former Name: FiProTima
Firefox Browser Profile Timestamp Manipulator forked from hirthirt -
The vision of a one tool solution for viewing and manipulating browser profiles in one place. Currently sorting profile entries based on there initial url access and according to their timestamps. Manipulation-wise there is already a feature to manipulate timestamps on large scale bases thanks to the work of @hirthirt.
Version 0.2.0
closed task
- PoC to verify if Multithreading is actual capable to improve the loading speed of sqlite databases
- for at the least one browser engine type Chromium (Chrome) or Gecko (Firefox)
- after getting not the expected results with the Firefox Gecko Engine
- further development was based solely on the Google Chrome Browser base
- Creation of an additional debug-mode window for more detailed and complex log messages
- split the ERROR/DEBUG/CRITICAL log from the user-event INFO/WARNING log
- introduction of a second logger to completely separate them
- Design improvements of all log messages in the gui console logger
- enumeration feature to have a unique identifier
- show log level information in every log message
- add a hint to log messages which also create new log information entries in the debug-mode
- Manual script "" in Model to solve c-time manipulation under UNIX systems
- GUI usability improvements - closed with new toolbar interface
- changed "profile load" button placement and redesigned toolbar + adjusted gui sections positions
- profile loading activity indicator visualized as loading bar + redesigned toolbar(order & icons)
- PoC to verify if Multithreading is actual capable to improve the loading speed of sqlite databases
open task
- Edge Downloads won't show
- Direct Downloads (without displaying a website) won't show inside both, the DFSC and FiProTima Software
- possible changes in the browser profile database structure after browser updates
- updating profile database changes in the browser model and views
- e.g. time data format mismatch in browsermodel Edge DownloadHandler
- Building a commit log feature for every loaded profile, which will be shown before loading new profiles
- a commit contains the changes between to profile storage points
- Adding another manipulating feature besides the time manipulation - TBD
- URL manipulation in history, form entries, Downloads, etc.
- Backup profile before manipulation process
- GUI changes for adding, deleting and changing data
- Testing detection rate of a manipulated profile in forensic tools with specific forensic test cases
- GUI improvements e.g. resizing GUI sections in main view dynamically
git clone UpBeatMan/Abschlussarbeit
Gebe „Anaconda“ Rechte zur Ausführung von RemoteSigned PowerShell Skripten und initialisiere die Python Distribution – öffne dazu ein Administrator PowerShell-Terminal und gebe beide Befehle ein:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
conda init
Nun sollte in der Cursor-Zeile bevor dem PS das Label (base) stehen. Base ist das „base“ Environment, also die Standardumgebung.
Python Pakete werden mit Anaconda in conda Umgebungen, den Environments verwaltet. Dabei werden neben den Anaconda-Paketen auch Pip-Pakete unterstützt.
Verschiedene Environments können jeweils unterschiedliche Python Versionen und Softwarepakete aus unterschiedlichen Quellen (Anaconda und Pip) zusammenfassen.
Für das DFSC Python-Projekt wurde die Vorlage „environment.yaml“ angelegt, in der bereits alle Anaconda- und Pip-Module in ihren richtigen Versionen konfiguriert sind und auch die passende Python Version (3.9.6) festgelegt wurde.
Anaconda kann mit der Vorlage „environment.yaml“ über den folgenden Befehl diese Umgebung reproduzieren:
conda env create --file .\Abschlussarbeit\environment.yaml
1. ###############################################################################
2. # NOTE: This file has been originally auto-generated by poetry2conda
3. # poetry2conda version = 0.3.0
4. # date: Wed Jun 30 23:59:26 2021
5. #
6. # and has been manually edited by Jan Weil
7. # continuously during the development process
8. #
9. ###############################################################################
10. name: dfsc-env
11. dependencies:
12. - python>=3.9.6,<4.0
13. - lz4>=3.1.3,<4.0.0
14. - python-dateutil>=2.8.2,<3.0.0
15. - Pillow>=8.3.1,<9.0.0
16. - pywin32>=228,<229
17. - SQLAlchemy>=1.4.22,<2.0.0
18. - pytest>=6.2.4,<7.0.0
19. - pip>=21.1.3,<22.0.0
20. - selenium>=3.141.0,<4.0.0
21. - pip:
22. - tksheet>=5.0.27,<6.0.0
23. - tkcalendar>=1.6.1,<2.0.0
24. - Tcl>=0.2,<0.3
25. - PyPubSub>=4.0.3,<5.0.0
26. - black>=21.7b0,<22.0+
conda activate dfsc-env
Nach dem erfolgreichen Wechseln ändert sich das (base) Label zu (dfsc-env).
Eine extra Python-Installation ist nicht mehr nötig. Das Ananconda Softwarepaket installiert Python bereits.
Zuerst muss in der Powershell-Konsole in das Verzeichnis der Git-Kopie gewechselt werden.
cd C:\PythonProject\Abschlussarbeit\
Danach kann über die conda Python-Installation die Haupt-Initdatei
gestartet werden.
C:/Users/<username>/.conda/envs/dfsc-env/python.exe c:/PythonProject/Abschlussarbeit/Core/
Dann sollte die DFSC Software starten.
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