Author: Nikhil Reji
generic asf/amc parser following standard version 1.1.
pip install asfamc-parser
- ASF parser
- AMC parser
- Simple, Clean data structure.
from asfamcparser import ParseASF, ParseAMC
Immutable class where every property is optional.
- name : str
- dof : NamedTuple e.g (rx=(-inf,inf), ry=(-inf,inf), rz=(-inf,inf))
- direction : Tuple e.g (0.0, 1.2, 2.2)
- length : float
- axis : NamedTuple e.g (X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0)
- order : Tuple e.g ("X", "Y", "Z")
NamedTuple values can be accessed either through their index or their names as follows:
Immutable class.
- name : str
- units : NamedTuple e.g ("mass"="kg", "length"="mm", "angle"="Deg")
- doc : str
- joints : Tuple[Joint, ...]
- hierarchy : dict where each key corresponds to a a joint that has children.
Individual joints can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
LElbowJoint = ASF["LeftElbow"]
Also, all joints can be accessed through for iterations:
for joint in ASF:
print( )
Immutable class
- count:int (number of frames)
- frames: Tuple[dict,...]
Individual frames can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
frameTen = AMC[10]
Individual frames and specific joint data can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
frameTenHead = AMC[10]["Head"]
Also, all frames can be accessed through for iterations:
for frame in AMC:
print( frame.count )
The full path to the .asf file is required to parse.
parsedAsf = ParseASF("./recordings/test.asf")
asf = parsedASF.asf
The retrieve asf file can be navigated using its properties described in the data structudre section.
The full path to the .amc file is required to parse.
parsedAmc = ParseAmc("./recordings/test.amc")
amc = parsedAMC.amc
The retrieved amc file can be navigated using its properties described in the data structure section.