
UpCloud command line client (upctl)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

UpCloud CLI - upctl

upcloud-cli test

upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.

Getting started

For instructions on how to install upctl, configure credentials, and run commands, see Getting started instructions in the documentation.

Install with go install

Install the latest version of upctl with go install by running:

go install github.com/UpCloudLtd/upcloud-cli/v3/...@latest

Run upctl version to verify that the tool was installed successfully and upctl help to print usage instructions.

upctl version
upctl help

Exit codes

Exit code communicates success or the type and number of failures. Possible exit codes of upctl are:

Exit code Description
0 Command(s) executed successfully.
1 - 99 Number of failed executions. For example, if stopping four servers and API returs error for one of the request, exit code will be 1.
100 - Other, non-execution related, errors. For example, required flag missing.


Every command has a --help parameter that can be used to print detailed usage instructions and examples on how to use the command. For example, run upctl network list --help, to display usage instructions and examples for upctl network list command.

See examples directory for examples on more complex use-cases.


The detailed documentation is available in GitHub pages.

To generate markdown version of command reference, run make md-docs. Command reference will then be generated into docs/commands_reference.

make md-docs

To run the MkDocs documentation locally, run make docs and start static http server (e.g., python3 -m http.server 8000) in site/ directory or run mkdocs serve in repository root.

make docs
mkdocs serve


Contributions from the community are much appreciated! Please note that all features using our API should be implemented with UpCloud Go API SDK. If something is missing from there, add an issue or PR in that repository instead before implementing it here.

  • Check GitHub issues and pull requests before creating new ones
  • Besides bug reports, all improvement ideas and feature requests are more than welcome and can be submitted through GitHub issues.
    • New features and enhancements can be submitted by first forking the repository and then sending your changes back as a pull request.
  • Following semantic versioning, we won't accept breaking changes within the major version (1.x.x, 2.x.x etc).
    • Such PRs can be open for some time and are only accepted when the next major version is being created.


You need a Go version 1.20+ installed on your development machine.

Use make to build and test the CLI. Makefile help can be found by running make help.

make help


Environment variables UPCLOUD_DEBUG_API_BASE_URL and UPCLOUD_DEBUG_SKIP_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY can be used for HTTP client debugging purposes. More information can be found in the client's README file.


This repository uses pre-commit and go-critic for maintaining code quality. Installing them is not mandatory, but it helps in avoiding the problems you'd otherwise encounter after opening a pull request as they are run by automated tests for all PRs.

Development quickstart

To begin development, first fork the repository to your own account, clone it and begin making changes.

git clone git@github.com/username/upcloud-cli.git
cd upcloud-cli
pre-commit install

Make the changes with your favorite editor. Once you're done, create a new branch and push it back to Github.

git checkout -b <branch-name>
<add your changes, "git status" helps>
git commit -m "New feature: create a new server in the nearest zone if not specified"
git push --set-upstream <branch-name>

After pushing the new branch, browse to your fork of the repository in GitHub and create a pull request from there. Once the pull request is created, please make changes to your branch based on the comments & discussion in the PR.


MIT license