
This repo provides nativescript CLI including android SDK for CI builds.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This repo includes nativescript running on ubuntu-18.04 LTS.

It includes android sdk and latest node.js v10.x.

It allows you with a single command to build your entire nativescript application for android.

Perfect for CI environments like jenkins or bitbucket pipelines.


For reproducable builds I added version branches / tags on docker hub.

Branch version/18.04-10.x-6.8.0-29.0.3

Is creating a Docker container with

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Node.js v10.x
  • Nativescript CLI 7.0.8
  • Android SDK 29.0.3

If you need more version combinations just create PRs on Bitbucket, Docker added for dind

Running android with version/18.04-10.x-6.8.0-29.0.3

docker run -v $(pwd):/app -it scratchy/nativescript-cli:18.04-10.x-6.8.0-29.0.3 bash -c "cd /app && tns build android"

Visual Studio Code devcontainer Usage

This image can be used for developing nativescript apps in a consistent environment, rather than installing nativescript on your local machine. Follow the standard steps for using a devcontainer, and use a devcontainer.json file similar to this:

    "name": "Sample Visual Studio Code Nativescript devcontainer.json configuration",
    "image": "scratchy/nativescript-cli:18.04-10.x-6.8.0-29.0.3"
    # Instead of "image", use "dockerFile": "<path to Dockerfile>",
    "settings": {
        "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/bash"
    "remoteUser": "tnsuser",
    "mounts": [
    "runArgs": [


  • If you use a Dockerfile, it should start with FROM scratchy/nativescript-cli:18.04-10.x-6.8.0-29.0.3 and then add customizations
  • The image is about 2.5 GB, so it will take a long time for Visual Studio to start up the first time (however the image will be cached for future runs)
  • This will cache downloaded gradle files (make sure ${localWorkspaceFolder}/Cache/.gradle is in .gitignore)
  • This will allow communication with physical Android phones (on a linux machine)