes:
git remote add upstream git@github.com:stuwrighthealthecon/MANC-RISK-SCREEN.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
  1. Resolve any conflicts manually, and git rebase --continue, if required.

  2. Update data/*.rda GAM model copies from the (updated) Model Core Files/*.RDS using:

source("dev/update.R", echo = TRUE)
  1. Manually track down and apply the changes outlined above. Take deep breaths.

  2. Update the UI again, and test

source("dev/update.R", echo = TRUE)
source("dev/run_dev.R", echo = TRUE)


The app is currently hosted on the University’s Pilot Shiny Server. It can be accessed at:


To publish changes, you’ll have to take ownership of the app:

  1. Follow the instructions here to get user access to the Shiny Server.

  2. Commit your changes to this repo, and make sure to:

  • Update the Version field in the DESCRIPTION file, and tag the git commit accordingly.
  • Modify the .Rprofile to include your University user ID: Sys.setenv(SHINYSENDER_USER="<USER>")
  • Make sure you have an active GitHub token (see usethis::gh_token_help)
  1. Use shinysender::ss_uploadAddin() to upload the app to the Shiny Server. You will get a URL of the form: https://shiny.its.manchester.ac.uk/<USER>/MancRiskScreenUI The name MancRiskScreenUI is defined by SHINYSENDER_REMOTENAME in the .Rprofile.

  2. The URL https://shiny.its.manchester.ac.uk/MancRiskScreen/ is just a custom link to the current mantainer’s user app. Ask the server admin to modify the config file: /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf to point to the new <USER>:

    location /MancRiskScreen {
      run_as <USER>;
      app_dir /home/<USER>/ShinyApps/MancRiskScreenUI;
      log_dir /var/log/shiny-server;


  1. Input elements within the #Other group (and in fact any group with a name starting with #) will not be written to the auto_generated_ui.R, but will still be listed in the run-time configuration table. The idea is that corresponding UI elements can be placed freely (manually) in the app_ui.

  2. all basic (i.e. currently used) inputs are numeric, so even though parsing / rendering should work for other input types, some work might be necessary to actually get these types working as model inputs.

  3. Currently all input elements are generated (i.e. written to the UI) but all except for those ticked as basic are hidden on runtime. The idea is to one day have an advanced UI mode that runs the actual model for a full set of inputs. If performance (refresh rate) becomes an issue, this could be changed, e.g. using renderUI to include only the elements used for the current model.