
Fine-Tuning BERT for Phishing URL Identification.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Fine tuning involves adapting a pre-trained model to a particular use case through additional training.

Pre-trained models are developed via unsupervised learning, which precludes the need for large-scale labeled datasets. Fine-tuned models can then exploit pre-trained model representations to significantly reduce training costs and improve model performance compared to training from scratch

About BERT for Phishing URL Identification

BERT, short for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, is a machine learning (ML) framework for natural language processing. In 2018, Google developed this algorithm to improve contextual understanding of unlabeled text across a broad range of tasks by learning to predict text that might come before and after (bi-directional) other text.


  • Sentiment Analysis
  • chatbot question answer
  • Help predicts text when writing an email
  • Can quickly summarize long legal contracts
  • Differentiate words that have multiple meanings based on the surrounding text



  • Bidirectional Can process text left-to-right and right- to-left. BERT uses the encoder segment of a transformation model.
  • Applied in Google Docs, Gmail, smart compose, enhanced search, voice assistance, analyzing customer reviews, and so on.
  • GLUE score = 80.4% and 93.3% accuracy on the SQUAD dataset.
  • Uses two unsupervised tasks, masked language modeling, fill in the blanks and next sentence prediction e.g. does sentence B come after sentence A?


  • Autoregressive and unidirectional. Text is processed in one direction. GPT uses the decoder segment of a transformation model.
  • Applied in application building, generating ML code, websites, writing articles, podcasts, creating legal documents, and so on.
  • 64.3% accuracy on the TriviaAQ benchmark and 76.2% accuracy on LAMBADA, with zero-shot learning
  • Straightforward text generation using autoregressive language modeling


  1. If You don't have an account of Hugging Face, Create an account on HF hub.
  2. Create a new token here.
  3. Upload it into Secrets if using Google Colab or you can view this article.

Dataset I used for fine-tuning BERT

Brief Summary of Code

  1. Dataset Loading:
    Loaded the phishing site classification dataset from Hugging Face using load_dataset.

  2. Model Initialization:
    Defined the model path (bert-base-uncased) and set up a binary classification model using AutoModelForSequenceClassification, with two labels: "Safe" and "Not Safe", and froze all base model parameters except for the pooling layers to fine-tune only those.

  3. Preprocessing:
    Tokenized the dataset using a preprocess_function, which applies truncation to the text inputs. The tokenized dataset was created using dataset_dict.map.

  4. Data Collation:
    Used DataCollatorWithPadding to handle padding while batching the data for training and evaluation.

  5. Metrics Loading:
    Loaded accuracy and ROC AUC score metrics using the evaluate library.

  6. Metric Computation:
    In the compute_metrics function, computed the ROC AUC and accuracy after applying softmax to the predictions to calculate class probabilities.

  7. Training Arguments:
    Defined hyperparameters including a learning rate of 2e-4, batch size of 8, and trained for 10 epochs. Strategies for logging, evaluation, saving checkpoints, and loading the best model were also set.

  8. Model Training:
    The Trainer class was initialized with the model, tokenizer, datasets, and metrics. The training process was executed using the train() method.

  9. Validation:
    After training, predicted the validation set using the model and computed the accuracy and ROC AUC scores using the compute_metrics function.

  10. Saving the Model:
    Saved the model to drive for future use.