This work makes up the backend of the system developed by ICCS for the Task 6.4 of the Praetorian H2020 Project.
BACKEND (Python 3) |
Praetorian H2020 Project |
Work Package 6: Response Coordination |
Task 4: Integration with Social Media |
The system consists of three modules:
A real-time security threat detection system that monitors the entirety of Twitter for posts that arouse suspicion regarding data breaches, cybersecurity vulnerabilities and potential terrorist threats on the Critical Infrastructures that pertain to the PRAETORIAN project.
Crisis Observatory (Crisis Observation: Identification of informative social media posts during crises)
A multimodal classification technique to both image and text elements of a tweet, in order to automatically detect those that contain valuable information quickly and effectively.
Post Recommendator (Recommendation of customizable social media posts targeting the public during crises)
After receiving an incident report, this module generates a prefilled social media post based on carefully crafted templates, and offers it to the security officer, who can then optionally edit it and post it.
docker run -dit [--env LOADML="true"] --env-file credentials.env [--gpus all] --log-driver local --name praetorian_backend --network host --restart unless-stopped uphilld/praetorian:backend
Print Logs:
docker logs praetorian_backend
Print help:
docker exec -it praetorian_backend /app/praetorian-backend/build/ help
This dockerized project utilizes exit codes to assist in identifying potential issues:
-2 : Error during POST request on Twitter
-3 : Error during GET request (stream) on Twitter
-4 : Error during GET request on IOP
-5 : Error while loading credentials
-6 : Error while reading file
-7 : Error while reading crawling rules on IOP
-8 : Error while reading CI identifiers on IOP
-9 : Error while receiving status flag from IOP
├ build
│ └ 🔒 external
│ ├ 📁 cache
│ ├ 📁 models
│ ├ credentials.env
│ └ github-key
├ common
└ docs
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