
noss auto mint scirpt.

Primary LanguagePython


noss auto mint scirpt.

🛫 All you need is to change your own private key.

private_key = "type_your_private_key_here"

Step1 install package

run below command in terminal
pip install --use-pep517 -r requirements.txt

pip install --use-pep517 -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

‼️ If you use windows, you can fllow the steps below

pip install -r requirements_in_win.txt
pip install -r requirements_in_win.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

Step2 change your private key

change your private key in noss_auto_sign.py file or noss_auto_sign_in_win.py (it depends on which file you decide to run.), just like below in line 293
private_key = "type_your_private_key_here" ->
private_key = "nsec1fn0vvudj4uz4wuu2jm9kpa4xhdydruee9f7tapj980ejncfte6ustyrd70"

⚠️ I just use a random private key here, you should use your own private key.

Step3 run script

run below command in terminal
python3 noss_auto_sign.py

‼️ if you use windows, you can run below command

python noss_auto_sign_in_win.py

Options u guys also can change the theread number

just change the thread_num in noss_auto_sign.py file, just like below
in line 299
thread_num = 10

By the way, if you want to generate multiple private keys, you can use the following command

python3 generate_multi_key.py