
R: Statistical methods - February 10

Closed this issue · 2 comments

aays commented

This lesson will work you through a classic statistical problem that you can solve in R and includes visualization methods as well as regression analysis.

Where: Zoom (link https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/83940578226 (Passcode: coders))
Meeting ID: TBA
When: Wednesday, February 10, from 18:00 - 19:00
Instructor: Amin (@ab2347)
Host: TBA
Skill level: Intermediate

Installation Instructions: For this lesson, if you'd like to code along, please install R following the instructions here. You will also need to install here, tidyverse, openintro, naniar, table1, GGally, numform, car, and report.

report gets installed like so


Lesson material: https://github.com/UofTCoders/studyGroup/blob/gh-pages/lessons/r/regression-models/regression_lesson.zip

Note: Our sessions will all be held online until further notice, instead of at the MADLab. If you need help with installation, please be sure to show up at 17:50 (5:50 pm) so that we can help you out before the lesson!

Not sure what #297 means
also how to read this repo ?

The number is a numeric index for the issue number.

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